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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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This might be the most outrageous thing I have ever heard:


One of my friends at school wore a Led Zeppelin shirt and I said,


"Hey, did you know that's a roller coaster?"


"Oh yeah! In Tennessee!"


So I replied, "Um, South Carolina."


"Oops. But OMG, my friend got to ride it!"

"Ciera, that coaster is still under construction. They haven't even begun testing to my knowledge. Let alone have cars on the tracks. (They might have, but it's very unlikely)


"No! It was a secret test run at night with no one around. She said it was awesome. I know the guy building it, it's her dad. I talked to him the other day. He's a really nice guy!"


**Walks away, cracking up laughing**

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Talking to a friend about Carowinds, this is the same guy who still believes that there is a second secret track to Hurler.


I was testing his knowledge about Carowinds and asked him to name all the coasters there. He named all but 3. I told him what he missed being Flying Super Saturater, Taxi Jam, and Ricochet. His response was, "Those aren't coasters."

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

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another example. a kid in my soc. studies thinks he;s "gangsta". so he was telling everyone about his SFNE trip and goes "Batman was fun, but not soulja boy worthy."

Soulja Boi....... not worthy..... what person listens to that song and likes it?


And then compares it to Batman... what is wrong with that kid?

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I was on sandstorm at Busch Gardens and this guy in front of me looks back and Im in a kicked back position he goes "Wow this guy takes it like hes nothing" His friend turns around "Wow hes the whitest person Ive ever seen, dude where you from and born?" My true response "Miami" He says "Yours seriously from Miami....you F-ing liar!"


Another experience....


On Shiekra....


Reaching over the edge front row kid next to me screaming "Pussy! Vagina! Pussy!" He gets off and his moms standing there and looks at him going, I heard what you said! I just cracked up laughing!


On GOOD Mummy in the dark sections "Pussy Penis Vagina Squirrely Wrath!"


I swear some immature kids find some stuff so funny....and its not, it ruins a ride!

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another example. a kid in my soc. studies thinks he;s "gangsta". so he was telling everyone about his SFNE trip and goes "Batman was fun, but not soulja boy worthy."

Soulja Boi....... not worthy..... what person listens to that song and likes it?


And then compares it to Batman... what is wrong with that kid?


Well, Souja Boy has a song called Crank That Batman.



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two years or so i was at cedar point and was in line for millennium force after the park had closed and i was waiting for the 2nd to last train and the guy in front of us asked the ride op if (since no one was around) if he could put a coin on the track to have it smashed like you would for an actual freight train. The ride opp just looked at everyone behind him with this look on his face like this guy can't be serious and turns his head away and never would answer him after that. lol

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Here's one. It was a comment for my friends Busch Gardens Africa Video.

"Jesus Christ. How do you convince your parents to take to diffrent states, countrys, and now contients just to go to amusement parks!!!!!"

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You have to love what the GP say nowadays. I think it's a great blast hearing the crazy-assed stories they come up with.


At Chessington, queuing up for the vampire, I overheard a teenager telling her friends that the rollercoaster was floorless because people were known to throw up, the sick landing in the bottom of the train. We had another 80 minutes to wait for the ride and she was standing in front f me the whole time. Any mention of food, floorless, puke or other related words would make me nearly crack up. I was trying not to, but my brother saw this and deliberately tried making me laugh.


Good times... I wonder what I'll hear next...

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I don't know why I didn't post this sooner, but on my facebook I asked a question (those of you who have one know what this feature is) asking would you rather go the Magic Mountain or Cedar Point. So this girl replies with this direct quote "I have no clue what Cedar Point is..."


Sometimes I wonder how it's possible the GP can be so ignorant.

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So this girl replies with this direct quote "I have no clue what Cedar Point is..."


Sometimes I wonder how it's possible the GP can be so ignorant.


Yeah how dare some stupid person not know a regional amusement park in Ohio, god what a dumb bitch.

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Yup. If you live on the west coast, the only theme parks the GP know of are DLR, Knotts, SFMM, and maybe Great America and SFDK. But they don't even know a thing about the parks anyway.


If I had a dime for every time I hear, "They're going to tear down Top Gun because it's sinking on the lake," I would be richer than Bill Gates.

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I got asked:

Does Down Town Disney accept cash?

-No, we only accept disney dollars.


Is the tap water safe to drink?

-No we poison it with drugs to make you happy and buy stuff.


Some people at work have once been asked:

Where do they put the castle at night?

So where do all of you sleep? They think we all live inside the park or something.


And these are all 100% real questions, and they were serious.

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Some of the questions the GP asks are downright idiotic, but others are just due to lack of knowledge. It doesn't necessarily make them stupid. You gotta keep in mind that some of these "idiots" are doctors, lawyers, engineers, business execs, etc. But hey, if you think that someone who doesn't know where a restroom is located must be a total moron, it's all good if it helps you get thru your day working your $8/hr amusement park job.

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Overheard while traversing a CP midway:

"wait, Raptor doesn't have a floor?! How are you supposed to climb into the seat?"

"You know, if you drop something into a trashcan while riding Corkscrew, CP will give you a free ticket." (it IS a CF park, can't be too difficult to miss one...)

"Come on, guys, let's do Magnum. With MF taking all of its riders, its gonna be gone by 2010"

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Heard a couple at Pleasure Beach Blackpool over the years.


1. (heard on several differnt rides) Do I really have to wear the safty belt/ use the lap bar.


2. (Heard on Pepsi Max Big One) I heard that if this had once rolled back down the lift hill and killed six people in the station.


3. (Couple talking on the Flying Machines). One of these snapped off once and landed in the sea)


4. A guy has to walk round the whole monorail track every day to check it.


5. (Someone stood under the Revolution Track talking to his partner). Don't touch the track you'll get electrocuted.

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This isn't Theme Park related but anyway....

When I was coming home on the train today I heard this from a couple of 15-16 years olds: "If the train is going crash they will switch off the lights first so you don't see other people die, just like they do on Planes."

I nearly burst out laughing and so did a few others that were standing next to me.

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