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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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If it was an Aqua Trax it will be a disaster, mainly because they've kept it a huge secret and to suddenly come out with "our new coaster will be an Aqua Track coaster", everyone that has been getting all excited over it will just say.......meh? Its an average coaster that is made better by themeing. If they didn't keep it a secret then it wouldn't be as bad.


And there lies the problem with Cedar Point's habit of always having to have the biggest, most, fastest, etc.

When they want to do a project that might not be in the adrenaline-junkies best interest, you get the possibility of people bashing what may turn out to be a really nice ride that your Aunt won't swoon just from the sight of!


People are already TO'd that they aren't getting a 30 million dollar duelling B&M flyer! That's rediculous.

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Actually, it's not going to be 500 feet. It will be 540 feet. Look at their past coasters: 205 feet, 310 feet, 420 feet... See the pattern? So their 500 foot coaster will be 540 feet, and then the 600 footer one will be 680 feet. Cedar Point will then skip right past 700 feet and go for 860 feet, then 1020 feet.

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Hopefully project 2007 includes new music that plays while Cedar Point resorts has you on hold.


I was just on hold for like 10 minutes. The damn song was just "Ride on snoopy, snoopy ride on yah yah yah yah yah". It just kept looping and looping and looping.


Now I'm going to have to resist the urge to punch snoopy when I get to the park.

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After reading this whole thread, I just think it is hilarious how the Cedar Point fanboys hate the idea of an Aqua Trax just because they don't like anything that doesn't go over 90mph and isn't a record breaker in height. First it was disappointment with another "flat ride" this year, and now these rumors. I'll have to head over to PointBuzz to see how many are crying over there

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^ For me I'm not really complaining about what ride they're getting. Consdiering we don't even know for sure yet.


What I keep complaining about is the aqua trax concept in general. I just don't understand what it is, or what sets it apart from the rest of the intamins.

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First of all, I am NOT a CP fanboy (though I was when I got this screen name).


Secondly, I was not mad at the fact they got new flat rides, as they are both (Skyhawk and maXair) awesome rides. The thing about an aquatrax is it just doesnt look cool to me at all. IMHO, I would rather have a cool flat ride, or even another mine train than an aquatrax. Mainly because the aquatrax is not proven, and I dont know much about it. Also, I am disapointed in CP for trying so many concepts. The last thing CP needs is another prototype disaster.


Justin "there, I let it all out" Seabaugh

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This "Aquatrax" rumor has gotten out of control.


CP took out a very popular water ride, why the heck would they add another? Why not just leave the old one.


I just don't see an Aqua anything at CP. Intamin water 'type' thrill rides and Cedar Fair do not a happy marriage make, cough Perilous Plunge cough cough.

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The Intamin Aqua Trax is nothing like the log flume Cedar Point removed. I was told in 2004 that an Aqua Trax was under development for a park called Cedar Point in Ohio. This info came from a few English speaking employees at Lotte World when I first got to ride the Atlantis Adventure there. An Intamin Aqua Trax would be a worthy addition to any park in America. It would make sense for Cedar Point to get one of these since the prototype has been built already and it works, plus no other park in America has one.

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I just don't think that an Aqua Trax would be very fun. The one at Lotte World looks really neat but it just doesn't seem like that great of a coaster. I would be much happier if CP got a great flat ride or a great coaster than one of these, but I can't really say considering I have never been on an Aqua Trax.

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I think it would make perfect sense for them to add a coaster/flume hybrid after taking out both log flumes. It raises their coaster count, and still lets them have a flume.


Until we actually see the design of this so-called Aqua Trax though, we really can't say how lame it could be. I'd be quite pleased if it was one of these, that way I don't have to go to Korea to ride one, and get trampled in the process!


Maybe they won't build it extreme, but Cedar Point should be more family oriented instead of having everything be either too kiddie or too extreme.

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I think that there is a chance that this could be an Aqua Trax except for the fact that construction is starting so early. I don't believe in all of CP's history has actual ground breaking began this early. The only reason I could see this happening for an Aqua Trax is that the ride would be getting great "advertisement"(well it already is!). I think that this is going to be a prototype that will be tested thoroughly before it opens.(CP does not want another Dragster) How long did the other Aqua Trax take to Construct?

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I am sick of all this talk about a water coaster. What in the H*** makes you think they are building a water coaster anyway. Just because a few of the MANY footers spread all around back of park are in water does not automaticly make the ride a water coaster. There are tons of footers in that dirt area, and after the antique cars are removed in the off-season, only about 10% of the construction area will even be over water.

