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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I fail to see how this will not open for 2017.


They're being hush hush. Progress is moving forward immensely. They're upset at people getting photos and blowing it up.


With the minimal amount of RMC projects announced for 2017 I am guessing Cedar Point is going to go full blown with RMC and most of their workers will be at this location, and this thing will be announced shortly, and this project will be done in an insane amount of time.


I am happy to hear there may be a couple whoopdee dips for the pre-lift however *ducks*

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Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Most small boats are pulled out of the lake in the winter. Unless someone on this site owns a container ship I don't think this is viable.


Also this...


Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Personally I think if someone, who takes as much time as Tony to interact with enthusiasts and work with groups for special events, makes it clear pictures for now are not ok then maybe the response shouldn't be how to try and circumvent their wizhes

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As of right now, rumor has it that IAAPA is where the announcement will be made official, which would be very cool, but I'm thinking if that doesn't end up being the case, isn't the Santa Hustle coming up? As well as the Ride Warrior Club holiday get together? I'm sure they could easily route the Hustle away from that area but I feel like it would be strange of them to invite a large group of enthusiasts to the park who all know about this rumored RMC, and still not have anything Announced. Basically, I'm thinking if it's not IAAPA, maybe it will be before/during the RWC holiday get together. (Hopefully they don't wait until the chill out... )

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Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Most small boats are pulled out of the lake in the winter. Unless someone on this site owns a container ship I don't think this is viable.


Also this...


Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Personally I think if someone, who takes as much time as Tony to interact with enthusiasts and work with groups for special events, makes it clear pictures for now are not ok then maybe the response shouldn't be how to try and circumvent their wizhes


Did you just respond to a post with a quote of a previous response to said post in the same quote as the original post?


My brain hurts just thinking about that.


Anyway, I know it's getting close to mid-November, but are boats already pulled out of the lake? My grandfather used to have a boat on lake St. Clair, and that would freeze over come December/January, but it seems to me it hasn't been quite cold enough for the lake to get close to freezing, which makes me believe there may still be some boats that haven't been stored yet. Or maybe lake Erie is just too big and doesn't usually freeze over? I could be completely wrong though.

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Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Most small boats are pulled out of the lake in the winter. Unless someone on this site owns a container ship I don't think this is viable.


Also this...


Is there any kind of law for how close you can bring a boat to the property? They don't own the lake...


Personally I think if someone, who takes as much time as Tony to interact with enthusiasts and work with groups for special events, makes it clear pictures for now are not ok then maybe the response shouldn't be how to try and circumvent their wizhes

I was just curious what the law is.

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Hate to ruin the fun but Tony is speaking on a panel at IAAPA - I would assume that's the reason he is there. I'd highly doubt Mean Streak project will be announced during the conference.


Also, the press schedule has already been released for IAAPA. I'm sure things could be added but most of the major announcements are already scheduled.

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