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Roughest coaster

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The Rattler, hands down. First and only coaster I've ever ridden that hurt me so bad I almost walked out of the park... I didn't ride anything for 2 hours afterwards.

Rattler was awful. I had a friend in college who had season passes to Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and he got me in on a guest pass. I know some have a fondness for Rattler, my friend included, but I have no love for that ride at all. Couldn't be happier to see it torn down. Now Poltergeist, on the other hand, was probably my favourite ride of that trip.

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I would put Mean Streak on here, but my roughest ride ever was Wildcat at HP when it still had the PTC trains. Pouring rainstorm, it was the only ride open, and I was stupid. The thing flew through the soaked track- if it had the Flyers at that point, it may have been somewhat enjoyable, but those damn PTC trains were on. Turns were rough to begin with, let alone going faster through them in a storm raining down water bullets. I actually got two bruises- one on my arm and another on my leg.

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  • 2 months later...

Coney Island Cyclone. I just rode it again in August (for the first time in a decade) and man, did it whoop me something good!


Now, usually, people claim roughness is a bad thing, but not on the Cyclone. When you're riding in the back you get some of the most terrifying ejector airtime available on this planet (comparable to Devil's Mine at Fort Fun!).


Edit - You know what? Just because I mentioned Devil's Mine, allow me to provide proof of it's absolutely STUPID airtime. This was taken on TPR's Europe trip this past June.


Recognize anyone?

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  • 1 month later...
Ninja at sfog, or Mystery Mine at Dollywood.

Mystery Mine? I find that if one braces properly in that one neck-snapping (and OTSR-smashing) curve before the first lift, it isn't that bad. At least not for me. Though, I always came out with sore ribs thanks to the small cars + the elbows of the person next to me, heh.


Georgia Cyclone, out of my very limited number of coasters ridden, has proven the roughest (ALWAYS leading to rather significant hip pain) but I still love it... and I assume it's gotten a little better since the re-tracking started.

Edited by EquusStorm
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I'm anticipating that a number of Chinese SLC knockoffs will make this thread come the end of September, after TPR's visit.



So Chuck. Now, that you and I (and some others) have been to China...


Any standouts?


I have a few, but am curious what your selection is.

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Any Windstorm/Hurricane type coaster. Those are the only coasters where I already know they're going to be bad. I do those purely for the credit and sometimes wonder if they are worth it.


Are you kidding me? The Hurricane at Adventureland is so much fun and its intense as hell for such a tiny little coaster. Even though they're SDC/Pinfari they feel very Schwarzkopf-esque to me.

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