I'd rather go to a small park than one of the major chain parks any day.
I actually have plans to visit WWW and Joyland in June (provided it's actually open). Part of me is just pissed at the park, the city, and the whole situation. I'm trying to find out if anything is actually going to happen with the park before I drive all the way out to Witchita.
I actually have a historical connection to Joyland. My stepdad grew up around Witchita and has told me stories about when he was a teen his friends and him would wander around the park at night and drink behind the coaster. I've got to visit for this tenuous family connection alone!
I'm not bagging on your guy's park at all. I've been to Uncle Bernies, I know that there are much worse parks than Joyland! I just hope the park gets going in a few months. Otherwise what the hell am I going to do? I sure as hell don't want to drive across Nebraska again!
Joyland, please run your crappy coaster soon. I need to trespass and get drunk underneath it this summer!