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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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They should do something cool with the supports... Like how Mellenium Force has those sexy supports on the lifthill.... but after this Goliath... i think that name needs to be retired...


I like B&M supports. They tend not to destract attention from the actual track IMO. Personally, I dont find the 'Scaffolding' supports all that ummm.. sexy! I saw the scaffolding supports on Alpengeist and I was like WTF?

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I dont know but why is it that some people just cant be happy that a park is finally getting what they feel is their monumental coaster. Instead I have to sort thru the "its placement is horrible" and the "I was expecting more (thats what you get for having outlandish expectations)" and the "why are they using that name again". C'mon people its a new ride lets just enjoy it and wait until it opens to talk smack!

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I am extremely excited, and it looks like it will be a great ride. About the supports on Alpengeist, weren't they made that way to look like a ski lift's tower? Thats what I've always thought it was for but whatever. Again I am really excited about this ride!

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^^ It's the same with pretty much anything. Coasters, music, movies, etc, etc. I'm always one to say that people shouldn't judge things before they ride, but there's nothing wrong in stating your thoughts before hand.


For example, I know I was really bummed when I heard about Walibi World's Goliath being only 150 feet tall and 3,800 feet of track, but WOW, it ended up being better than most true "hypers." I mean, I like that version of Goliath better than ALL of the B&M hypers, the Morgan hypers, the Giovanola hypers and the Arrow hypers!


--Robb "I think it looks like it could be a LOT of fun, but I'm not blown away with the stats by any means." Alvey

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Looking at the pic above, it looks like some of the supports are actually IN the road; I know the supports are super thick and strong and everything, but what happens if a car hits one?


I'm not saying I think the thing would crumble, but it'd probably be an inspection nightmare; B&M's supports are thicker than most, but they're not comparable to, say, suspension-bridge supports or anything.

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I'm really excited about this addition to the park. I don't mind that The Great Gasp had to be taken out. I rode it on the second-to-last day of operation and got the "collectible" pin. I am glad that I didn't miss my last chance to experience it, but it was still nothing special.


I have planned to go to SFOG around mid-April, so I will hopefully be able to ride it. I'm hoping that the helix does not have black-out g's. I hate when I grey out on a ride. It makes me really nervous to go on a ride repeatedly and almost go unconcious every time.


The only 200+ ft. coasters I have been on were all at Cedar Point, which is a 10-hour drive for me. I am overjoyed to see a hyper coaster only 4 hours away! This is one ride that I REFUSE to pass up!

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Yet another parking lot coaster! The design looks cool, but when I think about Apollo's Chariot and the beautiful trees you can see from the top, I can't help but think the view won't be that great on this one.


Then again, I will reserve judgement until I actually ride it!

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Yet another parking lot coaster! The design looks cool, but when I think about Apollo's Chariot and the beautiful trees you can see from the top, I can't help but think the view won't be that great on this one.


Then again, I will reserve judgement until I actually ride it!


What coaster are you looking at because I see trees, lakes and thats all. I see a entrance road going thru TO the parking lot, but sorry this coaster is like 90% built over dirt and trees...

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Yet another parking lot coaster!


I don't see a parking lot anywhere, sure, it goes over a road, but that dosn't really make it a parking lot coaster... Cars aren't aloud to park along that road


But I get what you're saying... just think of it as a passover a major walkway, but instead of people, you see cars "walking" past underneath. Cool effect in my opinion... I don't know of any rides around here that do that.


I think it'd be amazing to drive under this coaster, seeing how tall it actually is compaired to your car. I can't wait until IAAPA '06, then when I'm in Atlanta again I'll be able to ride it I also noticed (Like many others) that there is no MCBR, lets just hope they don't over trim it then


I remember people saying this about Silver Star. That going over the hills, the trims slowed down the train dramatically. So there are other ways to slow down a coaster without a MCBR, lets just hope SFoG doesn't deside to take this path... but seeing how they run all their other coasters (Like B:TR), it should be pretty trim-less!

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Looking at the pic above, it looks like some of the supports are actually IN the road; I know the supports are super thick and strong and everything, but what happens if a car hits one?


I'm not saying I think the thing would crumble, but it'd probably be an inspection nightmare; B&M's supports are thicker than most, but they're not comparable to, say, suspension-bridge supports or anything.

looking at THIS picture you can see the supports dont go in the road but rather by the tram path. I think the road is narrow enough and B&M track is strong enough to not have a support in the middle of the road...

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Yeah, it's defnitly not a parking lot coaster. The coaster will be located here:



Not a parking lot! Random area of grassiness, yes, not the parking lot that Scream was plopped down on!



Edited by robbalvey
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Coaster looks good to me, although the length, height, and first drop worry me a bit. Hopefully, like Robb said, these won't make that big of a difference, much like Goliath in Holland. Still, with B&M being the way they are lately, it could be a forceless ride if it doesn't get enough speed. I'm hoping against that though. SFOG (and Lake Winnie) are definitely on my list for early next year. At least with B&M, it will open when it says it will, unless there is some major flooding or something.

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Badnitrus's renderings are just that. Renderings. He uses some script when I talked to him to do automatic velocity stuff within 3d Studio Max but its only approximate. I would think that it will take the hills a bit faster than what it showed there because overall the video felt sluggish.


However, I could be proven wrong. If it takes the hill as fast or faster than Nitro it should be a blast.

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Im happy for SFOG they finally got their big coaster that they wanted. Personally I would have gone with an Expedition Ge Force clone but unfortunately I dont run Six Flags. Maybe with enough money I could though . Anyway Im pretty bummed about the placement of the ride. SFOG always had a nice entrace area with Georgia Scorcher off to the side. To me Goliath will clutter up the area and I really dont like how it just goes over Georgia Scorcher. Not really the lift but moreso the bunny hops at the end. I agree with everyone on the site about how the animation makes it look boring and I cant really comment until I ride it. But as far as animation goes look how Hydra's animation was in relation to the actual ride. All in all i cant wait to get down there to ride it but i want an Expedition Ge Force in the US.

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It seems like B&M are getting rid of making dips before the drop.


The coaster seems awsome. Definaly going to look great driving down the street.


SFMW could use something like this. I mean something that goes over the street and back, not a hyper, since they can't build over 150ft.

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