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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Hey all, I'm wearing aPink Floyd t shirt so if ya see me, feel free to say hi. At the gate and stoked


Same goes for us. Wearing gray shorts, brown sunglasses. With a guy wearing dark gray shorts and turquoise sunglasses.

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Happy Coastermania day everyone. Have a few more pictures. And I haven't even actually been in the park yet.


Incredible as always. Keep em coming, please.

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^Love the first picture!


... second one's better.


Anyway have fun at Coastermania everyone! For the "hardcore enthusiasts" attending the event (i.e. the reason we're not attending the event), remember that shoe bins are for shoes and only shoes. Fanny packs, patch jackets, social awkwardness and overwhelming body odor are not shoes so they must ride with you. Ride on.

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I must say... That's one of the things that's great about going to an amusement park with my dad... He always brings a fanny pack, and they ARE very convenient for stashing things!


Strangely enough, for all the Enthusiast events I've been to, I've never been to Coastermania... I guess given that CP is my "home park", and I've ridden everything a ton already, ERT just doesn't allure me enough to pay the money, and then deal with the extra crowds the event brings on for the rest of the day. It's a great event for those who aren't frequent attenders to get a ton of rides on CP's premiere coasters, however, so I hope all of you TPR members who that applies to are having a great time there today! Times like this remind me of how spoiled I am to have had this amazing amusement park 3 hours away from me my entire life! #blessed

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Just when I think New Mean Streak can't get any better, a new photo comes out and leaves me speechless. I can't wait for our trip to the park next season!!! New Mean Streak already got me like:



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Done with the cruise. With the outstanding views, felt like a challenge to take as many pictures as possible!


Unfortunately my camera wasn't up for the challenge and about 3/4 of the way through it bricked itself with some sort of mechanical problem I can't fix. But I should still have some good stuff from before it broke!


A couple wide shots from my phone.


Park and a boat.


Park and a lighthouse.

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^Love the first picture!


... second one's better.


I'll admit I got so focused on the new Mean Streak photos that I didn't really look much on the other pictures. But I agree, it is indeed a beautiful picture of Sky Ride!

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For the "hardcore enthusiasts" attending the event (i.e. the reason we're not attending the event), remember that shoe bins are for shoes and only shoes. Fanny packs, patch jackets, social awkwardness and overwhelming body odor are not shoes so they must ride with you. Ride on.


I don't really care for the events either, and it's exactly why we didn't go to Coastermania; there's nothing really unique about the event itself that we can't enjoy any other time... unfortunately with Holiwood Nights it's pretty much the only time to ride in the dark... plus they do an amazing job of the movie theming with the event, so we can't pass that up. Remember folks, coaster geeking IN MODERATION.

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Hope all our TPR friends and CP employees have a great time at Coastermania this weekend!


It looks like the weather gods are going to be kind to all of you for at least today and tomorrow. I was hoping for that, but sure wish that the planets would have aligned so that Michael and I could have attended the event - maybe next year, who knows?


Looking forward to more photos from Andy (hope you get your camera working again!) and of course, Bill & Bert's reports...and the many others that will be there.


Coaster season in the Northeast has finally started!

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Another RMC teaser



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Why they gotta keep saying "they... They... They're... They?!?!"




No, I refuse to entertain the idea of dueling New Mean Streak.

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Looking forward to more photos from Andy (hope you get your camera working again!) and of course, Bill & Bert's reports...and the many others that will be there.


Camera is toast. Confirmed after further inspection that it's a shutter problem.



The last photo my camera ever took -- this is, uh, not normal.

Good news is I do still have some more to post from earlier in the day, and hey, I'm having a great time anyway!


Should also mention this: crowds today have been very manageable. Maybe the earlier-in-the-week forecasts helped keep people from planning trips here today? Had a 4-train wait for Dragster at 2PM -- when does that ever happen? Millennium Force was station waits from about 930AM-1030AM (notable because it was actually longer during the official CoasterMania ERT). Longest lines I've seen for anything on the app have been about 20 minutes, though I'd wager the big Intamins might have snuck up to around a half hour at times. Most of the second-tier coasters have been station waits to maybe 5 minutes.


The Q&A session with Tony C, Jason M, Rob D, and others was fun (and funny) even if there wasn't a whole lot of really new information. But a few hints and nuggets that might be worth sharing later. Oh, and I know at least one TPR member had a finalist entry in the photo contest (not me) so hopefully we'll bring home the prize!


Taking a short break but still got ERT to go tonight and it's going to be great.

Edited by The Great Zo
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They're completely trolling the people who think this is going to be a dueling coaster with that opening shot. I love that they released this during Coastermania so everyone can fawn over it during tonight's ERT. The Cedar Point marketing team is outstanding at what they do.


PS: No, It's not a dueling coaster holy sh*t.




Glad they finally confirmed that.


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It could be referencing Outlaws in the wild west. They're coming, Outlaws are coming.


I feel like it's something along those lines too. My guess is that "they're coming" is probably either a reference to RMC or the theme / name of the ride.

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Quick update before I head back to the park ... with a few shots from the cruise!


Maverick and something else.


Millennium Force from an impossible angle. OK, these are all impossible angles.


This looks interesting.


A wide view of the whole structure.


Same "what-the-heck" thing I posted the picture of yesterday, but from a little further out on the water.




On the beach.

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