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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Sighs! This will destroy Universal Studios, & Florida! I can't believe therye removing this great B&M Coaster if there is a petition or vote ill vote keep it!

Honestly don't be stupid. Yes it's a bummer it is leaving, but this will not "destroy" the park nor would signing a pointless internet petition do anything but make you look even dumber than the park for removing the ride.

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Who would have guessed 10-15 years ago that Dueling Dragons would be torn down, but the 8th Voyage of Sinbad and Poseidon's Fury would still be there? It's too bad they couldn't have utilized those areas for more Potter expansion.

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I have nothing too worthy to say about this, but I hope both of the Dragons get a new home, even if that might seem hard and expensive.


I've never gone to any Universal park, but now I kinda wish I had before. Even if the park had more thrill rides only I would enjoy...

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The last time I was at Universal was when I was but a kid, well before the Dragons were installed, even before Islands of Adventure was a thing. It's a shame I won't get a chance to visit there before they close them down permanently, as they seemed to be highly rated by fans of inverts. Interested to hear what the new attraction will be, though.

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I'll state it just as last time, there is NOTHING they can build related to Harry Potter featuring screens that I would rather have more than Dragon Challenge, or better yet a properly functioning Dueling Dragons. Horrible, Awful, Terrible and worst ever all come to mind.


Can the third (4th?) Universal Park just be dedicated to retired attractions?



Back to the Future

The good Version of Kong



Dueling Dragons

All of Nick Studios

Beetlejuice/Ghostbuster Shows/Dynamite Stunt Show Spectacular

An actually competent included-Waterpark with fantastic slides like Brain Wash/Disco H20, the Storm, and their Kraken Racer


Hell, add in Horizons, Great Movie Ride and the Original Journey into Imagination and we'll have a Nostalgia Park that would kick all kinds of ass.

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I hope both of the Dragons get a new home, even if that might seem hard and expensive.


My thoughts exactly.

Both Dragons are still smooth, so I don't see the need to replace the track.

Judging by how most relocations work, they'll hopefully end up in Asia somewhere.

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Who would have guessed 10-15 years ago that Dueling Dragons would be torn down, but the 8th Voyage of Sinbad and Poseidon's Fury would still be there? It's too bad they couldn't have utilized those areas for more Potter expansion.


Don't say "couldn't have utilized". There's still years ahead, for Universal.

And it looks to me, like the Lost Continent is slowly being turned into a (part of the) PotterVerse.


If Sinbad, Poseidon and Mythos restaurant (that everybody loves) are all that's left of LC, it's possible.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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-Kong has largely underwhelmed and honestly is mostly forgotten


Is it? This is completely anecdotal but when we visited in late June it was posting a 150 minute wait which was actually the longest line of any ride in either park (and it seems to have reasonably good capacity). I know a lot of coaster / theme park enthusiasts don't like it because it's mostly screen-based but does the average guest really care? Maybe they do, I'm just surprised to hear that since it seemed to be ridiculously popular when we went.


Personally we really enjoyed it, I probably wouldn't have waited 150 minutes for it but aside from Gringots and Forbidden Journey I can't really think of any ride in Orlando I'd wait 150 minutes for.


Personally I am not a fan of Kong. I thought the ride system was interesting and the exterior of the building and queue were amazing. But find myself not caring about the 3D screens. The ride does not do a good job of drawing you into the action, you are just watching events occur on the screens. Which I think is what separates Kong from rides like Gringotts, Forbidden Journey, and even Transformers. The reason I go to theme parks is because of the unique experiences which you cannot find anywhere else. Why spend a $100 a day to stare at a 3D screen? I can pay $15 to go watch a 2 hour movie in 3D at my local theater. Rides like Gringotts and Forbidden Journey are mostly 3D screens but at the same time they have the ride vehicles which do so much more than just bounce you around.


When Gringotts and Forbidden Journey were new I might have been willing to wait 120-150 minutes but today I will not. I would prefer to just find something with a shorter wait time. Which is why I typically visit during slower times of the year.


The only ride in Orlando I would wait 150 minutes for right now is Flight of Passage. After I have been on the ride several more times, my tolerance for long lines will likely die down and I will only be willing to wait an hour for it. But right now I am still amazed by the ride and cannot wait to get back and ride it again.


The next big new ride at Universal Orlando is Fast and Furious which uses the same ride system as Kong. Which based on my experiences with the Hollywood backlot tour I will not enjoy that ride either.

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I can understand why they would want to make room for a new Potter attraction. It's a huge draw for the park. At the same time, I feel overwhelmed with all of the simulator rides in the park. Hopefully this new attraction will truly be something unique.

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:lol: Does anybody read? The rides aren't going to be sold.


Apparently not, I was just thinking the same thing. It is basically confirmed they aren't going to be sold.


I don't care if this is a dumb question that could probably be answered from the last few pages of this thread but:

Why does everyone think they're NOT going to be relocated?

Robb brought up some good points a few pages ago as to why they could be relocated:


1. Dragons does not cycle nearly as much as Hulk did. Universal does Marvel Super Hero Island buyouts ALL. THE. TIME. for conventions, companies, and private parties and Hulk is usually one of the attractions that is included. That ride runs way more than you would think. Dragons, at the back of the park doesn't get as much attention.


