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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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What you see comes from the cottonwood trees. It was pretty thick during the weekend. Although, the muffle-heads were starting to come out in the evenings. They normally are very bad during Coastermania, but seemed to be delayed this year. Yes, they taste like chicken...

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I've got to be honest, I really don't mind the muffleheads or mayflies. They don't bite and they're apparently a sign of a healthy lake. Given the algae blooms they've been dealing with the real concern would be if they weren't currently invading the peninsula.

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I bought a couple of buffs from REI specifically because of reading about muffleheads on this forum. The park wasn't open late enough for night rides but we saw plenty of them coming back from dinner in Sandusky.

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Hi I am not sure about when it might happen, however I did see a tweet that mentioned this fall for Halloweekends. I think it could be possible since, they have a lot done. The other thing that gives me the idea is that they shut down mean streak and buried it in the fall. It would be cool kind of have like a resurrection around the same time a year later. Who knows I would love that since I will be out there Columbus Day weekend like last year.


If you made me make a bet I would say were in for a 2018 opening like most people. But with all the progress that has been happening lately a Halloweekend may have a distance chance. They could announce it and plug 2018 season passes that include one Halloweekend visit in 2017 to try out the new beast in attempt to get some more sales if they could open it this fall.

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A total stranger tweeted out that his buddy is on Intagram and this buddy well he kinda knows someone who he says wrote on LinkedIn that Cedar Point's going to smash the old Mean Streak's "world's strongest trims" record on the first drop, which is such a cool reveal that they're saving it for last, and that it'll be an even harder-hitting set of trims this time around. #MorePlausibleThanTwoDuelingCoasters #NotHappening


The ride looks great. My thanks to everybody who took & shared awesome pictures from this past week.

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So the park is experiencing another power outage? They sent out a tweet but didn't give much information other than that they know there is an outage. This almost has to be exactly a year since the outage last year.


Edit: Gatekeeper also has a train stopped at the mid-course brakes right now, is it normal for them to stop trains there? The ride appears to be closed.

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It's odd for sure. It's impacting parts of the park but the affected rides seem to be spread out all over the place.


It seems like Blue Streak, Mine Ride, Corkscrew, Gemini, Iron Dragon, Magnum, Millennium, Raptor, Pipe Scream and Rougarou are running and all other coasters are down. Gatekeeper seems to be stopped on the midcourse. Dragster is down but who knows if that has anything to do with the power outage.


... did you catch that little nugget? I put it there just to piss you off.

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Windseeker and SkyRide must have also been affected because they are now open again, but MaxAir and the ferries wheel remained open. I would have expected the park to have power everywhere or nowhere, but that's obviously not the case, which is smart on their part. This way they can have a power outage and half the park can still be operational.


Edit: I don't understand the people on social media who are complaining about this outage and wanting free stuff. Half the park was closed for an hour of your day for something out of CP's control. It's really not that big of a deal.

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Only back end of park was affected -- past TTD


Valravn & gatekeeper down NOT duh to pf. Maverick. Yes and they are still trying to get up


TTD down all day really so not due to failure


Most everything back up as of a while ago. Other than longer lines for stub at front of park? NO impact to our enjoyment of the day. Sheesh people.



And got to meet password working back row of millennium force. He recognized me and Nrthwnd

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Only back end of park was affected -- past TTD


Valravn & gatekeeper down NOT duh to pf. Maverick. Yes and they are still trying to get up


Gatekeeper had to evac from the mid course and Valravn stopped with riders at the top of the hill, both at the exact same time. Valravn, Wicked Twister, Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster and others also closed at exactly the same time (around 12:30).


Those rides seemingly all went down due to the power problems.


This site pulls the data from the app. Click on any of these rides, go to "last week" and you'll see what I mean when you scroll over the graph. They all went down at the same time.


PS: Non coaster rides are listed as closed because they're not pulling data from the app, ignore those. This is a great source of wait time information but ONLY for coasters, Maxair, Power Tower and Skyhawk.

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Could have been a blip we saw valravn stuck but since raptor and blue streak were still running (we were in chi kid and petes). So assumed unrelated.


Gatekeeper was down BEFORE we went into restaurant and valravn was still moving then



TTD we've seen run with people less than a dozen times and when on iron dragon a couple of hours ago we saw the techs working on one of the cars on the return portion of track. After not seeing it run.


We're shopping in maverick store. So still down but just started testing. We just watched them send empty car

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Edit: I don't understand the people on social media who are complaining about this outage and wanting free stuff. Half the park was closed for an hour of your day for something out of CP's control. It's really not that big of a deal.


Life lesson for you, People are dumb.


an example beyond what you're seeing at CP today. I attended Rock On The Range in Columbus again this year (big major 3 day rock and metal fest outdoors) It rained off and on all weekend. Set times were messed up and some bands had to overlap. All but two bands got to the play out of the 60 there. Had you looked at social media you would think everything was canceled and they were purposely the weather to make themselves more money. In reality weather affects outdoor activities and the venue did a very good job of evacuating and making sure people were safe. They also did a very good job of getting curfew pushed back and making sure everyone got full set times other than the two that had to leave for other engagements.

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We're taking day off today to relax and meet friends from Cleveland (hate we don't get to see you Phil!)

