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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^ Maybe they'll build two coasters on the White Water Landing site if one of them is a ball coaster, since it doesn't take up too much space. It is such a huge space so I can see this happening. Besides the CP Blog said "put two and two together" but well just have to wait to find out what it really is.

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^Well I really dont think its going to be a Wing Walker, espcelailly with all the problems that TTD had, another accelerator/rocket coaster isnt what they need. Im actuially thinking an Intamin Flyer would probable, but other than that I really dont know whats happening there! It'll get a lot of hype and be only a slight bit of a let down, you'll see...


Colin C

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If they were getting the ball coaster it's footprint would most likely put it where Demon Drop curently is(which wasn't removed afterall).


I can't see them putting a small footprint coaster over where WWL was.


This construction is starting much ealier then even MF and TTD. So I'm kind of puzzled.

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Although that comment/post could be misleading, but I would ALSO venture a guess and say that CP could be building -2- coasters (together). Side by side? perhaps. But that last photo sure indicated it was an Intamin track configuration. I would wonder now on the type.

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It looks like the side of a bridge to me, but it does look like Intamin track too. I would be really suprised if they got another Intamin. And if they did why would they put the track out by Breakers Express, the parking lot by Gemini is much closer. Im very confused.

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I think that there is no way they're building 2 coasters. Sure it's whatshisname's last year, but that doesn't stop it from being crazy expensive. Expect one really well done coaster, which will blow people away, but not two. (unless the 2nd is a kiddie coaster)

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is it possible that this could be just maybe extra track for dragster? i mean maybe they saw or tested some TTD track and one part was a tad weaker than the others and they have this just in case that cracks or something?? just a thought

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is it possible that this could be just maybe extra track for dragster? i mean maybe they saw or tested some TTD track and one part was a tad weaker than the others and they have this just in case that cracks or something?? just a thought


I live in the city that tested steel for MF and TTD. I saw this track without it's paint before they were on site for CP construction. When it was shipped from Intamin to the US that is.


Dragster would have to be down for 1-2 months to replace track, it's opening this year. They would of said otherwise if they were replacing track, I know CP wouldn't pulls this outta their ass if it were true, with the Off season ending at 12 midnight tonight.

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I am kind of bummed that it is going to be Intamin (assuming it is). I was really hoping for B&M. Not that Intamin is bad, I just think they need something new, and what more could they get from Intamin that's not a prototype (which is definately not the direction CP needs to be going after TTD). I am practically going crazy trying to guess though, so its time for me to check out of this argument. I will be along for the ride, commenting on the way, but no speculations.

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