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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It must be the offseason if we're arguing about phones and cargo shorts for multiple days


Let's talk about SkyRides again

How about a skyride that goes all the way from Castaway Bay to the park's front entrance? Let's dream big!


Make it a three-way skyride: Castaway Bay to Breakers Express to the entrance

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I legit don't understand who wouldn't want to see all the park's wait times...well, other than a Fast Lane person. I look at that when I'm not already in line for something to help plan my day, especially since it includes closures.


Also unless I'm missing it, there isn't a space for the season pass to be entered in the Android version. I guess I'll check again in 6 months when I go to a CF park again and download the new-improved app.


I have an Android phone. I just now opened the app to make sure I wasn't thinking of the wrong thing. It's there


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This offseason is going to be unbearable. Hardly anything interesting to follow, and the hottest conversation on TPR is currently revolving around cargo shorts



I wonder how hard it would be for CP to do like a fall beer festival the first 2 or 3 weekends in November. Have a few rides open and have a ton of beer. It would certainly bring people in the park, especially if the weather is like it was the first two weekends of the month.

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Well, according to screamscape they've completed a small double-down type element and the initial lift track.


Oh come on. . . You know how it works, pics or it didn't happen!

There is no picture because as the author of the site says, "I cannot share it"

Why not, dammit

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Well, according to screamscape they've completed a small double-down type element and the initial lift track.


Oh come on. . . You know how it works, pics or it didn't happen!

There is no picture because as the author of the site says, "I cannot share it"

Why not, dammit


Because of privacy issues with CP. They want to keep this hush-hush.

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The little double down Screamscape is talking about is the prelift section we have all known about for some time now.


Mean Streak Renovation / Soak City Expansion - (11/19/16) While I cannot share it, an interesting image was sent in to Screamscape this week showing off the installation of the IBOX track system being installed on the turnaround from the station to the bottom of the lift hill on Mean Streak. While the first rail sections are just being added to the lift, it is the straightaway leading to it that caught my eye, as a pair of fun little humps have been placed just before you hit the bottom of the lift, creating an itty-bitty little double-down style maneuver.
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^ This reads like what they did to Twisted Colossus. I didn't remember seeing any photos,

or within any POV of it. Totally surprised me. And happily so. This should add fun

to the ride, even before you're over the lift hill. If that's what's being done.

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^ This reads like what they did to Twisted Colossus. I didn't remember seeing any photos,

or within any POV of it. Totally surprised me. And happily so. This should add fun

to the ride, even before you're over the lift hill. If that's what's being done.

There were photos posted several pages ago on this thread. A construction update video was also linked, but the user removed it per Cedar Point's request.

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See, now hats on the other hand- I have NO idea how the hell people keep those on while riding coasters. Last time I wore my hat on a ride, it flew off on a ride as calm as Calypso. Then I see people wearing hats on Magnum, Millennium, Diamondback KI, etc. Confuses the ever-living hell out of me.


Super glue.

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