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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I wouldn't say that a vertical drop is a gimmick. It's kind of a gimmick with the dive coasters,* but with those, the point of the ride is to have the vertical drop. With New Mean Streak, there is so much more to the layout than just an awesome first drop.


*I'll mention that I have yet to ride a dive coaster.

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oh. . I guess Maverick is a gimmick coaster then, since it's got a beyond vertical drop.


oh, and it also has only 6 cars (that dual load at the same time).



shaking my damn head. . the thing is a people eater (if it didn't keep breaking down). . . . some folks just don't have a clue what they are talking about.

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Top Thrill Dragster is amazing...I don't care if it's a gimmick or not. People complain that it's a 17 second ride, but they often forget the most important part...the anticipation before the launch. For some people that's the worst part of the ride, including myself. It feels like you're waiting down there for hours, so it doesn't bother me that the ride is short.


Top Thrill Dragster is my 4th favorite coaster at CP, behind Maverick, Rougarou, and Raptor. One amazing 17 second gimmick is much better than a 3 minute long, forceless giga coaster (not gonna name names).

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Top Thrill Dragster is my 4th favorite coaster at CP, behind Maverick, Rougarou, and Raptor. One amazing 17 second gimmick is much better than a 3 minute long, forceless giga coaster (not gonna name names).


everyone's got their own tastes I suppose.


tho two of your "top 4" make my list of "worst 4" coasters in the park:


4) Corkscrew

3) Rougarou

2) Raptor

1) Blue Streak

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What if they put this gimmick on RMC streak? I'd be ok with that.


Seeing that ~90d drop and how steep the lifthill is with the projected height compared to the next hill makes me think they could fit it in, it would probably need some beefy steel supports from the ground to the pivot point.


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The last two pages of this thread make for a fun poem.

for the sake of a gimmick
is a gimmick
kind of a gimmick
I think the "gimmick"
Maverick is a gimmick
single sh*t gimmick
ice sleds is a gimmick
420' tall gimmick
Love gimmicks too
one amazing 17 second gimmick
put this gimmick on
a "gimmick-y"

I've found now that when you say 'gimmick' over and over it starts to sound really weird. Almost as weird as you guys.

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Top Thrill Dragster is my 4th favorite coaster at CP, behind Maverick, Rougarou, and Raptor. One amazing 17 second gimmick is much better than a 3 minute long, forceless giga coaster (not gonna name names).


everyone's got their own tastes I suppose.


tho two of your "top 4" make my list of "worst 4" coasters in the park:


4) Corkscrew

3) Rougarou

2) Raptor

1) Blue Streak

Yeah, I've found most aren't huge fans of Rougarou, and some aren't fans of Raptor, but I loved the two. Especially Rouagarou. I guess it's a guilty pleasure ride for me. I absolutely LOVE everything about the ride. Favorite B&M by far.


Raptor was a little jarring at times, but I love the fast, tight transitions.


Corkscrew was my least favorite at CP though, with Blue Streak not too far above it.

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For myself, my bottom 4 were...


4 ~ Rougarou

3 ~ Raptor

2 ~ Corkscrew




1 ~ Blue Streak


The only pic of BS I got, is a pic of the model of it, that was in the CP Museum. June 5/17.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Top Thrill Dragster is my 4th favorite coaster at CP, behind Maverick, Rougarou, and Raptor. One amazing 17 second gimmick is much better than a 3 minute long, forceless giga coaster (not gonna name names).


I haven't been to the park enough to truly be able to rate which coasters I feel are best, but I also don't understand why so many think Rougarou deserves to be rated as one of the worst coasters in the park. But, I also think I would choose Gatekeeper as my favorite ride in the park, which would be an unpopular decision. I love my B&Ms


Edit: Now that I think more about, Rougarou probably would be in my bottom half just because of how good all of CP's coasters are. I still love the ride, but it's hard to compete with TTD, MF, Gatekeeper, Valravn, and Maverick. At any other park, Rougarou would probably be a top ride, but at CP, it's definitely average.

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Personally, There are only three coasters at CP that I would call mediocre (not counting the kid coasters), and those are Iron Dragon, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, and Corkscrew. Every other coaster at that park I rank as a 7/10 or above. When I ride a coaster like Rouagrou for example, I don't look at it as inferior to the coasters above it. I look at it as a standalone roller coaster, and as a standalone roller coaster it's REALLY good (8/10 for me!). Taking this approach with any park's ride collection helps me appreciate each coaster's individual positives a lot more, therefore, at Cedar Point I always have an absolute blast, because I just hop from coaster to coaster saying "Man that was really fun! What's next?" It's the reason CP is my favorite park.


For the record, Raptor and Rougarou are my favorite B&Ms in the park. I just really love B&M's old snappy layouts, even if I take the occasional knock to the head.

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