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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Glad you had such a nice visit to the park, bobbie68! Kings Dominion has a really nice wild mouse and it's great to see it getting a lot of attention this season. Their antique cars are pretty nice and Avalanche bobsled is a lot of fun. If you were concerned about Flight of Fear having elements too close together then it's good you skipped it because they are one on top of the other.


I am curious as to whether you were aware ahead of time that people more often than not grey out on Intimidator305? Or did you know about it and it just surprised you that it happened? I rode it 11x on opening day - this was before they reprofiled the first turn at the bottom of the big drop - and while it was intense, I did not grey out. Ever since they reprofiled the turn that first year I grey out no matter what silly fighter pilot technique I use to try to keep my blood flowing normally. They tried to make it so the G forces were less intense in that turn and in the process drew out how long the turn is and made it even more intense, in my opinion. I am no old fogey but the ride takes a lot out of me so is often one-and-done especially when it's so hot out. Anyway, it is not just you and I'm sorry to hear it was a shock to your system. Hopefully you're all recovered now! Will you be visiting any other parks on your way down to Florida?


Hi thank you so much! I had heard a long time ago about people having problems with that turn before they fixed it. I haven't heard anything since then. You are the first person that I heard had problems. I am glad it wasn't me getting to old for the rides In that sense it did surprise me and I usually am one to like to know something like that. I think being stuck on the brake run all that time in the heat didn't help our experience. I know my DD is afraid to go back on I am not sure if I will yet. Thanks for the details though on what they did. It makes sense why you, and my family and any others can have that.


We did recover but it kind of just took the wind out of our sails for the day! I will get back there again hopefully when I do Volcano will be back up. We really liked that ride a few years ago.


We drove straight through after that and spent 5 days at Universal. This is one of our favorite parks, so it w as nice to get back there. We were suppose to stop at Carowinds on the way home but after I305 my daughter was a little hesitant to go on Fury325. That was the main reason to stop there. We also changed hotels so much that the thought of doing two more for a couple of hours didn't appeal to me. I hope to get there at some point. I hear great things about that ride.


I will be going to Cedar Point next month, so I will get to ride some of my favorite coasters at a park.

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The Shenandoah log flume is really nice and won't get you soaked.


That's what they all say! Don't listen to them!!! You're gonna drown!

Slightly related story - I met some friends at Disney's California Adventure and they insisted that they ride Grizzly River Run in the evening. I had driven myself, and I knew that the ride would get you completely drenched, and I didn't want to drive home in soggy shorts. I tried to talk them out of it yet they persisted, saying "oh, you don't get THAT wet", so I stayed behind as the bag lady. They got off the ride totally soaked, and one of them came up to me and said, "wow, you were right".


Moral of the story: If a ride says "you may get wet", you will. If a ride says, "you will get wet", bring a change of clothes.

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Had a great first day at KD yesterday. Some quick thoughts on the rides...


-Intimidator 305 might be the most intense coaster I’ve ever ridden. I greyed-out on the first turn as expected, and after that experienced a relentless layout full of speed and forces.

-Twisted Timbers was a fantastic RMC with a great first drop, lots of intense turns and inversions, and plentiful ejector air. It’s probably my favorite ride in the park, but I think I need a few more rides on it and i305 to confirm that opinion.

-Dominator is probably my favorite of the three B&M floorless coasters I’ve ridden (others being Kraken and Rougarou). Very smooth and forceful all the way around.

-Flight of Fear and Backlot Stunt Coaster felt mostly the same as their Kings Island counterparts, though this FOF was certainly a lot smoother.

-Grizzly was an unexpected surprise. A fun ride with some nice airtime moments and wasn’t that rough.

-Anaconda actually wasn’t that bad. Then again, I was bracing for every transition.

-Avalanche was my first bobsled coaster and I enjoyed it, pulled some decent forces in most of the turns.

-Racer 75/Rebel Yell was a bit disappointing, pretty forceless all around with little to no airtime, though the racing aspect was fun.

-Apple Zapple was a standard Mack Wild Mouse but still enjoyable.

-Probably won’t get to ride Volcano on this trip but it’s definitely nice to look at.

Edited by VF15
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I did ride Shenandoah earlier today . Nice location, relaxing ride, and didn’t get too wet.


The park has been pretty slow attendance-wise these past two days, the longest I’ve waited for anything was 10 minutes for the flume. Is KD usually this quiet on summer weekdays?

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^ Yea, Bert's right. Kings Dominion is a great park, even without Volcano, and if you choose to visit it you will have a great time. Personally, I feel Hersheypark edges it out due to the more rounded experience (including Chocolate World), so I'll always recommend that more, but it's up to you.

