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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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That is one beautiful coaster. I keep salivating over the "classic white" look, but as I see more photos that showcase the gray, I must say it's an attractive color in its own right, lol. I'm also appreciating the theming a bit more (actual storms vs. "generic Cyclone coaster name"), and the gray adds a touch of a foreboding feel.


I bet I'll miss backwards GASM, and while I doubt that's something I'll consider a huge loss, I'm all in favor of backwards trains on wooden coasters. Here's hoping it's for a pretty decent timeframe.

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Honestly I think The Varsity was the best part


Anyways, they told us the news about GASM during the event but were sworn to keep it a secret until the park made the announcement this morning. Also, they said that they will not be using its regular trains but instead be using the trains from the former Georgia Cyclone. Can’t wait to try that out!

Did they mention if they were switching the trains back after they turn them around? I thought they might start using the Cyclone trains on GASM since they are newer and they have individual lap bars.

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Honestly I think The Varsity was the best part


Anyways, they told us the news about GASM during the event but were sworn to keep it a secret until the park made the announcement this morning. Also, they said that they will not be using its regular trains but instead be using the trains from the former Georgia Cyclone. Can’t wait to try that out!

Did they mention if they were switching the trains back after they turn them around? I thought they might start using the Cyclone trains on GASM since they are newer and they have individual lap bars.

They will probably have to redo the air gates to align with the Cyclone trains so I would assume the Cyclone trains will be permanent on The Great American Scream Machine.


I am extremely bummed that we are losing our 3 bench PTCs and buzz bars. The buzz bars made GASM so enjoyable and those ratchet bars are so cumbersome. They really squeeze your legs together and don't allow for airtime.

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The last buzz bars in the chain, boohoo. Bummer. GASM ran great backwards in 1994 (at least, probably more). You're going to feel the potholes more now with those heavier trains... At least GASM always looks good.


Trivia quickie - the PTC trains running (or that ran) on GASM were from Colossus.

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Did anyone find out what other elements on twisted cyclone going to have with the extra track? Is it going to be a extra lap, inversion, or helix or what? Here's a pic of the updated track layout by MIDWAY MAYHEM.


I guess they going to keep it a secret.


Love this pic.

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Did anyone find out what other elements on twisted cyclone going to have with the extra track? Is it going to be a extra lap, inversion, or helix or what? Here's a pic of the updated track layout by MIDWAY MAYHEM.


I was at the Winter Warm Up event and during the construction tour, park president Dale Kaetzel said not to expect any significant changes from the announcement render like extra elements or such. If I'm recalling what he said correctly, the additional length is from more minute layout adjustments by RMC as the project was being fabricated.

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Honestly I think The Varsity was the best part



while I *like* the Varsity ?


for me, it's just not a trip to Atlanta without a meal at the Vortex!


we like the Peachtree location (which is more of a dive bar feel), with the "Phallus shrine" over the more "Family friendly" Little 5 points location. . . (and yeah, I didn't post those pics. . LOL, this is a Family-friendly thread)






from 2017 stop at the Vortex


this was our waitress from 2016




2016 stop

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^ for real. Between the blue iBox and the gray/white wood this is probably my favorite RMC, aesthetically speaking. I'm interested to see what kind of storm/storm chasing theming we might see and if it will be similar to Wicked Cyclone.

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Here's more pics from Midway mayhem of twisted cyclone and some areas of the park. Thanks for the info update on the extra track. Hopefully they do something to surprise the guests.


Georgia Scorcher, if you look closely no paint job yet. I guess you name it Alabama Scorcher for a weekend the coaster can't receive a touch up.


Goliath at night.





More pics of t.cyclone construction at night




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Did anyone find out what other elements on twisted cyclone going to have with the extra track? Is it going to be a extra lap, inversion, or helix or what? Here's a pic of the updated track layout by MIDWAY MAYHEM.


I was at the Winter Warm Up event and during the construction tour, park president Dale Kaetzel said not to expect any significant changes from the announcement render like extra elements or such. If I'm recalling what he said correctly, the additional length is from more minute layout adjustments by RMC as the project was being fabricated.

From what I heard from the PR guy is that the layout did NOT change. They figured the length by counting the pieces of track. Each track piece is 40ft so they just figured the length told initially was wrong and going by the calculated length based on the track pieces.

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Did anyone find out what other elements on twisted cyclone going to have with the extra track? Is it going to be a extra lap, inversion, or helix or what? Here's a pic of the updated track layout by MIDWAY MAYHEM.


I was at the Winter Warm Up event and during the construction tour, park president Dale Kaetzel said not to expect any significant changes from the announcement render like extra elements or such. If I'm recalling what he said correctly, the additional length is from more minute layout adjustments by RMC as the project was being fabricated.

From what I heard from the PR guy is that the layout did NOT change. They figured the length by counting the pieces of track. Each track piece is 40ft so they just figured the length told initially was wrong and going by the calculated length based on the track pieces.


I could have sworn the Communications Guy said they added elements. He said "A couple of things have been changed for a better experience" and ". Someone asked him if it was a third lap. He said "You'll have to ride it to find out". Looks like to me they're just teasing. It was new layout then suddenly no new layout. They're just toying with us at this point. Remember when they teased mind bender being removed? It never happened. They're going to give me a heart attack, just show me the official layout.

