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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I wonder how many records CP will be going for this time? Highest steel-coaster-with-wood-structure? Longest coaster? Most trains on an RMC? I'm sure they will cook up a good list of records. Not that I personally care about records (most of my favorites hold no records), but that's what they do.

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I hope I go next year to CP again. My cousin's fiance never been to an amusement park before(i know shocking.. ) So she wants to go to Cedar Point as her first amusement park. Which will be an awesome choice . So i will most likely be going with them. Be cool if the new Mean Streak is opened up next year. RMC is awesome!! Even though I just only been on one and thats the Goliath at Great America. Goliath is soooo much fun so i look forward to CP's version of an RMC coaster

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I wonder how many records CP will be going for this time? Highest steel-coaster-with-wood-structure? Longest coaster? Most trains on an RMC? I'm sure they will cook up a good list of records. Not that I personally care about records (most of my favorites hold no records), but that's what they do.


My guess is these are very likely, and they are almost exactly what was promoted for Valravn: tallest, fastest, longest hybrid roller coaster, and longest drop and steepest drop on a hybrid coaster. Other obscure ones would be: most track at one park, most steel track at one park, most rides in one park, and possibly most coasters over 200 in one park. Other possible ones I can think of (depending on if this will be predominantly air time driven or inversions, either most air time moments on a coaster or most inversions on a hybrid coaster.

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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.

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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.

This won't be conservative however it shows up. I also think three or four inversions would be just right; but I have no say in the outcome.

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Judging from those pics I've seen, a Revitalized Meaner Coaster will be opening in 2017


Does anybody actually get this???


Read it carefully


OH MY GOD!!! YES!!! YOU'RE RIGHT!!! We all get it now!


"Revitalized Meaner Coaster" = RMC!!!


Oh my god. So clever!



Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.

This won't be conservative however it shows up. I also think three or four inversions would be just right; but I have no say in the outcome.

Thats good to know....we dont want to trigger too many people with all those conservative roller coasters....

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I almost hate to even bring this up, but according to one facebook group has reported RMC saying at IAAPA "there's no RMC projects opening in 2017."


As always, take with a grain of salt.



I'm still not convinced

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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.


They need to build a wall around Maverick.



With this being a RMC, this will undoubtedly be an unorthodox layout. It will be interesting to see what type of records this coaster may claim (if any), considering it is a steel coaster. It will be hard to beat the current tallest, fastest, longest, most inversions, etc.

Or maybe they'll just go for "hybrid" records.

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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.

This won't be conservative however it shows up. I also think three or four inversions would be just right; but I have no say in the outcome.

Thats good to know....we dont want to trigger too many people with all those conservative roller coasters....

I wasn't bringing politics into this. My post was not sarcastic.

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I think 3 inversions on a Iron Horse RMC is a good amount. Maybe 4 if we have a secondary launch The dive-loop on Goliath is excellent! 2 lifts would be interesting too; not parallel like Twisted Colossus of course. I just hope they really do something "out of the box" for this design. Cedar Point has plenty of super-conservative designs.

This won't be conservative however it shows up. I also think three or four inversions would be just right; but I have no say in the outcome.

Thats good to know....we dont want to trigger too many people with all those conservative roller coasters....

I wasn't bringing politics into this. My post was not sarcastic.

Yea i know i was making a joke.....lol

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Wow! Things are a little chippy and tense in here! This is why I tend to make myself more scarce in the off-season! Going over and over the speculative stuff just winds up driving everybody nuts, and besides, I need at least a part of my year to act like a normal human being not completely consumed by roller coasters!


Don't get me wrong though, I am still VERY stoked for RMC Streak, and I'm still on Team 2018 - complete with Frontier Town expansion and overhaul of the area around MS, which is why it's debuting later than the timetable may look at the moment!

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I was disappointed to see the bunny hops at the beginning of the coaster (I don't think they're really needed), but I'm much more disappointed by the fact that the lift will be the same low angle it was before rather than making it 45 degrees or so as many people had theorized. What are your thoughts and first impressions of the conversion so far?


+1. I was hoping for an inverted lift hill.

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Wow! Things are a little chippy and tense in here! This is why I tend to make myself more scarce in the off-season! Going over and over the speculative stuff just winds up driving everybody nuts, and besides, I need at least a part of my year to act like a normal human being not completely consumed by roller coasters!


Don't get me wrong though, I am still VERY stoked for RMC Streak, and I'm still on Team 2018 - complete with Frontier Town expansion and overhaul of the area around MS, which is why it's debuting later than the timetable may look at the moment!


But.....but....the "two scoops of crazy" during the off season is a constant and lovely form of entertainment!!

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Something I just thought of:


Do you think cp would get something along the lines of the Disney magic band for their resorts in the near future? Seems to be a little popular at iaapa this year. Room key, park ticket, possibly fast lane, and maybe money all on it?

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Something I just thought of:


Do you think cp would get something along the lines of the Disney magic band for their resorts in the near future? Seems to be a little popular at iaapa this year. Room key, park ticket, possibly fast lane, and maybe money all on it?


Regional parks might, but they'll use cell phone applications. I honestly think the bands are a stupid waste of money for most of these companies.

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I know it's not a popular opinion around here to hate on Disney but If I had to choose between the skip the line programs at Disney, Universal, Six Flags and Cedar Fair I'd take Cedar Fair in a heartbeat. It takes 2 seconds to get the wristband, it can be sold at any retail location so there are no lines to get it, it requires less staffing for the park than any of the other systems do, there's no setup, no reservation to keep track of, no instructions to follow, no bullsh*t. It's a paper wristband, it works great. Don't mess with it.


When we were at Disney trying to link them to people in the group who weren't staying on property and had hard tickets it was annoying as hell. We had to keep scanning bar codes and keep trying to match up reservation times which never ended up working... I can't complain because it was free and once it was set up it was great but it's annoying and I found myself wishing I could throw money at them and have it work like Cedar Fair's system works.


Also, watching Cedar Point work through a huge early entry line that's hundreds of people deep at the resort gate is something to marvel at. They have an incredibly efficient system already.

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^Hey, I don't hate Disney! Any more, anyway. Age does funny things.


I'm with you on the Cedar Fair wristband system... what a simple way to go. Opposite of Six Flags; why would anyone want to carry around a beeper all day?

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Magic bands are great when they work. I would not mind having my pass on a band. I thought if you have a platinum pass you can book one ride per day your in the park. That's how i figured it could work. If you stay at like Breakers you could get like 2 or 3 rides per day of stay. then still sell Fast pass in the park. With that Disney they number of Attractions is much much higher. So to make it work is much Easier.

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I know it's not a popular opinion around here to hate on Disney but If I had to choose between the skip the line programs at Disney, Universal, Six Flags and Cedar Fair I'd take Cedar Fair in a heartbeat. It takes 2 seconds to get the wristband, it can be sold at any retail location so there are no lines to get it, it requires less staffing for the park than any of the other systems do, there's no setup, no reservation to keep track of, no instructions to follow, no bullsh*t. It's a paper wristband, it works great. Don't mess with it.


I'll improve it in two steps:


1) You buy it online via the park app


2) You have them scan the app at the Fast Lane entry/merge poine


Then you don't even have to go somewhere to buy it, and you don't need to tear it off at the end of the night.

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