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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Sorry, I know this is off topic of STR, but does anyone know the power levels (Voltage or wattage) Wicked Twister uses? I'm just doing a small report on the feasibility of LIM transportation.


Back to STR for a second, does anyone else find it ironic how we're all complaining about that missing boat, and now CP is removing a boat ride? ',:^I





"These Linear Induction Motors certainly pack a huge punch, over 3 MW or approx 4000 hp worth of electricity is used to accelerate the train from 0-50 mph in just 2.5 seconds. "

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^^^ I just love the news now days, let's describe in detail an accident that happened almost 3 years ago, does it have anything to do with the article? well not much.


Bro to be fair what's the Sandusky Register actually supposed to report on in the winter? This is understandably big news for them.

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I think my visit last summer was the only time I ever saw it open. It was closed on the 2013 TPR trip, which was just a couple weeks after the incident. Just didn't interest me enough to ever ride it, and I'll go out of my way to ride a good flume. This wasn't it.


After StR and Pilgrim's Giraffica Plunge, yikes.


It's a pretty big plot of land that will become available at Cedar Point. As much as I'd personally love a classic flume as a replacement, think about how much space they'd have to build a large, modern, high-end family coaster if CCMR was also taken out. Something like Manta (SD) or Firechaser, only longer and even more awesome. That's something that would really round out the coaster collection.

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You know...I never even bothered to ride it! lol That's how little interest I had in it...

I never rode it either and initially when I hear it was going away, I regretted not riding it. Now, after hearing peoples feelings on it, I really can live without having gone on it.


I hope whatever it is replaced by is awesome!

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Does anybody know when they hope to open valravn?


It looks like they have got much of the track in place, and then they need to do all of the electrical/ pneumatic/ installation work, test it, and sign off with safety authorities before being ready to send guests around the track.


I am planning a trip with friends the second week they are open (may 19-22) and wonder what the odds are that it will be running. Obviously they may run into unforseen events that they did not forsee, but does CP usually get their new attractions running for opening day?


I was also wondering: will the park be busy if it is up and running? I would suspect that early season crowds might be smaller because cold and kids still in school. Does anybody know for example when they opened gatekeeper: did it open for opening day? and was it crowded because of the new coaster?

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Hey guys! The interview went well. I am going to be at the Sky Ride!!


This is going to be fun. I look forward to cross training as well.


My level of jealousy is through the roof, if I could pick any ride anywhere to work that would be it (I know this sounds sarcastic but I swear I'm being serious). Congrats! You'll be seeing us a lot this summer. Lol

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Cedar Points formula of un-themed record breaking rides does not translate well into log flumes. That 12 million dollars could have been a used for so many other things. I for one have never rode the ride and the after its accident I never felt the desire to ride. One great thing is it will free up 2-3 acres of space which is huge for Cedar Point. lol

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LOL! This is so true. Honestly, Winnie's boat chute is a great ride. Cedar Point should just hand build one and put all the money they save towards finding a way to add airtime to Millennium Force.


I'm late to this post, but dumb post is too dumb not to reply. I'm sure Cedar Point wants to spend money changing one of the most popular and successful attractions in the park, let alone the entire chain. I'm hoping this was intended sarcasm.

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^ I agree. Anyone that says that there is no airtime on MF has probably never ridden it, or has only ridden it once and doesn't remember it.


Is it an airtime machine? No, but besides the crazy first drop, high speeds and negative G's on the turns, there are two fabulous airtime hills on the way back to the station that I have gotten air on every single time that I have ridden. I don't have an actual count, but I would say that I have ridden MF at least 50+ times.


It provides a more complete coaster experience, which is why it is continually ranked at the top of most coaster polls.

Edited by Philrad71
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