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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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  coastermandan said:
On another note.


Dino Island 4D was the DUMBEST experience. It was aggressive, the animation was terrible and the entire thing was something I'd have expected to see in like, an arcade. One of those single rider experiences, ya know?


The attendant was caught a little off guard when I exited. He asked, "so how was it?"


"Well, it was really stupid and a total waste of time."


You must be loads of fun at parties.


The rest of us will save the dinosaurs with or without you.

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  coastermandan said:
On another note.


Dino Island 4D was the DUMBEST experience. It was aggressive, the animation was terrible and the entire thing was something I'd have expected to see in like, an arcade. One of those single rider experiences, ya know?


The attendant was caught a little off guard when I exited. He asked, "so how was it?"


"Well, it was really stupid and a total waste of time."


Sounds like something I would say!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking at the different pass types. Dimond Elite actually comes with a free swim with the dolphins once a year. I was told the benefit resets after Holiday in the park. So if your local you could theoretically do it once now, once more after Jan before you cancel and re-up your membership (or just cancel). Seems like a no brainer if you were going to do it.

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  SimiGeek said:
I was looking at the different pass types. Dimond Elite actually comes with a free swim with the dolphins once a year. I was told the benefit resets after Holiday in the park. So if your local you could theoretically do it once now, once more after Jan before you cancel and re-up your membership (or just cancel). Seems like a no brainer if you were going to do it.

Okay that in itself just gave me a huge incentive to get Diamond Elite next year. I've always wanted to do the dolphin swim but have never pulled the trigger on it. Plus two skip-the-line passes each visit to any SF park and haunt wristbands every visit.... too bad they didn't roll this out a couple of years ago when I lived closer. I would purchase in a heartbeat if I knew I'd be visiting Six Flags enough.

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I was in the Bay area over the weekend and spent about 7 hours at SFDK on Saturday. Here are my takeaways from the park.


They let us in at 10am. hey were suppose to open at 10:30am but rope drop didn't occur until 10:45am. It was a bit strange. Have not experience a delay like that before. Not sure if that is common or the norm for this park.


Joker was my favorite ride. I found that the ride was better in the back seat. The drop was much better as is the case with most RMC. I got 7 rides on it. The first 2-3 I was able to pick my seat. Then they placed a staff member who assigned seats. I believe I asked for the back row twice and was my request was granted, so the staff was pretty good about. One member actually tanked me for asking instead of just trying to take the seat. I liked the inversions and some of the air time, but I see why this is regarded as the weakest RMC. It seems to lose a little bit of the pacing as the ride goes on. Still it is the best ride at the park.


Superman was a fun ride. I rode it twice. It was a little rougher than what I am used to with Full Throttle. But overall I enjoyed it. Even with capacity of 12 riders the line was only 30 minutes tops. The staff did a great job to make sure that no seats were empty.


Medusa was also a fun ride. I think I found it more enjoyable than Scream at SFMM. The third inversion really seem to stick out. Line was never more 10 minutes.


My second favorite ride ended up being V2. I really enjoyed the hang time you got. I rode it 4 times and got great side air time twice and had rows 4 & 5 and it just hung me upside down. This is a much better ride than V2 at SFGA. Great design especially for this park with their height restriction.


The Boomerang. Cobra, and the Super Looper were as expected. The ride which was not good was Kong. I'm not looking forward to T3 at Kentucky Kingdom next month and if this one is better than that one, ouch. It is a poorly designed ride. The worst part is they only ran one train and the wait was about 30 minutes. They did try to make sure all the rows were taken but the ride was just plain horrible.


I also took a quick look at some the animal exhibits. I have been to the San Diego Zoo numerous times and maybe I'm used to that level, but this felt like a step down. It was OK. I think I liked the Penguins and Sting Rays the best since they were so close to you.


The Harley Quinn Coaster was no where close to being ready. Even though the folders showed the crane putting on the top part of the track, it was removed when I was their on Saturday. Overall the park was a good one to visit for a day. You can get everything done in 6-8 hours. It will allow you to ride Joker, V2, Superman, and Medusa more than once. I think my next trip to the Bay area I will hit up CGA for a day and goto Santa Cruz Boardwalk instead of SFDK on the second day.

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^When I visited in November, rope drop was delayed. All that mattered to me though was that I was part of the second group in the station for Joker, getting me the back row.


Sometimes I forget to give V2 enough credit since it's now my fourth favorite coaster in the park, but it really packs a punch and always leaves me impressed. It's a great version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The park just announced Harley Quinn will officially open on June 17th, and SP preview is Saturday the 16th from 0930-1030. For the rest of the day Sat 16, purchasing a Harley Quinn T-Shirt gets you on, and I'm guessing SP will still work too, I believe they did the same thing with Joker if I remember correctly.

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  moviemansig said:
Regarding the Harley Quinn Crazy Coaster, what's meant by head-to-head high flybys? Also, what's an Immelmann inversion? Thanks.


Little bit late, but an Immelman is a turn that was originally used in WWI by a German pilot named Max Immelman and later adapted to coasters. Basically its half of a loop followed by a roll back to upright. It's very similar to a dive loop, but taken in the opposite direction. (Wow, an AP Euro paper on WWI dogfights actually was useful) The park is using head-to-head flybys as a buzz term that means that the two trains will pass each other in opposite directions at a "Combined speed of 70 MPH", which can be read as each train is going 35 MPH.

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I'm really curious to see how I like Harley Quinn when I ride it next month. I actually enjoy Super Loops quite a bit, and I think this one will feel more like a "roller coaster" due to the immelmanns/dive loops. Hopefully the big bulky harnesses are reasonably comfortable.

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  singemfrc said:
The park just announced Harley Quinn will officially open on June 17th, and SP preview is Saturday the 16th from 0930-1030. For the rest of the day Sat 16, purchasing a Harley Quinn T-Shirt gets you on, and I'm guessing SP will still work too, I believe they did the same thing with Joker if I remember correctly.


I just got an email that says everything is postponed until June 23.


HARLEY QUINN Opening Date Changed


The HARLEY QUINN Crazy Coaster opening has been postponed until Sunday, June 24.


A few days ago we announced that the HARLEY QUINN Crazy Coaster will open next Sunday. However, we never open a ride until it’s perfect, and therefore we have decided to postpone the public opening of Harley Quinn Crazy Coaster until Sunday, June 24.


Please note that the delay also impacts our Season Pass and Member preview. On Saturday, June 23, all Season Pass holders and Members can come to our special sneak peek from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Just show your Pass card at the side entrance (located next to SUPERMAN Ultimate Flight) to start dueling with other riders.


If you do not have a Season Pass or Membership, you can purchase our limited edition Harley Quinn t-shirt, available at the Daily Planet gift shop and you’ll get an exclusive early ride time on June 23 from 10:30 a.m. to park close. Plus don’t miss the chance to meet Harley Quinn, one of the world’s most iconic Super Villains at scheduled times that day.


Thank you for your patience. We are excited to see you at the opening!

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