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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I love Blue Streak! It has been 12 years since I've been to CP, but I remember Blue Streak having awesome airtime!

I loved it last year. It's like a smaller Screamin' Eagle. The air is real.


Edit: Now that I think more about, Rougarou probably would be in my bottom half just because of how good all of CP's coasters are. I still love the ride, but it's hard to compete with TTD, MF, Gatekeeper, Valravn, and Maverick. At any other park, Rougarou would probably be a top ride, but at CP, it's definitely average.

That's really how I feel about it. Rougarou is my #2 floorless after Superman at Fiesta Texas, but there are so many good coasters at CP that it's hard for one to stick out unless it's really an elite ride. That may be the source of the disappointment over the post-recession four: They got Gatekeeper, Pipe Scream, Rougarou, and Valravn in four years. As an aside, anyone who's complaining about four coasters in four years doesn't have any real problems. But none of those were really better than what they already had, so they seemed lesser. In reality, each is arguably the best of its kind, and is unquestionably among the best. Cedar Point is great as it is, and I would go back right now with nothing new, just because of how awesome its existing rides are. It needs nothing else, but they continue to innovate. I'm really hoping to be able to get back there next year for this beautiful monstrosity rising from Mean Streak's ashes--but just as much to ride the three coasters that are already in my top 5.

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Blue Streak? Raptor? Lower than the Mine Ride and Iron Dragon?


Yeah this is crazy talk. We loved Blue Streak and Raptor. I don't know how anyone could hate Raptor. We loved Blue Streak so much we ran around for a second lap since there was only a tiny wait. And Mine Ride is really crap and Iron Dragon is cool but eh.


Happy to see everyones in agreement that Corkscrew really is the worst thing there.

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Yeah, Raptor and Blue Streak are awesome! It's been a few years since I've been to the park, but the front row on Blue Streak wasn't too rough, and even if it was, the airtime would be worth it. It's a nice little ride. And Raptor is one of my top 3 rides in the park. It's wasn't rough, but again, even if it was, the forcefulness would be so worh the pain!!!

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I'm a big fan of Blue Streak, even having it ahead of some of the other more vaunted coasters there like TTD, just because I have such a great time on it, and yes, the airtime is real! Now, I do almost always ride in the front, and I've had some less stellar rides further back. And no, I didn't get to ride when I went earlier this year... But still, I'm pretty surprised to see some of the negativity for the coaster, because I've grown in appreciation for the coaster more and more as the years have gone on, and really enjoy it!


And yes, Corkscrew is the worst (not counting the joke that is Wilderness Run), and Mine Ride and Iron Dragon are really, really boring excuses for family coasters as well, which is funny, because both were my "favorite roller coaster" at one time, growing up as a kid!

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Mine Ride and Iron Dragon are really, really boring excuses for family coasters as well, which is funny, because both were my "favorite roller coaster" at one time, growing up as a kid!


If they were your favorite roller coasters when you were a kid, then it seems to me that they do a pretty damn good job at being family roller coasters.


Well, you've got to keep in mind that when I was a kid (and I should say "young kid"), was in the early to mid 80's, and they were actually some of the better coasters at CP. Compare them to newer "family coasters" that are available nowadays, and they pale in comparison. Iron Dragon is ok, but it's just arguably the weakest of the Arrow Suspended coaster models. And Mine Ride is arguably the weakest Mine Train Coaster model I've been on. So when I look at CP's coaster collection, I see it being loaded at the top, and even middle, with a sharp drop-off to where the bottom coasters aren't very good at all.

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I suppose I shouldn't say Iron Dragon "isn't very good at all", but objectively, Mine Ride is pretty bad... Sure, as an 8 year old back in the days when Gemini was the "BIG" coaster at CP, CCMR was high thrills. But is hasn't aged well, and my kids in that age range today aren't even into it. Sure we can agree to disagree, but I have no problem saying CCMR isn't a good coaster, and frankly, it should be removed, and that huge plot of land should be used for something better that would actually be enjoyed by a much wider range of people (my personal choice would be a B&M Flyer, but I know that's likely a pipe dream! ) I think Woodstock's Express is a better coaster than CCMR, for example. But again, to each their own, I guess...

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While I don't think Mine Ride is exactly a bad ride it is a pretty crappy mine train and I wouldn't be at all upset if they removed it. Not only is it one of the crappier mine trains but it's hard to call it a family coaster when it has the same height requirement as Millennium Force. Then again... Pipe Scream and Woodstock's Express also have 48 inch height requirements which is complete bullsh*t.


Iron Dragon's height requirement was also bumped up to 48 inches but Iron Dragon is a much better ride than Mine Ride can ever dream of being. It's the worst Arrow suspended coaster almost by default but it's still a fun ride.

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I suppose I shouldn't say Iron Dragon "isn't very good at all", but objectively, Mine Ride is pretty bad... Sure, as an 8 year old back in the days when Gemini was the "BIG" coaster at CP, CCMR was high thrills. But is hasn't aged well, and my kids in that age range today aren't even into it. Sure we can agree to disagree, but I have no problem saying CCMR isn't a good coaster, and frankly, it should be removed, and that huge plot of land should be used for something better that would actually be enjoyed by a much wider range of people (my personal choice would be a B&M Flyer, but I know that's likely a pipe dream! ) I think Woodstock's Express is a better coaster than CCMR, for example. But again, to each their own, I guess...



