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About dominoes

  • Birthday 08/01/1996

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  1. Actually unless I missed something, they seem to have just accused this guy of taking costumes and things belonging to Buzzy. However the animatronic is still missing (he had been investigated before and they didn't find any evidence of him having the animatronic). Glad they finally got him though for stealing all those items.
  2. I hope it's that 2+1D because I cannot imagine that ride in 2D, it's already hard enough to get immersed in 3D...
  3. ^Wow it's great to know i'm not the only one who couldn't make out what was in the rafters before the refurb. Thank god I knew what it was meant to be before hand cause otherwise I wouldn't have noticed anything...
  4. Yesterday Phantom Manor finally reopened it's doors to lucky guests to see the new renovation. The ride opens to everyone on the 3rd May.
  5. The ride formerly known as Air at Alton Towers is a ride that came to mind immediately. When I first rode it I thought it was a fun ride, although not as intense as I had expected from watching it in the queue. Either way I enjoyed it, and came back to give it a go at night. Riding it at night brought the intensity way up, as the track layout isn't really lit, and you would dive into tunnels and skim the ground meaning you had a constant feeling that you were going to hit something. Night time Air was up there for me with Nemesis, and I am still a little bitter that the ride it now Galactica, but eh I can live with it.
  6. Did anyone hear about their Reserve n Ride system? thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/19-08-2013/Reserve-And-Ride-Trials Basically it means that you can either use a smart phone or collect a paper ticket, and you don't have to queue for as long. You get a time given to you, and you go to the ride when it is time. It's still trialing at the moment, but it should come into effect soon. Sounds good in my opinion.
  7. I have to admit, I am being pretty offended by your comments about type of people that go to Thorpe Park. It is my local park, and I go there at least once a year. I wish you wouldn't stereotype the people that go there in the way you are. We are not all chavs. I am kind of worried about the idea of these hotels. However, I'm sure that if the price to stay is low, then it will be quite good.
  8. Swarm: Pleasent. I had been informed that it was fairly boring, fairly slow, and fairly forceless. Instead, I got a great ride with a suprising amount of force. Great ride! Stealth: Pleasent. I first rode the ride when I was quite a bit younger, and hated it. I then gave worked up the courage to ride it again, and loved every second. Nemesis: Unpleasent. I was told it would be amazing and "the best ride evaaaaaaar". Instead, I got a fairly good Invert, but I still prefer Vampire and Air. Plus, on the inversion voer the station, my hand hit something on the train, so that scared the flip out of me. Nemesis - Sub Terra: Unpleasent. Got of it sore after being confronted with strobes, incredibly loud audio, and a painful pokey thing in my back. The seatbelt was uncomfortably loose, and the "scare maze" at the end consisted of nothing.
  9. Montana Russa. Direct translation: Russian Mountain Proper translation: Roller Coaster
  10. ^ Yeah it's awful. It just gets so crowded, and you get stuck. I remember last time I ended up running back and forth trying to find a way out...
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