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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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As of 3-22-2007


This is up on the green wall that surrounds the consrtuction area




They have the area totally blocked off


Big crane






Overview. And there is a vary large hole in the ground near the train station. Lokks like there will be water.


I may post some more net week.

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Remember Perilous Plunge and the oil derrick it was supposed to have in the theming. Sierra Sidewinder = ditto.


I'm still not crazy about the colors. It's about the same color scheme that Jaguar! had when it was new---red track on light brown supports. Works for the area, though, honestly, a green track would have looked better, or green supports with brown/tan track.


Eh, I'll ride it anyway.



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Remember Perilous Plunge and the oil derrick it was supposed to have in the theming. Sierra Sidewinder = ditto.




That's kind of different. In the press release announcement for Perilous Plunge, the 90-foot oil derrick prop was supposed to be one of the highlighting points of the ride, as the boats shoot through it down the drop.


With Sierra Sidewinder, there was absolutely no mention of a faux mountain/hill.

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