I would guess CCMR is not going anywhere..and they don't need the space.


there is that large area just next to it from the Shoot the Rapids ride. . . . which IS going to get used.

(heh. . a tease to keep you reading my Trip Report. . LOL. . . since this area is one of the things i talked about with the Town Hall Museum Curator when I was there on Monday)

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Pipe Scream ... also have 48 inch height requirements which is complete bullsh*t.


That is purely the manufacturers guide lines. All rides of this type have a 1.2m or 48" height restriction, so you cannot really say it is bad. The worst one I have seen is Chessington's Rattle snake, which is a 1.4m height restriction, which is absolutely rubbish. You can ride the bigger version (XXL) at the fair at only 1.1m, and that one does not operate the trims. Oh well, it keeps the queues down for me, but when I was smaller, damn it was annoying.

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Pipe Scream ... also have 48 inch height requirements which is complete bullsh*t.


That is purely the manufacturers guide lines. All rides of this type have a 1.2m or 48" height restriction, so you cannot really say it is bad.


Sorry, try again.

PS: Surf Dog is operated by the same chain and is located in the same state.

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While I don't think Mine Ride is exactly a bad ride it is a pretty crappy mine train and I wouldn't be at all upset if they removed it. Not only is it one of the crappier mine trains but it's hard to call it a family coaster when it has the same height requirement as Millennium Force. Then again... Pipe Scream and Woodstock's Express also have 48 inch height requirements which is complete bullsh*t.


Yeah, I get why they do that, but it really negatively affects the ability of people with younger kids to go on the ride in spite of the systems being entirely safe for smaller riders. Dahlonega Mine Train has identical everything to CCMR and it's 42", for example. All of this to save a little money? Meh.

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Well here I am going into season #6 as a CP employee. Here is my 3rd annual processing-in video.




I watched this video and looked for your two previous processing-in vids. Really nicely done! It's fascinating to me to hear about the inner workings of parks and that includes the employees as well as the rides. What sort of camera and stabilization setup did you use for the most recent two videos? It's extremely clear and steady.

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Pipe Scream ... also have 48 inch height requirements which is complete bullsh*t.


That is purely the manufacturers guide lines. All rides of this type have a 1.2m or 48" height restriction, so you cannot really say it is bad.


Sorry, try again.

PS: Surf Dog is operated by the same chain and is located in the same state.

Interesting! I stand corrected. I looked at a range of the versions of the rides, and saw that they all had the same height restriction. I know where I went wrong though, I was looking at the outward seating Zamperla rides, my knowledge of small Cedar point rides is not so good. I knew pipe scream was a Zamperla shuttle thing with a hump, but did not know the seating arrangements. Sorry.

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I enjoy Iron Dragon for what it is. Aside from Dragster it was really the only ride we didn't get to ride on our most recent trip that I was even slightly disappointed about missing.

It's actually a pretty decent ride. My only issue with it is that I had ridden the Bat at Kings Island the previous day. The inevitable comparison left me thinking less of Iron Dragon than I otherwise would have. It's no Ninja, but I had fun on it.

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Speaking of Iron Dragon, VR started today. Same video as last year. Still no sound. This year though they are operating it like six flags does with their VR. 2 trains were running with about 5 minutes between dispatches. Since its the first day, I expect those times to get even better which is great.

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Speaking of Iron Dragon, VR started today. Same video as last year. Still no sound. This year though they are operating it like six flags does with their VR. 2 trains were running with about 5 minutes between dispatches. Since its the first day, I expect those times to get even better which is great.

I've had worse at Six Flags... When Shockwave was running VR at SFOT one day, the dispatches were 12 min. or more

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Speaking of Iron Dragon, VR started today. Same video as last year. Still no sound. This year though they are operating it like six flags does with their VR. 2 trains were running with about 5 minutes between dispatches. Since its the first day, I expect those times to get even better which is great.

I've had worse at Six Flags... When Shockwave was running VR at SFOT one day, the dispatches were 12 min. or more


What exactly do they have to do that is so time consuming? I've still never had the opportunity to ride a coaster with VR integrated. Do they have to be re-calibrated for every run? Because I can't imagine getting them properly fastened to everyone's head could take much longer than buckling and locking everyone in.

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Speaking of Iron Dragon, VR started today. Same video as last year. Still no sound. This year though they are operating it like six flags does with their VR. 2 trains were running with about 5 minutes between dispatches. Since its the first day, I expect those times to get even better which is great.

I've had worse at Six Flags... When Shockwave was running VR at SFOT one day, the dispatches were 12 min. or more


What exactly do they have to do that is so time consuming? I've still never had the opportunity to ride a coaster with VR integrated. Do they have to be re-calibrated for every run? Because I can't imagine getting them properly fastened to everyone's head could take much longer than buckling and locking everyone in.

They are already calibrated. There were 3 or 4 ride operators and around 8-10 people doing VR. It takes no time to put the headsets on either.


I hope CP has a lot better operations.

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