2. There are actually many other B&Ms that run probably close to what Dragons cycles. Montu being one of them. Rides like Nemesis being another. And there are a TON of other coaster that run year-round morning to night that are still not at the end of their lifecycle. (How is it fair that Manhattan Express gets to live while Dragons dies?)


3. You could easily duel these rides again without question. Universal just chooses not to do it. If Twisted Colossus can exist in the idiot-infested Trump America, so can Dueling Dragons.


4. They *could* be sold. But they won't be. (why?) And it's not because there wouldn't be a buyer, because I'm sure there would be. If a 28 year old Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop that ran every day can have an interested buyer and be relocated and re-opened, then I'm pretty damn sure a well taken care of, still running GREAT pair of B&M coasters could also be relocated.

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It was pointed out to me today that even Terra Mitica once moved a Vekoma SLC from one side of their park to another, and just this past season Morey's Piers have spent time and money completely refurbishing and re-tracking their Vekoma SLC.


TWO Vekoma SLC's have been resourcefully given new life in their same parks but Universal can't figure out how to keep a world-class ride that has been ranked in the top 20 steel coasters for more than half of it's existence.


Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this picture?

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Even though this has been rumored for a long while I'm still blown away by this. This is a coaster that will be remembered long after it's gone. Out of all the defunct coasters I can think of, I believe that this coaster will by far be missed the most. To enthusiasts it'll be as legendary in it's absence as Big Bad Wolf, Drachen Fire and Crystal Beach Cyclone. Perhaps even more. Unlike some of the previously mentioned rides however this legend is a great ride.


I'll miss rocketing towards that castle wall on Ice. That was one of my favorite coaster visuals ever.

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It was pointed out to me today that even Terra Mitica once moved a Vekoma SLC from one side of their park to another, and just this past season Morey's Piers have spent time and money completely refurbishing and re-tracking their Vekoma SLC.


TWO Vekoma SLC's have been resourcefully given new life in their same parks but Universal can't figure out how to keep a world-class ride that has been ranked in the top 20 steel coasters for more than half of it's existence.


Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this picture?


And on the subjects of Vekoma SLC's, Blackpool took one from their sister park, made room and squeezed it in around everything else.

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I mean, if Nagashima Spaland, who also operates their roller coasters year round, can move a 33 year old Ultra Twister and a 38 year old Corkscrew to a completely different side of the park to accommodate fitting in a new kids area, don't tell me that Universal wouldn't have the resources to figure out how to make a world-class pair of still fairly new B&Ms by comparison a viable attraction in their park again.


*THAT* is what I'm disappointed about.

Do you have any contact information for Prince Desmond? Maybe he can help.

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Do you have any contact information for Prince Desmond? Maybe he can help.


Give Dan a sugar free cookie to make a wish that the Title Fairy gives Derek a fast pass to his favorite looping coaster where he'll tip off StationMan on the way to email mrt0ad13@aol.com which will magically kick back to Prince Desmond's queue and the ride will be saved.

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I heard about the rumor, but I never believed it would come to fruition. Depressing to see this coaster leaving; it has a special place in my weird enthusiast heart. It was cool to see the steel twisting so close to each other (even though I never saw the ride duel). I'll miss it.


I'm also a huge HP fan, so hopefully we can get a good/large attraction replacing it.

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Do you have any contact information for Prince Desmond? Maybe he can help.

Give Dan a sugar free cookie to make a wish that the Title Fairy gives Derek a fast pass to his favorite looping coaster where he'll tip off StationMan on the way to email mrt0ad13@aol.com which will magically kick back to Prince Desmond's queue and the ride will be saved.

I was patiently waiting for this.

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Do you have any contact information for Prince Desmond? Maybe he can help.


Give Dan a sugar free cookie to make a wish that the Title Fairy gives Derek a fast pass to his favorite looping coaster where he'll tip off StationMan on the way to email mrt0ad13@aol.com which will magically kick back to Prince Desmond's queue and the ride will be saved.

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Really disappointed over the news that the Dragons are closing. This was one of the draws of even bothering to go to IOA to begin with as a coaster fan. Now the park only will have one coaster which is still fabulous but for a park named Islands of Adventure, its more like Adventure with dark rides.


I'm going to try to get up there and ride them one last time before they all close.


: (



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I had to go get some rides on Dragons so I went last night an hour before closing,complete walk on and rode both in the back row,that's still an awesome ride and its crazy they're probably going to the scrap yard.They obviously don't have that new coaster smooth sound but they're absolutely not even close to being a rough ride.As far as Fallon,I like the attraction,its yet another simulator in the lineup but the attraction as a whole is fun.I remember when Twister opened the intention was to have an attraction with no line so the reason for that boring movie and pre show(sorry Bill Paxton,R.I.P),after a while you didn't want to go do the attraction since you had to go see the the two pre shows,at least with Fallon its likely something different.That new Potter family style coaster better be amazing as amazing gets!!

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