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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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. . . I think it'll be something totally weird and unpredictable (and unpronounceable). . .



So true. Between Rougarou and Valravn I can only imagine what Cedar Point comes up with next. My votes go to one of these:



Abe Sapien



Beisht Kione






Michael Phelps




Yeah. . . Now that you mention it some of those sound like something Cedar Point would go with.


For a Cedar Point Iron Horse, there's really only one mythical creature that will do: The Legendary Lougehrig.

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Hate to disrupt the glorious name speculation, but I have a quick question that's probably been answered a hundred times: what's the cheapest, best way to get from Cleveland airport to CP?


As for Mean Streak, as happy as I am to see the inevitable transformation, this was also one I was kind of dreading since Mean Streak is one of the last of the wonderfully nasty monster woodies left. I grew up with the likes of Hercules, Rattler, Texas Giant and Mean Streak being some of the top destination coasters and I've watched them all slowly turn to crap and then be replaced one by one. End of an era for sure.


I do think this will be a magnum opus for RMC though. Stakes are so high at this park...

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Hate to disrupt the glorious name speculation, but I have a quick question that's probably been answered a hundred times: what's the cheapest, best way to get from Cleveland airport to CP?


As for Mean Streak, as happy as I am to see the inevitable transformation, this was also one I was kind of dreading since Mean Streak is one of the last of the wonderfully nasty monster woodies left. I grew up with the likes of Hercules, Rattler, Texas Giant and Mean Streak being some of the top destination coasters and I've watched them all slowly turn to crap and then be replaced one by one. End of an era for sure.


I do think this will be a magnum opus for RMC though. Stakes are so high at this park...


I don't really know about cheapest but, I'd hop on I 480 west which runs right into the Ohio turnpike. Take the turnpike west and get off at any of the 3 or 4 exits that can get you to route 2. We usually take the Baumhart road exit. We then take route 2 to the Rye Beach Road exit. Head west from there and that'll run right into the Causeway.


I hope this is what you were looking for.

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Since Cedar Point is located on the water and has a marina, I propose using the name that the UK rejected for it's new polar research ship: Boaty McBoatface.


Speaking of boats. . . . they could always rename Mean Streak ... "The Boat."

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Since Cedar Point is located on the water and has a marina, I propose using the name that the UK rejected for it's new polar research ship: Boaty McBoatface.


Speaking of boats. . . . they could always rename Mean Streak ... "The Boat."


Mmm boaty mcBoat face

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^That thought crossed my mind. I remember listening to some podcast a while back, and one of the Cedar Fair execs was talking about the future of Cedar Point through 2020, and he alluded to the 5-year plan being nuckin' futs (it wasn't Decker, totally blanked on it now). It seems like this could well be the case. I was honestly pretty disappointed when it was looking like the KI coaster would be a GCI, but a huge RMC at the Point would more than make up for it. I hope they make the restraints easier to lift up, though....

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I hope they make the restraints easier to lift up, though....


I mean, in this business, when that's the only complaint people can muster that means you've conquered all. Congrats, RMC. You're the power to bring all of us morons together in circle-jerkdom.


Edit - Also I totally agree. Their restraints are kinda insane to push up.

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You guys have overlooked the most obvious name for this new ride! Outlaw Streak!!!


WAY back in this thread I posted my thoughts about MS being given the RMC treatment, and a new midway, and back entrance being a part of the plan as well. I feel like the early closure, and the likelihood of a Soak City expansion next year, could mean that there is no new coaster in 2017, but a new, RMC coaster (either built from the ground up, or refurbed with topper track to remain a wooden coaster), as well as a new entrance, midway, and potentially another flat ride and shop, would debut in 2018. Just a thought... I'd love to see a brand new RMC next year, believe me!


Also, I hate to refute an opinion expressed by one of TPR's most beloved posters, but Cedar Point DOES very much care about things like records! Did you see how many they touted for Valravn last year, virtually making up half of them on the spot! So yeah, I'll be shocked if this isn't a major record breaker in a number of areas, both valid, and sketchy, whatever it is. As long as I've been alive, that's been Cedar Point's MO, and I doubt it'll suddenly change here...


I wish we had some idea of when the announcement for its replacement will be. But for now, it's nice just to put an end to the speculation about will it go, or won't it go!

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Yah, as much as you can bitch and moan about the GP slowing down capacity, one things for sure the restraints on Twisted Colossus are a pain in the butt to pull up, and I'm about as strong a guy as you can find. They no doubt make it harder for people to get out of the trains. My only complaint about TC and it's racing is it's slow entrance into the station, how long it takes for the restraints to release, and how tough it is to get out/clear the trains for dispatch. They didn't put this into account for Twisted Colossus which relies on time to get the trains racing.


