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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I am dissapointed too . They had all major coasters made by Intamin since 2000. I was just hopping maybe a B&M.

Anyway I think now that it would be a looping coaster. With a normal lift hill. Please, no more launch coasters for CP! I am getting kind of tired of it right now.

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A Wingwalker doesn't HAVE to be launched...all Intamin sitdown coasters use basically the same track design, maybe the one in Port Aventura will be a Stealth-type coaster with the new train design, and this one will have that type of train but possibly be a huge multilooper.


I was really convinced this was gonna be a B&M...perhaps Intamin has come up with a flying coaster design? Anyoen know if they've worked on one?

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is it possible that this could be just maybe extra track for dragster? i mean maybe they saw or tested some TTD track and one part was a tad weaker than the others and they have this just in case that cracks or something?? just a thought


Interesting point, the red seems to be the same found on Dragster..hmmm

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is it possible that this could be just maybe extra track for dragster? i mean maybe they saw or tested some TTD track and one part was a tad weaker than the others and they have this just in case that cracks or something?? just a thought


Interesting point, the red seems to be the same found on Dragster..hmmm


The track on TTD is all 4-rail or 2-rail box track. The shapes seen throught the tarp seem to be triangular. I don't think it's track for Dragster.


My money's on another Intamin prototype.



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It seems to be a Wing Walker. Maybe the Intmain's 4D? I believe the seats are not moving, but I hope I am wrong. There was plans of the Wing Walker comming to PortAventura somewhere on the web, I am searching for it.


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^But the one at Port Adventura is going to be Inverted.


Anyone thought of it being a kind of clone of Colossus (Thorpe Park) but with one or 2 more inversions, just so they can have 'that' record.



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With those photos on the last few pages, in comparison to the length, paint finish and steel edges from the Intamin Accelerator we got at Movie World last year, it's definitely Intamin track fo' show. And it's going to be big. The triangular piece on the right under the tarp has a very small radial curve, so I reckon you could narrow it down to a big Intamin... something.

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The sings say "We're going in a whole new direction" That is pretty interesting.


That could be a massive clue! It could mean a new direction of coasters, as in something completely new, or it could be something to do with the coaster its self.

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I have a couple of questions here.

1. I have never been to CP, but is that location in the "western-section"?

The sign(s) and area has that western-type feel, so that would be an indication they will use the 'Maverick' name for this attraction.

2. While I am curious on the type of "Intamin" ride now, could it be the aquatrax coaster as others have mentioned earlier, BUT A HYPER-VERSION? lol (I know that sounds funny, but I can tell you if anyone did a ride like this it more than likely be CP now).


I still thinking of a coaster (of some sort). I was a little 'iffy' on it being a water-coaster because the photo's showing their other water-ride in the background, but hey? perhaps if the signs (we are going in a different direction) is any indication, then it could be convincing in regards to a water-coaster ride.....but I would even pose a question....How about an aquatrax coaster in the format of wing-coaster (combination)?..lol ok..ok...enough..lol

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I was just thinking it could be an aquatrax coaster myself. I don't know if they would do a hyper version of it or opt for something more like Atlantis Adventure at Lotte World, but either way that would be interesting and having actually go into the lake would be going in a new direction literally and with the coaster styles they are building. I personally wish it wasn't an Intamin as Cedar Point seems to slowly being turned into Intamin Point, but any new ride will be good.

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So it looks like the top contender is a swooping Intamin wing-walker that may or may not have a launch. I'd say the lake turn is a pretty good give away.


Runners up would be the Aqua-Trax (probably) or a Ball-Coaster (probably not).


The more I look at the lake turn the more I see a Rita-esque layout with swooping direction changes. Hopefully they left some trees in that area.


Of course it's probably an inverted wooden rapids ride.


Can't wait for someone to post opening day pictures!



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^ Intamin's version of the 4D coaster.


Has anyone thought that it might be more on the family side? CP Has only had high speed record breaking coasters since 1999 with Woodstock Express.


Just a thought.


I guess an Aquatrax coaster could be considered a family coaster.

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Port Aventura's wing-walker is supposed to have inverted track and a Rita-esque layout so if it is this same style, I'd guess the layout would be similar.


Ball coaster?


The ball coaster is Intamin's version of the 4D. Individual cars that travel on a vertical axis similar to a S&S Screaming Squirrel. (The models I've seen only show it travelling in a vertical axis (no raven turns, just screamin squirrel style drops) The track on site rules out the ball coaster, I'd say.

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