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^ What makes you so sure it ISN'T a water coaster?


This is why I hate "rumor" threads, because everyone here has no idea what they're building, but then people get defensive about whatever wacky rumor they heard from the Dippin' Dots guy.

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Why would there be so many footers on dry land compared to the few in water if the ride is a WATER coaster. What, do you think they will expand that pond, or make a new one. The park is in the middle of a freakin lake more water is not what they need. The ride will be dry.

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The Intamin Aqua Trax is nothing like the log flume Cedar Point removed. I was told in 2004 that an Aqua Trax was under development for a park called Cedar Point in Ohio. This info came from a few English speaking employees at Lotte World when I first got to ride the Atlantis Adventure there. An Intamin Aqua Trax would be a worthy addition to any park in America. It would make sense for Cedar Point to get one of these since the prototype has been built already and it works, plus no other park in America has one.


Riiight... LOL! Pardon me if I don't buy that for a second. Why the heck would some employees in another country know what CP would be building? And I love how you qualified your nonsense buy adding, "a park called Cedar Point". As though they would care enough to remember the name of a park that means nothing to them. Nice try.


And my point was not that a flume and an Auqatrax are in anyway similar. Read what I posted again.

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I had no Idea that CP was removing the Antique Cars

Also it is true that only a few of the footers are over the water and the rest expands all over the area which the ride is in. < This also brings me to another point, I still think that the footers over the pond are interlocking corkscrews supports. < brings me to another point is that they hopefully are getting a looping coaster.

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I just have to laugh my butt off now because so many people now are taking this TOO SERIOUSLY! THIS ISN'T A CONTEST for crying out loud. Some here just need to relax. This is supposed to be a "GUESS" thread, not for people to be at each others throats and put another person down because of his/her OWN opinion. Did someone forget their Geritol tablets?.lol


Come on now...just relax...this is supposed to be a FUN thread in guessing what the ride(s) is. Now, it appears the deeper this thread has become, the more backlashing (between some members here) has become. If someone has an opinion(s), we have to respect it. Some of us here are basing our analysis on several criteria:

1. Look at the links from the pics posted (especially under the tarps)...LOOK

2. Analyze the construction zone "signs". CP is giving us clues toward the new attraction.

3. B&M vs. Intamin. The reason why many of us (including myself) are changing our views away from B&M is that the evidence, so far, is showing that it perhaps is an Intamin attraction. Case in point: 1-footers and 2-track configuration.


From my understanding, those that attend CP on a regular basis has noticed (including a past post I placed in this forum), the primary reason why many of us are predicting an "aqua-track" ride is because the area tends to lead towards the area it is placed in. It doesn't matter if some of the footer locations are on land or not (Look at SEA WORLD ride). Why does it just HAVE to be over water for it NOT to be an aqua-coaster?


It makes good economic sense (assuming a water-ride/coaster) to use an area which contained a previous (water ride) because much of the infrastructure already is present and will greatly reduce construction time and financial windfall from creating an entirely NEW infrastructure.


As I stated before, the pumping stations/equipment, the station/que, the run-off lake area. All of these items already exist. If anything, just some upgrades would need to be done (projecting a cost savings about 1-3 million; of which that savings could be incorporated into theming).


Finally, I will surely laugh at myself (and many others here) if we ALL are totally wrong and CP builds an entirely new ride concept that none of us has mentioned to date..


We can only assume at this point it has to be BIG (because this is Mr. Kinzels going away gift..lol) and I am quite sure, as an icon in this industry, he wants to go out with a BANG!

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OK Everyone


Before you post take a deep breath and think about what you typing and stay calm.


And what I have to say is after looking at pictures of Atlantis Adventure I believe that this coaster is going to be a AquaTrax. And also not all flume rides are built over top of a lake. Kumba9 summed up what I was thinking.

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The Intamin Aqua Trax is nothing like the log flume Cedar Point removed. I was told in 2004 that an Aqua Trax was under development for a park called Cedar Point in Ohio. This info came from a few English speaking employees at Lotte World when I first got to ride the Atlantis Adventure there. An Intamin Aqua Trax would be a worthy addition to any park in America. It would make sense for Cedar Point to get one of these since the prototype has been built already and it works, plus no other park in America has one.


I find it oddly conventiant that these types of rumours ALWAYS come up after a certain rumour has been deemed most likely.


Why did you not mention this before the Intamin track showed up? Only now that track shows up, rumours are a buzz, do you chime in saying "oh by the way I heard this 2 years ago".


It's like all conspiracy theories, they always seem to pop up only after the fact.

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