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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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^ Haha. That made me laugh so hard I nearly went pee pee


My experience isn't so weird. But it made me laugh.

I was on the subway in Brussels when these little kids (maybe 4 years in age) where crying because they where scared. The parents said that the 'train' wasn't really moving.

So when we got to the station, the kids where amazed and thought it was magic.


I wish I was like that when I was 4.



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So this girl replies with this direct quote "I have no clue what Cedar Point is..."


Sometimes I wonder how it's possible the GP can be so ignorant.


Yeah how dare some stupid person not know a regional amusement park in Ohio, god what a dumb bitch.




I've also gotten, "how the hell am going to get in this seat?" on TTD, I open the t-bar for them, and I think "That's how! Idiot" I've gotten that same question on MF, Raptor and Magnum and I just pull up the restraint for them.


The GP can be idiots sometimes, and at the worst times too.

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Once, A person at my school was talking about Goliath at Magic Mountain, he said the train has gasoline and the train runs down the track like a car. So I told him that it was gravity powered and that kind of stuff... He told my I was gay and walked off.

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It would seem to me that the GP does not like to be proven wrong. My friends nonetheless are some of my worst enemies when it comes to waiting in line. It seems they like to think that Superman Ride of Steel is 400 feet tall and that 8 people have died on it and all other sorts of outlandish claims. I told my friend that in fact it was not 4oo feet tall and any of the other ridiculous claims he had made were false and he told me I was wrong. Once in the station i showed him the sign with the specifics on it and he just frowned still not admitting that he was wrong.

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Haha, all these stories are making me laugh.

When I went to Knott's a few weeks ago my friend and I went on the log ride and sat in the front of the log. Two teenage boys sat behind us. While we were riding one of them suddenly yelled out "Crap! I didn't know we were going to get wet on this!". Then he asked my friend if she could move slightly to the left so his "Homemade Cigarettes" wouldn't get wet. We couldn't stop laughing about it the whole ride.

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That the Cyclone Roller Coaster at Dreamworld was "The best in Australia and one of the top 5 in the world". Sad thing is that this was from a park staff member, and more than a year after Superman Escape had opened no more than 5km down the road.

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When I was at Belmont Park, This woman asked the ride operator, "Can you stop the ride halfway through the drop so I can take a picture?


hahaha WOW! I think that has made my day so far.



This isn't really something the GP have said, but what I have seen. A couple years ago while I was at Holiday World there were some Amish people there. And they went on the log ride with the women in the dresses or whatever it is called that they wear. It was pretty funny.

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Yesterday in my drama class. It was our first day in that class, so we were doing this "get-to-know-everyone" thing. One of the questions on the questionnaire was, "Who has been to an amusement park more than five times?" And some girl was like, "Oh my God! The roller coaster at Joyland! That was the first roller coaster ever built!" Even though it was built in 1949


This is a little off subject, but today in drama, we were discussing those questionnaire's, and we started talking about roller coasters for like 15 minutes! It was so cool! And what surprises me, is that what people said was actually true

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If you're turning friends into enemies based on the fact that they don't know roller coaster stats, one might be taking his hobby a little too seriously, methinks.


Sorry Exit English maybe I should have worded that post better. I don't actually become enemies with them but it generates much arguments which actually makes the line go by faster.

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^That sounds so dirty. Sheikra has to be horrible to say for dyslexic people (like me). When I first saw the name, I thought it was Shakira too!


One time in Biology class, there was a girl talking about DCA. She said, "OMG, have you been on the Maliboomer? That shoots you up 10000 feet in the air!" Uh, yeah. The highest thrill ride in the world is Big Shot on the thousand foot tall Stratosphere tower. The ride itself is 160 feet tall. Another time, a friend asked me, "Have you been on California Screamin? You know, the one that launches you to 200 miles per hour?" I wanted to laugh so bad, but I controlled myself.


I'm really annoyed by people claiming that, "Top Gun at Great America is going to be torn down because it's sinking in the lake." Someone said that on Youtube. Then another GP replied with, "They're taking it down? Aww, I loved that ride." I wanted to reply with, "IDIOTS!" I don't know why the general public seem to believe such bullcrap claims.

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^Someone on Youtube claimed Clementon was bought by Six Flags. Surpassingly he didn't get made fun of...


I have nothing wrong with people making honest mistakes, but there is a difference between an honest mistake and stupidity.


"Viper is like 100 years old"-I'm thinking "Really?(said sarcastically) Viper has been here since 1907...69 years before SFGAM opened?" Sure Viper looks really old, but amusement rides have not been in Gurnee since 1907.


Girl in line for Raging Bull-"B:TR is the world's tallest coaster."

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Ok, this happened in Choir yesterday, and I just about crapped myself with laughter,


Student 1: I hate Wicked (Lagoon), It sucked so bad that their gonna take it down.

Student 2: When?

Me: Yeah, Lagoon is going to listen to the complaints of a hormonal, jail bait teenager, and pay money, to tear down something, that they payed money for, and is making money for them...

Student 2: So when are they going to take it down?

Student 1: You're gay,

Me: Yeah... what of it?


They both walked away, but anyway student #1 and I have a very close relationship of him acting like an idiot, me proving him wrong, and him calling me gay... it's rather hilarious .

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I was in line for Roman Rapids at BGE in May of last year and there were two very drunk girls carrying beer bottles behind me. One asked the other "Do you think I need to put down my beer somewhere?"


Can't be sure, but I think the CMs made them toss the bottles, and let them on the ride anyway. I couldn't help but laugh.

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My friend is totally convinced that Six Flags once got sued because one of the cars on Superman at SFMM overshot and flew off the tracks. I told her that has never happened, and probably won't ever happen. She was still trying to convince me that it happened, trying to tell me that it's the reason why cars now never reach the top of the tower.


I was getting pretty frustrated, and she was still really convinced that she was right, so I just agreed with her and old her I was probably wrong. Sometimes I just play dumb just to satisfy people in situations like this.

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My friend and I were standing in line for Deja Vu and we overheard these to girls infront of us saying that the reason Deja Vu at SFMM isn't open a lot is because on the lift backwards, the train kept going up and the back car fall off of the track. Me and my friend were just cracking up so hard.

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