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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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The current layout does not lend itself to being converted into a record breaking wooden coaster, or RMC hybrid.


Disagree. Mean Streak does lend itself to that. Mean Streak's overall layout is similar to the Texas Giant, which was the first RMC transformation.


I agree. My point was that Cedar Point tends to build record breaking roller coasters. If they want to break the World Record for tallest woodie they would have to build a drop that is taller than 197 feet (218 feet if they wanted to top Son of Beast). That would be a 36-57 foot first drop increase. Not saying it can't be done, just saying it is not practical.


What woodie has a 197 ft drop? A drop of 181 ft would already nudge Goliath, and tallest/fastest/longest hybrid coaster sounds like plenty of hype for the park to tout. I don't think you need to quite hit the hyper status to gobble up most of the categorical records.

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What woodie has a 197 ft drop?


Colossus at Heide Park in Germany... but an RMC Mean Streak would be a steel coaster anyway.


Well Colossos only has a 160 ft "drop", with a "height" of 197 ft. It depends on what record they`re going after. Goliath is currently the largest "drop" at 180 ft.

Also RMC can do coaster renovations with Topper Track too (where it could remain wood), we just have yet to see a park want that.

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Not to nerd out too much but I think that's its height. Goliath still has the tallest drop at 180 feet if I remember correctly.


If this is an RMC project...

1) It'll be steel so wood coaster records are irrelevant (and no they're not doing topper track refurbs anymore)

2) Cedar Point has shown time and time again that they don't need any mainstream records to market the hell out if it. They managed to squeeze 10 "records" out of Valravn so I'm sure they'll come up with something here (steepest steel hybrid coaster, most inversions, first (made up name) inversion in the world, etc)

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If this is an RMC project...

1) It'll be steel so wood coaster records are irrelevant (and no they're not doing topper track refurbs anymore)

2) Cedar Point has shown time and time again that they don't need any mainstream records to market the hell out if it. They managed to squeeze 10 "records" out of Valravn so I'm sure they'll come up with something here (steepest steel hybrid coaster, most inversions, first (made up name) inversion in the world, etc)


^ Listen to this man

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What woodie has a 197 ft drop?


Colossus at Heide Park in Germany... but an RMC Mean Streak would be a steel coaster anyway.


!Nerd alert! -- the drop is listed at 159' on Colossus. You're categorically right on the steel coaster, though we don't know that it couldn't be topper track to give it that hybrid/wooden status. RMC's website describes the topper (Goliath, Outlaw Run) as being usable with "existing or new wood or steel ledgers," and that it "can transform an existing and aging ride into a smooth exhilarating experience." I know that NTG went with the IBox, but that doesn't mean that will be the case here.

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Not to nerd out too much but I think that's its height. Goliath still has the tallest drop at 180 feet if I remember correctly.


If this is an RMC project...

1) It'll be steel so wood coaster records are irrelevant (and no they're not doing topper track refurbs anymore)

2) Cedar Point has shown time and time again that they don't need any mainstream records to market the hell out if it. They managed to squeeze 10 "records" out of Valravn so I'm sure they'll come up with something here (steepest steel hybrid coaster, most inversions, first (made up name) inversion in the world, etc)


Wasn't Maverick marketed as a "terra coaster"?

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They'll probably just do what MM did with Twisted Colossus. Longest, fastest etc hybrid coaster. These parks will find ways to market anything lol


The real question is this for 2017 or '18? My guess would be 2017. Yes the Giant took 18 months but that was when RMC was working out of a like 1000 sq foot room. They're much bigger now and capable of multiple rides in a season.

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^^^RMC said in interview a year or two back that because their other business ventures are booming (iron horse, custom rides) they're not doing topper track refurbs for the foreseeable future. At that point they hadn't done layout changes with topper track, but they still never have and I assume it would fall in the same category and they'd try to sell the parks on iron horse track anyway (there's always a way to market a ride like this).



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^^^RMC said in interview a year or two back that because their other business ventures are booming (iron horse, custom rides) they're not doing topper track refurbs for the foreseeable future. At that point they hadn't done layout changes with topper track, but they still never have and I assume it would fall in the same category and they'd try to sell the parks on iron horse track anyway (there's always a way to market a ride like this).




In that case, RMC better update its website! "Topper Track can transform an existing and aging ride into a smooth exhilarating attraction," and that it "can utilize existing or new wood or steel ledgers.




Again, everyone is right on the idea that CP will have some way of marketing it. I still don't think true hyper status is necessary to make it one of the best coasters in the world.

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Wasn't Maverick marketed as a "terra coaster"?

You are correct.


Haha thought so. Maybe they'll come up with a new category again. Mean Streak is one of those rides at CP that I haven't ridden in multiple visits. I'd honestly spend my time riding other coasters. I'm happy to see they're going to do something with the structure/space. Really hoping for them to go all out on this project.

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My prediction is that RMC will convert Mean Streak, and a few seasons later a GCI will be put where STR was.


They won't be able to fit a decent sized GCI in that area.


Oh, I beg to differ. First of all, it isn't even that small of an area. Second, there really are not many limitations on coaster design. You can go over, under, or through other rides. You can have tunnels, vertical lift hills, and so much more. So, yes they can fit a decent size GCI (or any other type of coaster for that matter) where STR was located.

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Just some things to note that I've found: Mantis's video said it was getting squashed. The mantis video came out a month after this one did in 2014. Mantis closed in October so it seems they are giving this more time. I don't think they would need more time if they are just demolishing it. Either something is coming in its place next year or it's getting a conversion (a reprofile definently wouldn't be this big). I don't think there would be markings if they are just demolishing it. Didn't they just pull down most of Son of the Beast? They also had Mantis's zero car in the rollercoaster graveyard so it seems like they are almost following the same format of teasing that they did with Mantis to Rougarou.

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See, Dippin' Dots says that Y'all are correct on RMC, but are not correct about Dinos leaving... In fact, a single dino is coming to CP in '17...


Of course I'm referring to an RMC T-Rex... I mean, it would be a "World's First" and I'm sure there are records to be had with that. Enthusiast's minds will be blown and they will line up at CP for a healthy serving of Kool-Aid.



So, um, did any of that actually stick to the wall or do I need to grab another handful?

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Anyone notice this picture on the Mean Streak page? Looks like an iron horse to me...




I thought the exact same thing when I first saw the announcement.


If Mean Streak really does end up getting an RMC makeover, I can't wait to see what they do with it! New Texas Giant was an AMAZING makeover, and RMC has come much farther since then. I can only imagine how great New Mean Streak, or Iron Streak, or Iron Hawk, or Iron Seeker, Or whatever then hell they name the coaster could be.

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I don't see this as being for '17 but for '18. If Mean Streak is torn down I don't expect to see anything immediately built there and open by next summer. Kings Island did leave Son of Beast's site empty before they started teasing Banshee and I could see CP doing something similar by teasing a new attraction next summer.


What hasn't been mentioned is what will happen to the haunt they built in the middle of the ride? Will that be demolished after the season is over?

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