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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday 3/29/22

Quick trip report. I drive to Santa clarita on Tuesday for work. 

Tatsu 2xs

West coast 1

Riddlet 2xs

Crazanity 1

Scream 2xs

Goliath 1

Good news all rides are running 2 trains. I was out of the park at 12:10

Lots of WW track and support on site.

No pictures today.

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Anyone want to bet that Wonder Woman doesn’t open until September or later? I saw a drone construction update and the state of the construction site is appalling as we head into April. The entirety of whatever their doing in DC Universe is nothing but a dirt lot, the ride construction started and then halted completely. I just don’t get why SFMM can’t get their construction projects together. Look at fiesta Texas, Dr Diabolical is nearly finished with vertical construction!

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Hey everyone! I was planning on going sometime, probably a weekend, to the parks. I plan to get the flash pass/fads pass or whatever they call it. I wanted to know which rides we should hit first since it’s been about 5-6 years since I last went. Any advice I would greatly appreciate it 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Took my son and nephew today. Beautiful weather and light crowds.  Nephew is only 50" so we rode what we could. His first time to sfmm and he loved it.

Revolution 2

Ninja  2

Superman 3

Apocalypse 1

Gold rusher 1

Twisted 2

Scream 1

Goliath 2

Buccaneer 1

Justice league 2

Riddliers 1

And finished off the day with x2 longest wait of the day 15 min.

They were mostly running one train on rides today except TC.






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Took a quick spin around the park today after not having visited in some time. Low crowds, but a lot of stuff down as well, presumably due to a combo of high winds, construction, and staffing. Single train ops on quite a few things, but that's to be expected on low-crowd days. Here's a couple more pics of the new coaster as it looks like they've made some progress since the last ones went up. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Usually (not always, but most of the time).... the park will have two designations in terms.  "Temporarily closed" means that the ride went down for some reason but it supposed to be open.  "Closed" means that it's not being offered at all.  So if it was showing as temp, then that should mean it's not on any kind of extended closure.


(Fun fact: they started doing this a few years ago on the app, after I sent an email to Guest Relations expressing some frustration that there was no way for guests to tell the difference.  So sometimes parks DO actually listen and take suggestions!)

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On 4/19/2022 at 6:00 PM, VegasBaby said:

Thanks for the update, WW is going up fast!  I bet it opens before Aquaman at SFOT, lol!

You would win that bet! Mid to late summer is the best bet for Aquaman based on current construction progress. 

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Hi everyone, I need some input. Me and a friend will be flying in this weekend and are looking to go to the park on Sunday. I’m sure it’s going to be packed. Can you recommend which tier of Flash pass we should get? Also how we should maneuver the park in order to maximize our time for such a busy day?

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Am I the only one who thinks this new ride is another eyesore back there, along with West Coast Racers?  The mountain was once so beautiful!  Last year there was piles of trash on all the hill sides and in the queues... very sad to see the park in that condition.

On the other hand, I suppose it's worth it if I want my rides on X2, Revolution and Ninja!  Tatsu too, woohoo.

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5 hours ago, JT325 said:

Am I the only one who thinks this new ride is another eyesore back there, along with West Coast Racers?  The mountain was once so beautiful!  Last year there was piles of trash on all the hill sides and in the queues... very sad to see the park in that condition.

On the other hand, I suppose it's worth it if I want my rides on X2, Revolution and Ninja!  Tatsu too, woohoo.

Yeah I hate when amusement parks sully their own beauty by building roller coasters. 

  • Haha 3
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