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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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After seeing your side profile of RMC Streak on the first drop in your second update, this ride is no doubt going to have a 90 degree first drop. In order to accommodate that and based on the lift hill angle I really think we're going to see a 250 foot drop, followed by some pretty quickly circuited elements. Awesome photos and thanks so much for sharing! Coastermania seems to be the *THE ULTIMATE* Cedar Point event to attend if you want legitimate ERT.

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After seeing your side profile of RMC Streak on the first drop in your second update, this ride is no doubt going to have a 90 degree first drop. In order to accommodate that and based on the lift hill angle I really think we're going to see a 250 foot drop, followed by some pretty quickly circuited elements. Awesome photos and thanks so much for sharing! Coastermania seems to be the *THE ULTIMATE* Cedar Point event to attend if you want legitimate ERT.


14 straight rides on magnum without getting off... it hurt so good

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After seeing your side profile of RMC Streak on the first drop in your second update, this ride is no doubt going to have a 90 degree first drop. In order to accommodate that and based on the lift hill angle I really think we're going to see a 250 foot drop, followed by some pretty quickly circuited elements. Awesome photos and thanks so much for sharing! Coastermania seems to be the *THE ULTIMATE* Cedar Point event to attend if you want legitimate ERT.


14 straight rides on magnum without getting off... it hurt so good


Does it beat you up due to the fact it is an extreme and violent ride, or just because it is rough?

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Does it beat you up due to the fact it is an extreme and violent ride, or just because it is rough?




Honestly though, you can learn to love it. If you use the seatbelt trick then you can avoid slamming into the bars on the airtime hills. The ride is a bit rough at the bottom of the first drop and through the pretzel but not enough to matter to me. The ride's imperfections are why it's so good, and honestly it's a refreshing change from most of the B&M hypers out there. They're all fun, they're all super re-rideable but Magnum has balls and it has a unique and insane brand of airtime.

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Thanks people. I may never get to ride it, but it is nice to understand this coaster. From what I have learned, it seems to be one which people find rough if they don't 'understand' the ride. That is fine. I would probably call it jolty. But I also get it that it is part of the ride. Interesting.

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Just got back from my annual Ohio trip to Coastermania. Some thoughts:


The weather could not have been more perfect. Mid 70's, sunny. And the lines were very manageable.


Early morning ERT:

Did Millenium Force 2X with no wait. Left the park and had breakfast at Perkins. I highly recommend saving your money and staying at the Breakers. Convenient, beautiful, and just a short walk to the park. When the new wing opens next year, I wouldn't be surprised if they tear down Breakers East and do a mirror construction on the other side with a 10 story tower and 6 story wing.


Longest line of the day: the French Fry stand on the main midway. They had kiosks where you order. Then you stand in another line and pay. Then stand in a 3rd line to get your food which is NOT ready. Why even have kiosks? Also, the cashier had no idea what the Platinum Pass deal was.


the past, you buy one order of fries and get a 2nd order and 2 drinks free. This year? Who knows! They THOUGHT it was chili cheese fries but someone else said it was mini corn dogs. How about posting WHAT it is so employees don't have to guess?


Brew and BBQ: worth the $$. Good food, great beer (if you're into that), and decent desserts this year.


Evening ERT. Headed to Dragster in time to see a rollback and have it shut down. Maverick also was having issues. So rode Magnum while disgruntled and entitled "enthusiasts" complained to the Magnum staff about how they should get a refund.


Hey jackasses: you just had 17+ hours in the park with 4 hours of ERT, awesome weather, good lunch and a cruise, a tshirt and pin, and you wanna complain? I'm with Robb on this one. People suck.


Saturday drove down to Kings Island and some Mystic Timbers. And apparently, so did half of Cincinnati. Park was VERY crowded, so coughed up the $83 for FastLane Plus. WELL worth it! Did Beast, Racer, Diamondback, Flight of Fear, Mine Ride (forget the name), and Mystic Timbers twice and waited maybe 30 minutes total.


Mystic Timbers is fun BUT I hope they maintain it. If it gets rough, that last 1/2 will be unbearable. It was closed most of the day, but when it reopened, the line was 2 hours long.


The Beast needs some TLC. I would LOVE for RMC to take it over, but the fanboys would probably freak if they changed anything.


Back in Orlando now and ready for my 1st ride on Flights of Passage tomorrow!























Edited by pianojohn
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The Beast needs some TLC. I would LOVE for RMC to take it over, but the fanboys would probably freak if they changed anything.



I'm with ya, they could turn that thing into something completely insane, but yeah fanboys the world over would freak .

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Evening ERT. Headed to Dragster in time to see a rollback and have it shut down. Maverick also was having issues. So rode Magnum while disgruntled and entitled "enthusiasts" complained to the Magnum staff about how they should get a refund.


Hey jackasses: you just had 17+ hours in the park with 4 hours of ERT, awesome weather, good lunch and a cruise, a tshirt and pin, and you wanna complain? I'm with Robb on this one. People suck.


God, that's ridiculous. Just ride awesome hypercoaster and shut up. I agree with you entirely. People suck.


The Beast needs some TLC. I would LOVE for RMC to take it over, but the fanboys would probably freak if they changed anything.


I honestly thought it was running great. It's always thrown you around a little but that's sort of it's thing. Beast is perfect as far as I'm concerned. For once I agree with the fanboys.

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Evening ERT. Headed to Dragster in time to see a rollback and have it shut down. Maverick also was having issues. So rode Magnum while disgruntled and entitled "enthusiasts" complained to the Magnum staff about how they should get a refund.


