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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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When I visited this park in 2016 I wouldn't shut up about how much better this parks lineup would be if they RMC'd Cyclone, and I'm pretty sure even in my report I wished they would do it with blue Ibox track and white supports. Happy to see my vision realized.

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Wow, that last photo from the park’s FB looks awesome. I’m digging the classic feel of the light grey and blue, and I’m so happy we ended up with blue rails instead of red. Can’t wait to ride this, but I also look forward to taking some of my non-enthusiast friends to the park... Such an unassuming ride, I don’t think they’re going to have any idea what sort of punch RMC has lined up for us.

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I, for one, am hyped for this coaster. A lot of it has to do with the fact that this park is awesome even without an RMC.


I know its probably too early for anyone to say for sure but we can speculate - do the locals/regular anticipate Twisted Cyclone will be open for Holiday in the Park? The whole front of the park has been open the last few years, right?


I'm starting to get a plan together for later this year and am coming to the conclusion that I'll be visiting sometime AFTER Labor Day. Early September? Early November? Early December? Does the park have a few "down" weekends between Fright Fest and HITP where crowds theoretically shouldn't be as bad? I really don't wanna go during Fright Fest, as while Platinum Flash Pass is an option, I'll most definitely be at the park on a Saturday. How are weekend crowds between Labor Day and the start of Fright Fest? I would really like to check out this parks HITP event since I love Great Advs so much but I'm afraid of the weather factor since I'll be booking a flight, hotel, etc in advance.


I'm not like booking tomorrow so I have time to figure this out, but any thoughts/advice from the locals on this? Taking into consideration crowds/weather potentials, if you were coming out from out of town would you go for early Sept, Nov or Dec? Thanks.


Also has this picture been posted here? Because I love it.


From the parks construction updates on their website

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I had the opportunity to attend the ACE Winter Warmup at Six Flags over Georgia this past Saturday. The event included a hard-hat construction tour of Twisted Cyclone. Unfortunately it was too muddy to go through the inside part of the structure but we still managed to get some good views from the road adjacent and from inside the park. They also had the lead car of the red train on display.


To give a quick update, they said that track work is about 25% complete. They are still on target for a memorial day weekend opening. Also, they are renaming/retheming the British section of the park into the “Coastal” section, in order to fit the theme of Twisted Cyclone. Johnny Rockets is receiving an overhaul and will receive a new roof. The park will be renaming the French section of the park as well and it will become the “Piedmont” section to give the area more of a Georgia theme. Here are some photos:


A huge thank you to ACE and the park on such a great event this year!


One of my favorite RMC train designs so far.


Cannot wait to see this area transformed! Notice the new red-ish roof shingles



The reverse cobra roll has yet to be installed.


The whole structure was repainted a whitish-gray color as shown here.



Can’t get enough of this short but sweet-looking drop.



Beautiful blue track




Another look at that awesome drop.

Edited by Jccoasterfan
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SFOG has a BIG announcement coming out today. They just announced on Twitter that the Great American Scream Machine will run BACKWARDS stating March 10th for a limited time!!! I also went to WWU and had a great time.


Welcome ACE Members!!!!


We had lunch from The Varsity food truck!!!!


I love the look of these trains




The track color really looks good against the grey wood



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They also said during WWU they are not sure when the end date of the GASM running backwards will end. They have a date in mind but not set in stone. Also, the British where Twisted Cyclone is section will now be the Coastal section and the French section where Monster Mansion is will be called Piedmont.

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Honestly I think The Varsity was the best part


Anyways, they told us the news about GASM during the event but were sworn to keep it a secret until the park made the announcement this morning. Also, they said that they will not be using its regular trains but instead be using the trains from the former Georgia Cyclone. Can’t wait to try that out!

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Honestly I think The Varsity was the best part


Anyways, they told us the news about GASM during the event but were sworn to keep it a secret until the park made the announcement this morning. Also, they said that they will not be using its regular trains but instead be using the trains from the former Georgia Cyclone. Can’t wait to try that out!


When I was at Over Georgia in December, I noticed the former Georgia Cyclone trains were on GASM's track with a few cars facing forward and a few cars facing backwards. I guess this all makes sense now. Happy to see the park jazzing up GASM for a bit.


A few cars were facing forward and a few were backwards.

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