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About moviemansig

  • Birthday 06/18/1986

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  1. Here is a trip report. The Giant Dipper was the first ride of the day we did and it had just one train operation. I did Wave Rider for the first time, where you sit in a roll out rug and slide feet down. It was pretty enjoyable. Surge, which came out this year, is a spinning ride that goes up, down, and sideways. I definitely enjoyed it. Dream Wheel, which also debuted this year, is a gondola like Ferris wheel. It's an open-air configuration that rotates, but it feels like you're stationary as much as you're in motion. The views are quite good, but overall it's just a so-so ride. I did Twirlin’ Teacups for the first time. This is a spinning ride where you control the spin. It's tame, but kind of fun. Lastly, I did Lighthouse Lift-Off for the first time. This one has a unique design. You determine the height of the ride by pulling on an attached rope and then can release it anytime, but for the best experience would want to release it at the top. You can do this multiple times. I liked it, especially for its different approach.
  2. Here is a trip report for Saturday. Sidewinder Safari experienced a delay in operation while I was in line for it. You could hear the sound of birds chirping, although I don't think there were actual birds. The ride was fun with twists and u-turns, although bumpier than I anticipated. Starting in the afternoon, the lines moved slowly. Thrilla Gorilla and The Flash: Vertical Velocity were closed.
  3. Here is a trip report for Saturday. RailBlazer was closed for operation. Gold Striker was testing until 10:15. The park's newest ride Liberty Twirler wasn't open yet, even though it was supposed to open by the end of June. I thought the new ride additions to the water park were nice, along with the various signs and murals. There were eight new kids slides, which I did, and I thought they were fairly enjoyable, including a green one with colored translucent bands inside. Moreover, the two new tube ones (Barracuda and Feeding Frenzy) were solid, with my preference being for the latter. Lastly, I thought Shark Reef Plunge, the launch capsule drop ride, was definitely the best ride at the water park and provided an exhilarating rush.
  4. What's an overbanked cutback element, 180 degree stall, a raven dive, and zero-gravity roll? Thanks.
  5. Here is a trip report for last Saturday. I did West Coast Racers for the first time and really enjoyed it. I thought the airtime greatly enhanced the ride experience. The dueling aspect was reminiscent of Twisted Colossus, which was also nice. The ride length was perfect, longer than most. The wait time in X2's regular line was a modest one hour late morning. I rode Superman forwards for the first time and thought it went higher than when it goes in the backward direction. The wait time in Superman's regular line early afternoon was less than 20 minutes. Jet Stream was closed early on, but opened up in the evening. I did it for the first time and thought it was just mediocre, as it was too bumpy and hardly gets you wet. What I didn't know beforehand is Superman isn't included with the Gold Flash Pass and X2 doesn't have an additional surcharge with Gold. Lex Luthor and Justice League were both closed.
  6. For those who work at the park or who went over the weekend, do they require you to wear a mask on all the rides on proof of vaccination days? Thanks.
  7. For Twisted Colossus, it was about 10 minutes. With the Platinum Flash Pass, I rode eight rides (including six coasters) in a little over six hours, although I did take food and beverage breaks with a friend.
  8. I had a good time at the park yesterday. Lex Luthor, Jet Stream, and Tidal Wave were all closed. It definitely helped to have had the Platinum Flash Pass, as Twisted Colossus had an hour-and-a-half wait around 4:30, the longest I've ever seen for it. I'm looking forward to riding West Coast Racers next year.
  9. Do they still have a Gold Pass early entry in 2019? Also, if you have a Gold Season Pass, do you get a discount on a flash pass if you buy in person? Lastly, if buying in person and you have a group of four, is it possible to buy multiple flash passes so one person doesn’t have to pay for everyone? Thanks.
  10. Here is a trip report for Sunday. Gold Striker was a walk-on in the morning and in the afternoon; I can't remember the last time that happened. Whitewater Falls and Rip Roaring Rapids were both closed. I did RailBlazer both in the front and back, and preferred the back as there's more airtime. Tiki Twirl experienced technical difficulties while we were waiting in line for it and again when we were on it. The lines moved really smoothly for the most part.
  11. This is a trip report for last Saturday. The Joker line was extra long because they were running just one train. It took two hours for Batman to open. I thought the ride was intense and fun, but way too short. With the exception of Monsoon Falls, which had a minimal wait, lines seemed to be on the longer side. Vertical Velocity and Harley Quinn were down all day.
  12. I received this in a Magic Mountain enewsletter. ONE TIME OFFER: Eat at the Park All Year for $34.99 This is an exclusive online-only 2019 Basic Season Dining offer. It can only be redeemed online - not in the park. We reserve the right to check your ID when you pick up your Six Flags Season Dining Pass at the park to verify your purchase. Would this only be good at Magic Mountain or would I be able to redeem at other Six Flags parks too? Also, if it's online only, why does it have to be picked up in person?
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