Back to park tomorrow.


Having a great time despite maverick's frustration-- seriously went down MULTIPLE times when we were litterally two trains away. Several different times. Still have gotten multiple rides in.


Oh and EVERY coaster. Even wilderness run. Was ert for adults during cm so bill and I rode. Lol


Zo -- you must have been on 10am cruise w us. Too bad we didn't get to say hi


But did spend 8 or so hours w tbpony &a her mom Dianne during day of cm. What fabulous people!


Also bumped into Aimee and her hubby Gordon at breakers on thurs night and spent last night in bar with them and others until 2am having a blast (she brought out a cheese plate from her room) LOL


So trip report in the next week. TONS of photos. We're having a blast. If you didn't say hi to us. Why not!!!!!


BBQ & brews was great too. The chocolate beer and the apple pie cider were my favorites



Glad to hear that you guys are having a blast, Bert...sure wish that we could have been there to hang out with the four of you! But in all fairness, I was able to get a ton of much needed yard work done, including a memory garden built for the two cats (buried next to one another) and tons of dead branches cut down from the pines and willow tree in the back yard.


Looking forward to you and Bill's trip report(s)!

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TTD was down for power failure, one of the ride ops told me they were without power for 3-4 hours. But it also didn't open with the park this morning and has been spotty since (we got pulled back off the launch track two separate times since power was restored). Had a great morning at the park and we have another day and a half after today so I'm not worried and I'm still having a great time.


Riding GateKeeper and Valravn through a cloud this morning was pretty awesome before the day cleared up.


Also, Melt is everything I dreamed it would be.

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I was there in the middle of last week for a couple days. After not going for over a decade to Cedar Point this has been two years in a row so I have a better feel for the rides I think. Last visit was great and I found I had even better rides on some coasters this year. Loved my visit. Honestly I could go and just watch and listen to the rides, they are all so vibrant and glorious looking (Raptor especially, my goodness). Frontierland and the lakeside midway have a special atmosphere about them rare for a park of Cedar Points scale.


Some random thoughts for anyone that cares;


Valravn was solid last year but really fun this time I rode it. I seemed to be less stapled in by the vest restraint this time and got air on the drop. The dive loop and roll also had very nice floaty sensations that were much more pronounced than last time. Surprisingly I also got air on that last hill. Was very impressed by it this time. Wanted to ride it a few more times during early entry but it was down, didn't mind. Too many good rides in the park, so I headed to Maverick instead. Also had the best ride I ever had on Magnum. Literally smoothest I have ever seen it. Odd because the people in front of me and behind me complained how brutal it was. Definitely a ride that depends on where you sit I think (new hot take right there). Maverick was great as usual, got to ride 3-4 times in early admissions with very little wait. I actually don't find Maverick that intense of a ride but very fun. Gatekeeper is honestly a meh ride that looks great offride but doesn't do a whole lot for me ridewise. Skyhawk by far the best flat ride in the park, could ride it all day. Rode Rougarou after skipping it last year. Wish I skipped this year. First 30 seconds I was like "okay this isn't to bad", latter part of the ride tried to detach my brainstorm.


Cedar Point express was very clean and staffed by nice people. Only issue was the room cards. Had like 5 different ones. Sometimes they would let me into the building and not the room, other times room not building and other times nothing at all but not really that big a deal. Had some nice portraits of Raptor and Valravn in my room to sleep under. Good times.

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I got pics from our room at breakers


Will post later this week


Oh and ended my last day w back to back rides on MF. (After Ttd broke down while in line and THEN maverick went down while in line. So wnnt to mf to finish the day. LOL

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Also bumped into Aimee and her hubby Gordon at breakers on thurs night and spent last night in bar with them and others until 2am having a blast (she brought out a cheese plate from her room) LOL





As promised I am coming out of the TPR shadows and finally posting something! It was great hanging out with you guys, even if I regretted my decision to have just one more $20 drink, I had quite a headache in the morning. Coastermania was awesome! Cheese plates are also awesome!!

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Sorry to hear about the camera, Andy...but thank you for providing all of the awesome shots that you captured - in particular, the ones on the boat tour.


Thanks! As for the camera, it's already been replaced. I may have stayed up until 2AM after Coastermania figuring out what to buy.


Oh, how could I forget? Got my first ever rollback!!! I was hoping for one because night ERT was plagued with roll backs, there were 2 or 3 just when I was on line, and sure enough we got one. Also had an unexpected launch, after sitting there for a couple of minutes we rolled back, locked, then nothing....then all the lights came on and we took off. Was wild.


You were on the train directly behind mine! The one before me had a rollback, and then mine sailed clear over -- wasn't even close to not making it. Then I sat on the brake run for a good 20 minutes and watched your train roll back, then finally clear over the top. Oh, and your surprise launch? We laughed pretty good at that.


Zo -- you must have been on 10am cruise w us. Too bad we didn't get to say hi


I was on the 11:15 AM cruise, so I missed you by one. There must have been a lot of cruises -- I still saw the boat out there at about 4PM.


Are those the famous mayflies seen at about the 4:50 mark?


Nope -- cottonwood fuzzies. Accumulating cottonwood fuzzies. So glad I'm not allergic.


Will have my trip report posted shortly!

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