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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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A friend of mine said this while eating at Moe's one night:


"Did you know, there's a coaster underneath the Hurler at Carowinds."


Of course, my coaster geek side came out and I had to argue with him, I said "No there isn't. There's not enough space underneath it for one anyways."


His response was, "It's a secret coaster that only cool people know about, it's underground."

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^No, it isn't. Fighter pilots can withstand over that amount without blacking out. Most normal people would black out, though, if a ride were held at a constant 7 g's for a while.


Ah, but fighter pilots are trained for those kind of G's, whereas, most people aren't. It also depends on the body of a person. I'm not quite sure what the physics behind it are, but you'll always find someone who'll black out at a higher force than someone else.

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Wikipeia says someone took 179G and survived, probably only for a split second. It's on the G-Force article if you want to check it.


Anyway a member of the general public, a young girl about 11 or 12 years actually asked the question to her mother "Why is it called the Corkscrew?" Maybe if she bothered to look at the coaster that stood before her she'd find out however she obviously didn't possess that level of intelligence.

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Here's a few, heard yesterday at Great America...


This one made my ride on Demon that much better:

"Here we go through the loop-de-loops! Ahh! Here's the corkscrews! We're gonna dieee! Ahhh" (Little kids....gotta love 'em)


Random GP also on Demon as the restraint was closed when she got there.

"How do I get in this seat? (The restraint was down because no one rode prior to her ride)


In line for Survivor, Random GP:

"Does this go upside down?" Reply from another GP was "Well, you come very close to going upside down!"


Lastly, some random GP Rapper people with fake golden grills were laughing at me on Invertigo because I was sitting calm throughout the ride. They asked me if I was going to ride again but I just left. (I almost thought I was going to have to accidentally drop my gum out on them during the ride)

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^ do you happen to mean a norwegian loop? If i read what you explained correctly then it already exists.


Woah this is like 2 weeks old but yes! That's exactly what I was talking about. You pictured it perfectly. However, I was mentioning how it'd be sweet if B&M did it with their invert.


I had never seen that element before and was drawing it, and then I looked right now and the picture you left is exactly it. Thank you!

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Ok so I was in line for El Toro... I heard the dumbest 2 GP people yelling at each other...

GP1: Dude see I told you...

GP2: Yea dude I totally notice it now!

GP1:See I told you El Toro was taller...

GP2:Yea dude you were right sorry i doubted you!!!


I Almost DIED!!! From laughing so hard!!!

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^You're all wrong, it's 128 mph.


I remember a pretty good one in line for Rolling Thunder:


Person 1: El Toro looks awesome.

Person 2: Yeah, but it can't be better than that Coney Island Comet.

Person 1: Yeah, the Comet was awesome yesterday!

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^ do you happen to mean a norwegian loop? If i read what you explained correctly then it already exists.


Woah this is like 2 weeks old but yes! That's exactly what I was talking about. You pictured it perfectly. However, I was mentioning how it'd be sweet if B&M did it with their invert.


I had never seen that element before and was drawing it, and then I looked right now and the picture you left is exactly it. Thank you!


Hehe. Not a problem! ^.^

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In line for Maverick with a Maverick Hoodie on

*Preppy girl with friends looks over*



SFGAm 2003 on SUF

*kid looks over at hill that shockwaves parts are on*


"Wow son, would you look at that!"


I also just have a pet peeve with the GP putting "The" infront of everything. "

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