I can go deeper and say the third lap is much more than 300.ft so why is it only 300.ft shorter than the original? Detective Lucid at your service.

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Let me first start off by saying how beautiful and photogenic Twisted Cyclone is. I really don't think the layout will change much though. Even in the winter warm up videos on YouTube that have been posted, the communications manager still advertises it with only 10 airtime moments which it has always been. I can't see a third lap with no additional airtime hills unless some type of giant helix is being added. I know with its sister Wicked Cyclone a few of the hills were changed to outerbanked airtime hills but that was about it. I have noticed in some of the construction videos for TC where some of the ledgers just before the start of the lift hill tilts right side up, which appears to be an extra little hump in comparison to the animation. Either way I'm absolutely psyched for this ride and the new Coastal section as a whole!! As far as Scorcher, I say a few of us get together while the park is closed, bring a couple of paint sprayers, and give SF a lending hand. It looks absolutely gruesome now!

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Let me first start off by saying how beautiful and photogenic Twisted Cyclone is. I really don't think the layout will change much though. Even in the winter warm up videos on YouTube that have been posted, the communications manager still advertises it with only 10 airtime moments which it has always been. I can't see a third lap with no additional airtime hills unless some type of giant helix is being added. I know with its sister Wicked Cyclone a few of the hills were changed to outerbanked airtime hills but that was about it. I have noticed in some of the construction videos for TC where some of the ledgers just before the start of the lift hill tilts right side up, which appears to be an extra little hump in comparison to the animation. Either way I'm absolutely psyched for this ride and the new Coastal section as a whole!! As far as Scorcher, I say a few of us get together while the park is closed, bring a couple of paint sprayers, and give SF a lending hand. It looks absolutely gruesome now!

Yes, the new "Coastal" section theming is almost as exciting as the centerpiece Twisted Cyclone! Now the early teaser sign boards referencing Hurricane Harbor make a little more sense now! I hope they go all out with tropical (or more accurately, coastal Georgia) theming. The new Piedmont area should be interesting too.

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So, I got all excited planning my first ever trip to SFOG at the end up April, but then I realized the SF rarely ever opens their new coasters with the park. From those of you following Twisted Cyclone's construction closely, does it look at all possible it'll open before Memorial Day? Or is that the most likely outcome? Thanks!

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Let me first start off by saying how beautiful and photogenic Twisted Cyclone is. I really don't think the layout will change much though. Even in the winter warm up videos on YouTube that have been posted, the communications manager still advertises it with only 10 airtime moments which it has always been. I can't see a third lap with no additional airtime hills unless some type of giant helix is being added. I know with its sister Wicked Cyclone a few of the hills were changed to outerbanked airtime hills but that was about it. I have noticed in some of the construction videos for TC where some of the ledgers just before the start of the lift hill tilts right side up, which appears to be an extra little hump in comparison to the animation. Either way I'm absolutely psyched for this ride and the new Coastal section as a whole!! As far as Scorcher, I say a few of us get together while the park is closed, bring a couple of paint sprayers, and give SF a lending hand. It looks absolutely gruesome now!

Yes, the new "Coastal" section theming is almost as exciting as the centerpiece Twisted Cyclone! Now the early teaser sign boards referencing Hurricane Harbor make a little more sense now! I hope they go all out with tropical (or more accurately, coastal Georgia) theming. The new Piedmont area should be interesting too.


I'm in love with this ride. I hope there are more palm trees in the coastal area than in the rendering. I also hope for a Universal Studios style themed cue presentation. The cue is indoors so that would be perfect. Maybe they can work out a lighting package too. What do you guys think about my proposals.

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Let me first start off by saying how beautiful and photogenic Twisted Cyclone is. I really don't think the layout will change much though. Even in the winter warm up videos on YouTube that have been posted, the communications manager still advertises it with only 10 airtime moments which it has always been. I can't see a third lap with no additional airtime hills unless some type of giant helix is being added. I know with its sister Wicked Cyclone a few of the hills were changed to outerbanked airtime hills but that was about it. I have noticed in some of the construction videos for TC where some of the ledgers just before the start of the lift hill tilts right side up, which appears to be an extra little hump in comparison to the animation. Either way I'm absolutely psyched for this ride and the new Coastal section as a whole!! As far as Scorcher, I say a few of us get together while the park is closed, bring a couple of paint sprayers, and give SF a lending hand. It looks absolutely gruesome now!

Yes, the new "Coastal" section theming is almost as exciting as the centerpiece Twisted Cyclone! Now the early teaser sign boards referencing Hurricane Harbor make a little more sense now! I hope they go all out with tropical (or more accurately, coastal Georgia) theming. The new Piedmont area should be interesting too.


I'm in love with this ride. I hope there are more palm trees in the coastal area than in the rendering. I also hope for a Universal Studios style themed cue presentation. The cue is indoors so that would be perfect. Maybe they can work out a lighting package too. What do you guys think about my proposals.



Atlanta is a little cold for palm trees, it's the south, but it does get freezing there in the winter (briefly).

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