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Worst Ride Name

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I think it's really pathetic how NY-NY changed the name of their roller coaster from Manhattan Express to Roller Coaster. I really don't know what was wrong with the Manhattan Express name and it is a million times better than Roller Coaster.

I usually don't mind rides that have always been named "Coaster" or "Roller Coaster" (I think it's kinda cute). But I totally agree that it's pathetic to replace a cool name like Manhattan Express or Tree Topper with "Roller Coaster."

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I read somewhere about it that it's something profane like "Hamster Coaster".


How is "Hamster Coaster profane? Did you mean profound in a sarcastic way?


I probably do...


I'm not a native speaker, so I maybe mix something up sometimes. What I ment is: If it really just says 'Hamster Coaster', the name LOOKS impressive (just because of the ammount of words) but means something... simple.


P.S.: Yep, I just got it (thanks to dict.cc): it's not 'profane' what I tried to say. Never try to just translate by instinct...


I totally understand, since English isn't your first language. I hadn't noticed before that you were from Germany. For what it's worth, your English is still about 1000 times than my German.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Rides with ludicrously long names. Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and (what a mouthful) Gotham City Gauntlet: Escape From Arkham Asylum. Nobody calls them by their full name because they're too damn long!


After all, "Brevity is the soul of wit".

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Here are some dumb names. Some wouldn't be that dumb if they weren't used a million times.


Wild Mouse

Corkscrew *


Wild Thing



Wild One

Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie


Big or Little Dipper*


And the worst of all



Another one is XLR-8 which was the name of a Arrow Suspended at SFAW. Good name just not for an Arrow Suspended


* Means its not a bad name but it's overused

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping but again, I think I should share my opinion. The names I don't like are:


Goliath (over used)

Ride of Steel (boring!)

Any newer rides (ie not from the early coaster days) with the name Coaster or Roller Coaster

Boomerang (over used)

Viper (over used)

Dragster H2O (YUCK!)

Flight Deck (boring!)

Drop Tower (boring!)

Anything in Asia (most of the names are odd except for a few)

Go Bananas (odd)

Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit (too long!)

Arkham Asylum-Shock Therapy (too long and odd!)

Gothem City Gauntlet Escape from Arkham Asylum (odd & I think it is the worlds longest coaster name! )

Spinning Batman (ok, it is not themed to Batman and it doesn't spin )

Anything themed to Batman and Superman (over used)


I think that is it .

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Boomerang: Coast to Coaster, The Roller Coaster(above), and any generic Japan ones like Shuttle loop.


The best name is, Colorado Adventure – The Michael Jackson Thrill Ride

Edited by jray21
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Scream is pretty bad. I also hate Ride of Steel. Superman Ride of Steel is fine but just Ride of Steel is boring.


I agree on Ride of Steel being a good coaster with a bad name, it's worse than the name "Scream"!


Here are some of my other honorable mentions of bad ride names


. Big Spin (O.K. Tony Hawk's Big Spin was fine, But just "Big Spin",that's a name Cedar Fair would use)

. Flight Deck (Sounds like a name that a family fun center would use for a motion simulator)

. Roar (fine for Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, but not for Six Flags America)

. Mind Eraser (over used)

. Kiddee Koaster (too generic, why couldn't SFFT rename the ride "Mr. Six's Dance Coaster"?)

. Magic Flyer (boring, might a well have SFMM get rid of the train engine front car and rename back to "Goliath Jr.")

. 'Cuda Falls (No longer makes sense because it's now the only slides that are in Barracuda Bay)

. Time Warp (boring)

. Disaster Transport (The ride itself was a disaster like its namesake)

. Dragon Challenge (No longer makes sense, because the dragons no longer run together)

. Flight (boring)

. Skyhawk (doesn't Cedar Fair have enough rides ending in "Hawk"?)

. Motocoaster (too generic and boring)

. Dragster H2O (boring)

. Fairly Odd-Coaster ( )

. Spinning Dragons (boring)

. All of the names that Darien Lake used for the Adventure Isle kiddie rides from 2007-2011 (boring and sounded like something that the asian cooked up)

. Batman: The Escaspe (you can't just use a superhero's name and then add "The Escape" to it!)

. Terminator Salvation: The Ride (Apocalypse sounds better than that!)

Edited by DarienLaker
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I seriously think:

New Texas Giant.

Iron Rattler.

Hades 360.

Superman, Escape from Krypton.

Mr. Freeze reverse blast.

are all bad names. Come on this is just laziness. Just pick a coaster do something with it and give some lame ass extra name to it.

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I seriously think:

New Texas Giant.

Iron Rattler.

Hades 360.

Superman, Escape from Krypton.

Mr. Freeze reverse blast.

are all bad names. Come on this is just laziness. Just pick a coaster do something with it and give some lame A$$ extra name to it.


I don't like the New Texas Giant name, but like the way each of the others was renamed. With Iron Rattler, Hades 360 and Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast the new name describes what has been modified.

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