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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Looks awesome!


I'm a little curious as to why RMC isn't keeping that unpainted strip along the center of each rail. Their first several designs didn't have it, then their 2016 IBox conversions (Joker and Storm Chaser) did, and now, the 3 conversions for 2018 don't seem to have them. I wonder why.

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Looks awesome!


I'm a little curious as to why RMC isn't keeping that unpainted strip along the center of each rail. Their first several designs didn't have it, then their 2016 IBox conversions (Joker and Storm Chaser) did, and now, the 3 conversions for 2018 don't seem to have them. I wonder why.


I think I may actually see the strip you're referring to on the third to last picture. Look at it close up.

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^From what I can tell, that is unlaid steel. RMC iBox coasters have a thin layer of steel on top of their track, so that is just an unlaid layer of steel.


My best prediction is that they are using a different type of paint. I guess that was the reason for the strips on Joker and Storm Chaser was to avoid the paint sticking problems that Twisted Colossus had. I’m glad it is a solid color now, the strips didn’t look good at all.

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Had the GC really become that painful in the last few years? I last rode it in 2013 and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. It used to be one of my favorite coasters despite a light degree of hip bruising every time. I should've suspected that they meant another RMC conversion instead of complete removal when I heard the closing announcement, but it didn't cross my mind, heh. I like the old Georgia Cyclone but I'm eager to get to the park in the next couple years and ride its descendant. Then again, I also need to get to Dollywood to catch Lightning Rod now that it's actually open... so very close in my last visit, so very close.


Always loved the white wall of wood appearance of the GC support structure at the park's entrance from the outside, so I can't wait to see the updated look once TC is complete!

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Had the GC really become that painful in the last few years? I last rode it in 2013 and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. It used to be one of my favorite coasters despite a light degree of hip bruising every time. I should've suspected that they meant another RMC conversion instead of complete removal when I heard the closing announcement, but it didn't cross my mind, heh. I like the old Georgia Cyclone but I'm eager to get to the park in the next couple years and ride its descendant. Then again, I also need to get to Dollywood to catch Lightning Rod now that it's actually open... so very close in my last visit, so very close.


Always loved the white wall of wood appearance of the GC support structure at the park's entrance from the outside, so I can't wait to see the updated look once TC is complete!


I rode it in 2016 and really enjoyed the coaster, but it was aggressive. There was some amazing air in the very back. The last 1/3 of the coaster had some really brutal turns though. Now my friend goes to Georgia Tech and he was riding next to me. He said it was one of the roughest rides he had ever experienced.


In some ways, it was a better version of SFNE's Cyclone. It delivered a wild ride in the back, but the RMC conversion makes it a more marketable, popular, and reridable attraction.

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Had the GC really become that painful in the last few years? I last rode it in 2013 and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. It used to be one of my favorite coasters despite a light degree of hip bruising every time. I should've suspected that they meant another RMC conversion instead of complete removal when I heard the closing announcement, but it didn't cross my mind, heh. I like the old Georgia Cyclone but I'm eager to get to the park in the next couple years and ride its descendant. Then again, I also need to get to Dollywood to catch Lightning Rod now that it's actually open... so very close in my last visit, so very close.


Always loved the white wall of wood appearance of the GC support structure at the park's entrance from the outside, so I can't wait to see the updated look once TC is complete!


I rode it in 2016 and really enjoyed the coaster, but it was aggressive. There was some amazing air in the very back. The last 1/3 of the coaster had some really brutal turns though. Now my friend goes to Georgia Tech and he was riding next to me. He said it was one of the roughest rides he had ever experienced.


In some ways, it was a better version of SFNE's Cyclone. It delivered a wild ride in the back, but the RMC conversion makes it a more marketable, popular, and reridable attraction.


If my memory serves me correctly, 2013 is the year they added topper track to the first couple of drops on the ride (might have been 2014 though). It was rumored that if the topper track improved the ride significantly, SF would go forward with a full topper track retracking of the ride. Of course, RMC’s full blown iron horse conversions turned out to be a hit and once SF saw the success of those early conversions back in 2013/14, the topper track debate was apparently shelved. I don’t believe any additional topper track was added to the ride after the initial test for the 2013 season.


GC gave me some great rides over the last several years and also some pretty awful ones. Airtime was never a problem, especially in the penultimate row, and the first couple of drops with the topper track held up well. The real issue was lots of shuffling of the cars on the turnarounds, and some jack hammering on the later drops in the ride without topper track. Those PTC trains just do not handle a twister layout well at all. I found the ride enjoyable enough, but it was definitely hit or miss and my non-enthusiast friends consistently did not want to ride due to roughness.

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Spent a few hours at the park tonight to check out Holiday in the Park. Crowds were pretty heavy the whole time. We only waited 15 minutes for both Goliath and Mindbender and my ride on Golith tonight ended up being one of the best ones I’ve had all season long. Operations were pretty good tonight as well.


In regards to Twisted Cyclone, I managed to take a couple of quick pictures of the progress. Not much has changed from last week but just a few more pieces of track were installed for the pre-lift and also at the very end of the brake run as you pull back into the station.





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Spent a few hours at the park tonight to check out Holiday in the Park. Crowds were pretty heavy the whole time. We only waited 15 minutes for both Goliath and Mindbender and my ride on Golith tonight ended up being one of the best ones I’ve had all season long. Operations were pretty good tonight as well.


In regards to Twisted Cyclone, I managed to take a couple of quick pictures of the progress. Not much has changed from last week but just a few more pieces of track were installed for the pre-lift and also at the very end of the brake run as you pull back into the station.


Awesome photos Jcoasterfan!

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Hey guys, check out this construction tour of Twisted Cyclone from Coaster Addict. More information revealed! The track length has been confirmed as 2,600 feet instead of 2,300 feet and the supports will actually be painted what looks to be a light gray!!! The red car is also revealed!



**I do not own rights to this video**

Edited by mayb78910
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Twisted Cyclone Hard Hat Tour


Hi guys. Yesterday I was invited to go on a construction tour of the new RMC Twisted Cyclone. This one one of the coolest things I have ever got to do in a theme park, and I hope that I took some good pictures to show you how far they are along with the ride. Some cool points shared on the tour:


-The ride is 100% on schedule.

-The track length will be 2,600 feet instead of the previously stated 2,300 (Also someone on the tour asked about a possible 3rd lap and they didn't say no) Hmmm

-They also said that there will be some tweaks from the original animation to the finished product. (You can already see the pre-lift is different)

-There will be updates to the queue and station.

-The wood will be painted a greyish color. (Seen in pictures)

-Johnny Rockets will get a renovation

-As well, the once was "Brittish" section of the park will get an overhaul, but they couldn't say much about it other than that the area will not look the same.

-More details regarding the ride and themeing will also be released as the ride construction progresses.




Hard Hats! They were actually much needed. I hit my head a few times!


This is some of the last of the old track


New track!


The wave turn. This is going to be a great shot when built!



New meets old


So cool being in the empty station.



The infield.



Can't wait for this element.


The new color wood!!


Here is the contrast


It was so cool getting to be so close to the track!




It was amazing getting in between the rails.



More twisty!







Touching the track!





Lift hill! They also took down the trees on this side of the rise so guests can get a better view as they enter.


They said that there was lots of wood structure to be added!


Cross-ties waiting to be installed


More wood needs to be added, but this element will be insane!


Old wood


New vs. Old


Mess of wood




Hmmmm... :)



New train about to be revealed!


New red train!!!

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