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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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We'll I guess i'm just lucky b/c I've never had any problems with these rides being down, or going down on any of my visits to CP, infact last time I went it was the B&M's at the front of the park having issues b/c of the low Temps with light wind and drizzle during the GateKeeper opening weekend. It's wasn't until that Sunday was when Millie and Maverick both vallied b/c of the same conditions that plagued the B&Ms yet by the time I left they had Maverick back in operation

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The only time a ride was down while at CP, was the first week MF was open to the public. It valley as soon as we walked in the park. We stood there watching it not make it up the third hill. Other than that, I have always experienced great operations.

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Everyone that thinks Valravn looks amazing that's fine enjoy it, I'll be marathoning Maverick or Millie, or Dragster

Marathoning implies they stay open for more than a couple rides at a time.


And while they are waiting in line for Maverick, Millennium Force, or Top Thrill Dragster to reopen... I'll be marathoning Valravn... and I'll be enjoying the GREAT ride it provides.

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The only time a ride was down while at CP, was the first week MF was open to the public. It valley as soon as we walked in the park. We stood there watching it not make it up the third hill. Other than that, I have always experienced great operations.



I would love to see that happen!!

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Millennium Force is very reliable... Maverick and Dragster are very temperamental though.


This really speaks to why Cedar Fair in general has been going to B&M for their new coasters.


1. They are capacity monster and can eat up thousands of people.

2. They are very reliable.

3. They look beautiful.


I am in the middle of the Valrvan Fan Club and the Valravn Basher Association, lol. I think I understand why they went with it but conversely I wish they build something different and fresh and this is not it. Valravn will just be another reliable Cedar Point coaster. What is lost with this coaster is that unlike most Cedar Point coasters this coaster is not something special for it's time. If this was 2001-3 this would be a great addition but in 2015 it feels like just another B&M.


With that being said what other park in the world has a Strata, Giga and Hyper Coaster as well as four B&M's in their coaster portfolio? I will be at the point riding this and their other world class rides for sure.

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With that being said what other park in the world has a Strata, Giga and Hyper Coaster as well as four B&M's in their coaster portfolio? I will be at the point riding this and their other world class rides for sure.


I'll also point out that the strata, giga, hyper, and four B&M's make up less than half of the lineup

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Just kinda realized realized something with Valravn's location:


Think the back of the park will be deserted till after lunch now? You have 3 coasters that are very popular with the GP right inside the entrance... It'll probably take 2-3 hours to get all 3 done if you arrive at normal opening w/o Fast Lane... That should really keep people stacked at the front of the park...


Also, think the cat will be let out of the bag n regard to using the Marina Gate for early entry? It'll be right in front of Valravn, so it'll be more visible...

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This park is ridiculous. I'd travel 2000 miles just to ride the Intamin and B&M goodies at the park. Add in the rest, and you have a high capacity juggernaut.





Wicked Twister






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This park is ridiculous. I'd travel 2000 miles just to ride the Intamin and B&M goodies at the park. Add in the rest, and you have a high capacity juggernaut.





Wicked Twister







The biggest testament to Cedar Point's lineup is that people don't even mention Magnum, a Hypercoaster that's really, really good. This is the only park anywhere with an extra Hypercoaster nobody remembers is there.

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This park is ridiculous. I'd travel 2000 miles just to ride the Intamin and B&M goodies at the park. Add in the rest, and you have a high capacity juggernaut.





Wicked Twister







The biggest testament to Cedar Point's lineup is that people don't even mention Magnum, a Hypercoaster that's really, really good. This is the only park anywhere with an extra Hypercoaster nobody remembers is there.



Except me! I love Magnum, 3rd fave in the park after Maverick and Millennium. Magnum RULES!

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Honey, I shrunk Raptor....


I seriously laughed out loud when I read this.





The biggest testament to Cedar Point's lineup is that people don't even mention Magnum, a Hypercoaster that's really, really good. This is the only park anywhere with an extra Hypercoaster nobody remembers is there.



Except me! I love Magnum, 3rd fave in the park after Maverick and Millennium. Magnum RULES!


I actually have new found love for Magnum. We rode it this season, after we "learned" how to ride it where we don't get brutally injured, I really enjoy it. It's one of my favorite coasters in the park.

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Valravn will just be another reliable Cedar Point coaster. What is lost with this coaster is that unlike most Cedar Point coasters this coaster is not something special for it's time. If this was 2001-3 this would be a great addition but in 2015 it feels like just another B&M.

1998-   Oblivion [Alton Towers]
2000-   Diving Machine G5 [Janfusun Fancyworld]
*2005-  SheiKra [Busch Gardens Tampa]
*2007-  Griffon [Busch Gardens Williamsburg]
2008-   Dive Coaster [Chimelong Paradise]
2009-   Diving Coaster [Happy Valley]
2011-   Krake [Heide Park Resort]
2015-   Oblivion - The Black Hole [Gardaland]
2015-   Baron 1898 [Efteling]
*2016-  Valravn [Cedar Point]

Notice how there are only THREE of these in the US? This is still a pretty exclusive club to be in.

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