Hey jackasses: you just had 17+ hours in the park with 4 hours of ERT, awesome weather, good lunch and a cruise, a tshirt and pin, and you wanna complain? I'm with Robb on this one.



Oh yeah. Have similar stories.


And to COMPLAIN when most everything had been walk on all day?


People ARE entitled babies


Know what we did for evening ERT?


Knowing we had fp+ on Saturday and having gotten Multiple rides on stuff during day due to short waits --- we did flyers


And Wilderness Run. Yep got the credit. Before just heading back to Breakers at midnight

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Uggghhh...I'm so sick of hearing about people complaining at coaster ERT events. It's like these people don't even have a clue how life could be so much worse than not getting a couple of the bigger coasters for an ERT session.


Other than MF, Magnum is my personal favorite coaster to ride at night at CP. I love it to be my last ride of the night before heading back to Camper Village (damn, I meant Lighthouse Point) or The Breakers. It really is a great way to close out a great day of coaster riding.

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Ah, so that's where all the malcontents were -- bruising their thighs on Magnum during evening ERT! I mentioned this in my TR, but I didn't have any issues with the Coastermania crowds. Sounds like I did miss out on a few of the problem children.

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Ah, so that's where all the malcontents were -- bruising their thighs on Magnum during evening ERT! I mentioned this in my TR, but I didn't have any issues with the Coastermania crowds. Sounds like I did miss out on a few of the problem children.



I did not run into any problem children either, but I did become a baby on Magnum. In a moment of infinite wisdom I decided to adjust my seat belt right before a drop, what resulted was a thumb that was mangled between the belt and the restraint. Bloodied and sad I walked back to Breakers, ERT the winner, and I, just another victim of it's awesomeness.

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My while group was more than happy to keep on riding magnum. Screw the other 2 rides.

Magnums roughness doesn't really bother me, in fact it's part of what makes the ride great to me. Like bill said, it gives the ride a little personality that most newer B&Ms lack. Not that I don't like those newer rides, but it's nice to have some rides like magnum that still jostle you around a little bit.

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Ah, so that's where all the malcontents were -- bruising their thighs on Magnum during evening ERT! I mentioned this in my TR, but I didn't have any issues with the Coastermania crowds. Sounds like I did miss out on a few of the problem children.



I did not run into any problem children either, but I did become a baby on Magnum. In a moment of infinite wisdom I decided to adjust my seat belt right before a drop, what resulted was a thumb that was mangled between the belt and the restraint. Bloodied and sad I walked back to Breakers, ERT the winner, and I, just another victim of it's awesomeness.


yah. . your thumb looked like it hurt!. . .but I remember Gordon's name! (so there's that )


we actually ended up over the 3 days at the park, riding Magnum 4 times (maybe 5), using the seat-belt trick.. . and I LOVED it.


it was really only rough in the Pretzel turn around (shaky!). . .but any rides in front (or in front half of train) were smooooooth-ish.


the one time we rode in back car?. .that was a bit rougher than I prefer, but still not too bad.

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it was really only rough in the Pretzel turn around (shaky!). . .but any rides in front (or in front half of train) were smooooooth-ish.


the one time we rode in back car?. .that was a bit rougher than I prefer, but still not too bad.


My mistakes:

1) Riding in the very last row.

2) Not doing the seat belt trick. Really should have remembered that one.

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Coastermania seemed like it could have been a really fun time. But for me, after watching the video and hearing a small portion of the train conversation, including a grown man mimicking a train whistle, "chooo chooo," I think that covers everything I need to know about Coastermania. One of my many flaws includes not being able to turn my blinders off to keep obnoxious behavior from itching me. Looks like a great opportunity to get some unique views and ERT, though. Glad everyone had a good time. Melt looks great, but every picture I've seen shows it mostly empty. I assumed the patio would be swamped throughout all hours.


I may never get to ride it
I would probably call it jolty.

??? I would best describe the forces on Sky Rush as swift. Except, I've never ridden Skyrush... ???


I'm with ya, they could turn that thing into something completely insane, but yeah fanboys the world over would freak .

Why is it that you have to be a fanboy to appreciate what the ride currently is? Not every good ride needs to be filled with quick direction changes and ejector airtime. Seems to make better financial sense to save RMC for the rides that have low ridership.

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I think I could deal with the coastermania crowd in order to get all of the ERT. I am really considering it for next year with what is being worked on.

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I think I could deal with the coastermania crowd in order to get all of the ERT. I am really considering it for next year with what is being worked on.


the morning ERT was absolutely worth getting up early and attending the event for (not to mention the T-shirt, the pin, the lunch (edible. . not *fantastic* food, but edible), and the Boat Ride).


we did get behind a couple in the incoming queue that felt the need to 'explain' to us how great the event "used to be". .and spoke at length about how slow Gatekeeper is, and used to be better (shocker, it feels PLENTY fast when you're on it, and I rode it at least 6 times during our visit). But easy enough to just tune out the over-chatty enthusiasts, right?


we skipped the Q&A, but only because the park was so dead (and the weather so great) that we just continued riding our way around the park thruout the rest of the day instead of stopping to go to it. It worked out well anyways, since I had a great conversation w/ the "curator" of the museum over in Frontiertown on Monday that gave me some interesting tid-bits I'll put in my trip report).


the Evening ERT was plagued with issues on Maverick and TTD, but as I may have mentioned, that didn't matter to us, since we had ridden both during the day, and knew we'd have other opportunites the following days. . .


it's a great event.


and actually, on the next night (Sat), CP let us stay after close to watch them rehearse (full run thru, but without costumes) the Luminosity show that opens this coming weekend!


overall, just a fantastic park, and I'd recommend not only going for CM! but stay the next day too.

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