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About VegasCoaster

  • Birthday 06/01/1986

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    San Francisco, CA
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  1. I'm headed to PortAventura in a few weeks and curious if there are any estimates for how long it'll take to go through the park on a Wednesday. Planning on doing it as a day trip from Barcelona on the train or maybe bus. I'm not anticipating much in terms of lines, but I'm not sure if their halloween theming and/or events is drawing larger crowds closer to Halloween (we'll be going the 30th). We'll certainly want to get all the credits and get in some other rides / enjoy the park, but we might want to not close the park down and head back to Barcelona to get more culture time in if that's reasonable.
  2. Candymonium at Hersheypark. Guess the park isn't required, would be weird if it was at any other park.
  3. Can someone explain to me how Eejanika is tied with Smiler for 14 inversions? That one always confused me since watching it its clear its far fewer than that. RCDB has it listed as 3 now, but I swear a ways back they had the 14.
  4. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I didn't really have any issues with Skyrush. They do release the restraints a bit on the brake run, so you get some relief then. I will say the ride ops tended to be very staple happy (like put full body weight when pushing down) on Skyrush and a lot of other rides, so I'm not sure how much you can control things aside from maybe trying to lift your legs / flex your quads when they go to staple you.
  5. The point of entry for the fast track is at the bottom of the stairs for the station. When I was there Monday/Tuesday that looked like it would have cut the maximum 30 minute wait in half, so not really all that worth it IMO. Sounds like a decent plan of attack. The app wait times generally don't seem to be too accurate for all the rides unfortunately. When I was there, Candymonium becomes almost a walk on in the afternoon since there isn't much else in that area of the park. Reese's Cupfusion was a cute ride, but starts the day at an hour wait and doesn't drop down from that. Never saw Lightning Racer get more than a 10 minute wait, so I'd just do those when you're in the neighborhood unless you want to go up that hill a bunch. Seconding many people's recommendations of Chocolatier. Its a fair bit more expensive than most of the other food in the park, but offers unique options you won't get anywhere else.
  6. Yea, we're hoping the preview night has decent weather, but the weather for most of next week looks dire. I'm hoping whatever front is going through takes its time getting there and we get one good day. I'd be tempted to do their skip the line pass, but I've heard its not that helpful, so we'll just cross our fingers. Thanks for the tips!
  7. I'm slated to go to Hersheypark in about a week, but so far there's forecasted rain and thunderstorms every day we are there. What are operations like at Hersheypark in the rain / lightning? I assume everything shuts down for lightning, but do they try and keep most things open if there aren't thunderstorms in the area? What are the best things to do in Hershey if the park is rained out?
  8. Luckily planning to go the last week of July so I'll manage to get the credit.
  9. The company that bought the land specializes in industrial real estate (warehouses mainly), so my guess is something like an amazon fulfillment center. They only bought the land in 2019, I'm curious how much earlier this would have happened had they owned the land for longer. I have to imagine that given the pandemic and the short duration of time that it didn't appreciate a ton. Being able to turn a huge profit on the land sale to offset pandemic losses on the chain as a whole is probably a good business decision, but sucks to lose my favorite local park.
  10. On a very slight technicality, you'll be going ever so slightly faster if you're further from the center of the ride, so higher = faster.
  11. If I have one ride on Phoenix in a day, where should I try and sit? Front? Back? I’ve heard of a magic seat but googling didn’t yield too many solid hits.
  12. What are lines like on a weekday in the summer? I might be driving through PA and am trying to be greedy by stopping at Knoebels on the way to Kennywood from the Boston area since I don't have time to do both. Might be there at 5 or so and have 2, maybe 3 hours there. Also, anyone have insider info on when Flying Turns might open? Not trying to get my hopes up, but sounded like there was a chance it was nearing the end of its downtime.
  13. Went to CGA Monday and had a blast. Lines were a breeze right at opening. Managed to get 4 rides on RailBlazer and 1 on Gold Striker in the first hour and a half or so. This was my first time on RailBlazer, which was absolutely nutty, especially in the back. Gold Striker needs some TLC or topper track, but was still decently fun. Also got rides on Patriot and Flight Deck, both of which had decently long and slow moving lines due to training new staff or just slow ops (45 min and 1 hour+, respectively). My car on flight deck was a little odd as the whole thing vibrated just going through the station / up the lift, which I haven't had on a B&M. The park claimed that ride wait times would be updated on the app, which was 100% useless as the ride times were woefully wrong and had rides that were closed shown as open (and vice versa). Demon and Grizzly were both down, and I saw someone on a boom lift looking at the top of one of Demon's loops, so no idea when that'll open. Didn't go on any flats or the park's one operating water ride since the line was predictably long on a hot day (until Southbay Shores opens). They didn't seem to be selling FastPass (at least in the AM), which I found odd considering it'd be an easy way to make a bit more money, and we would have gladly bought it. COVID protocols weren't really enforced by staff except for a few. Distancing was probably the biggest issue, though there were definitely a number of maskless people in lines, on rides etc. along with the usual line jumping.
  14. Hilarious. Thanks for the TR and the sexy sexy photos of Hakugei.
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