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Glad you're having fun. Ride the Log Flume. Ignore these haters.

^Listen to this man!


We were suppose to stop at Carowinds on the way home but after I305 my daughter was a little hesitant to go on Fury325. That was the main reason to stop there. We also changed hotels so much that the thought of doing two more for a couple of hours didn't appeal to me. I hope to get there at some point. I hear great things about that ride.


I actually said "oh no!" out loud when I read that you skipped Carowinds! Fury325 could not be more different than Intimidator305. Besides the height they have nothing in common. They are made by very different ride manufacturers, have completely different train styles, Fury is fast but smooth and fun and not trying to drain your body of life like I305 does. Fury is like a smoother Millennium Force with a bit more pizzazz in the first half elements. Definitely stop there next time to ride it! You both will love it.


I'll be traveling down south myself in a few weeks and will be making a stop at Carowinds for some Fury action. I'll say hi to Fury for you if you say hi to my beloved Millennium Force for me!

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Debating if I want to go to KD or Hershey....volcano being down is kinda pushing me towards Hershey. Also, I’ve never ridden skyrush.


I find the coasters at KD more thrilling. Hershey I go for the whole 'experience'.


I think the rides are a close contest. I like the park at Hershey more -- not flatland etc. However if you're going a random day in July, it also tends to be more crowded and the "experience" at KD could be much more enjoyable.


I'd also say Skyrush is more a must-do than El Toro, Superman the Ride and probably even Phoenix put together.

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Debating if I want to go to KD or Hershey....volcano being down is kinda pushing me towards Hershey. Also, I’ve never ridden skyrush.


Dang! Before this year's visit, I would have said it's an easy call, go to Hershey! But after riding the amazing Twisted Timbers... It's REALLY, REALLY close!

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With Volcano down for the count, and its only one or the other, I'd save KD for another year and just go to Hershey. The parks are both great with great lineups, tho Hershey is a bit nicer. But Volcano is a must at KD, so I'd save the park til its up and running.

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Thank you all for your feedback. I have decided to go with KD just because they did the $29.99 ticket sale and I couldn’t pass that up. I’ll just have to catch volcano next year. I may try to fit Hershey in some weekend in late July or August, but thanks!

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Thank you all for your feedback. I have decided to go with KD just because they did the $29.99 ticket sale and I couldn’t pass that up. I’ll just have to catch volcano next year. I may try to fit Hershey in some weekend in late July or August, but thanks!


Aside from the great (not counting Anaconda) coasters, definitely ride the excellent flume, drop tower and the Scrambler. I rode that for the first time there on my last trip and it was fantastic. I mean yeah it's just a scrambler, but they were running it super fast. I'll definitely be hitting that ride a lot more. I mean I love Scramblers. They are fun and unlike most spinning rides, don't make me sick. And this one is really great.

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I’ve been at the park since 10 and I’m glad I rode intimidator in the morning. It’s been closed for most of the day and flight of fear has been down for at least 3 hours. You know Safari village is cursed when anaconda is the only coaster that didn’t break down in the area lol. Timbers was down only for an hour and I finally got to ride it, definitely worth the hype!


Also, I’ve heard that volcano will be closed for the rest of the season in order to renovate the mountain and implement a new operating system. Supposedly, KD will inform the public of this within the next week.

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Not sure how a complete ban on cell phones would be enforced except in cases where it is visible to park employees before entering the ride. Are they going to require everyone go through a metal detector before entering the queue? Is somebody going to stop me and require I empty my pockets to prove that the bulge is my wallet and not a cell phone? They would have to have a security guard or someone with a little authority at the entrance to enforce this as the last time I was at KD the lone park employee stationed at the entrance was ineffective in forcing riders to use a locker for their backpacks. The fencing and area surrounding the entrance was littered with at least 50 back packs that riders left there instead.

Edited by robbalvey
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Not sure how a complete ban on cell phones would be enforced except in cases where it is visible to park employees before entering the ride. Are they going to require everyone go through a metal detector before entering the queue? Is somebody going to stop me and require I empty my pockets to prove that the bulge is my wallet and not a cell phone? They would have to have a security guard or someone with a little authority at the entrance to enforce this as the last time I was at KD the lone park employee stationed at the entrance was ineffective in forcing riders to use a locker for their backpacks. The fencing and area surrounding the entrance was littered with at least 50 back packs that riders left there instead.


When I was there 2 weekends ago, they had security in the station watching as riders boarded throughout the weekend.

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