Now as far as Cedar Point: I just feel like if they were gonna demolish Mean Streak completely, they'd close it the same day they're closing the park for the season. This just leads me to believe they need a head start to get something going on it before the end of the season.


If RMC does make over the ride, I am pretty freaking terrified and thrilled of what insane things might come from it. If Cedar Point lets Alan Schilke do whatever he wants...this could possibly be the greatest coaster on the planet as far as I'm concerned. Yeah I know the themeing and intangibles will be lacking, as they typically are at CP, but as far as ultimate thrill and length of ride time...oh boy. You never know what's up their sleeve.

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I hope they make the restraints easier to lift up, though....


I mean, in this business, when that's the only complaint people can muster that means you've conquered all. Congrats, RMC. You're the power to bring all of us morons together in circle-jerkdom.


Edit - Also I totally agree. Their restraints are kinda insane to push up.


Oh, don't worry. There's some weird angry Cedar Point haters in the coaster hobby who will complain endlessly that it doesn't have any new elements, RMC is creatively bankrupt, or something else totally ridiculous like that.

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Fear not, when the ride opens this thread will be littered with bull*** about which trains are vibrating, the end of the ride running slow on a 50 degree rainy morning in May (shocking I know) and if it ever breaks down for more than a few hours at a time we'll all hear about how they should have bought a B&M.


RMC Mean Streak has been an enthusiast wet dream for years and now that it's happening the expectations will be so unreasonably high that I'm expecting record levels of bitching.

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^ It's like the finale of Seinfeld. Unrealistic expectations. People will foolishly expect it to change their lives -- and when it doesn't, they will inevitably be let down... even if the product itself is excellent.

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I would be surprised if they completely tore down Mean Streak and built an RMC from the ground up. That would probably cost them a lot more, and it wouldn't be that much (if any) better than Mean Streak will be if RMC does a conversion.


One thing is almost for sure.....they won't be building a launched wooden coaster, CP doesn't need the problems Lightning Rod is having.

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This should be a pretty interesting project to follow. If they do completely RMC the existing layout it could potentially be the longest RMC to date, which would be pretty costly refurbishment, then again Cedar Fair appears to have saved some coin with Mystic Timbers maybe so they can afford to buy 5400 feet of iron horse track.


I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to keep the lift and drop structure up the the first turn, then somehow reversed the direction with some crazy inversion turnaround thingy and eliminated the rest of the existing structure south of the lift hill. They could probably still create a crazy ride just with a shorter length and open up that old infield area to expand that section of the park in the future. That's all purley speculation at this point so who knows, but should be fun to follow regardless.

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^ It's like the finale of Seinfeld. Unrealistic expectations. People will foolishly expect it to change their lives -- and when it doesn't, they will inevitably be let down... even if the product itself is excellent.


Yup. And it's located right next to Maverick, an Intamin powerhouse, world-beating coaster so people will probably ride them back-to back which will push the expectations even higher.

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I would be surprised if they completely tore down Mean Streak and built an RMC from the ground up. That would probably cost them a lot more, and it wouldn't be that much (if any) better than Mean Streak will be if RMC does a conversion.


One thing is almost for sure.....they won't be building a launched wooden coaster, CP doesn't need the problems Lightning Rod is having.

If they are building for 2017 the design and contracts were likely completed long before the start of this season so I doubt the problems with Lightning Run have any bearing.

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Fear not, when the ride opens this thread will be littered with bull*** about which trains are vibrating, the end of the ride running slow on a 50 degree rainy morning in May (shocking I know) and if it ever breaks down for more than a few hours at a time we'll all hear about how they should have bought a B&M.


RMC Mean Streak has been an enthusiast wet dream for years and now that it's happening the expectations will be so unreasonably high that I'm expecting record levels of bitching.


This sounds too much like the SFNE thread.


Mean Streak is enjoyable in the front seat, but that's the only enjoyable seat. I'm excited for what's coming. Fingers are crossed it's a RMC since Mean Streak looks similar to Texas Giant and the New Texas Giant is critcally acclaimed.

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Fear not, when the ride opens this thread will be littered with bull*** about which trains are vibrating, the end of the ride running slow on a 50 degree rainy morning in May (shocking I know) and if it ever breaks down for more than a few hours at a time we'll all hear about how they should have bought a B&M.


RMC Mean Streak has been an enthusiast wet dream for years and now that it's happening the expectations will be so unreasonably high that I'm expecting record levels of bitching.


THIS. Unless they build RMC's Voyage and take everything to the far limit, no way can it live up to expectations.

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