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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I didn't find Timbers to be running that much different on Sunday. The main variation anyway is right at the end, whether the last tiny airtime hill is full-on or gives you a bit of a break (fine with me) and if it hits the brakes with any force. It might have been running even faster in the middle of the afternoon, but if so I don't think I'll be experiencing it. It was more than hot enough for me early and late.


It broke down around noon. I had been noticing the train taking longer to return to the station (couldn't see much) and when I rode late day it kept stopping coming in the station like they were using manual brakes. Maintenance guy in the control house.


My opinion of the ride is in one way it's the best coaster in the park but also not. In a more big-picture analysis view it's tied with Dominator, which is a bit bigger and a simpler pleasure. It is very complimentary to what they had, and something that parks without RMCs don't have, so it's still more unique than Dominator. But in a way I'm surprised people mostly really like it. It's smooth but so relentless, hop hop hop. Actually I think I'm starting to get Schilke's madness. On B&Ms people talk about the transitions. On RMCs you're so busy hopping about the transitions are just part of it, camouflaged. It's a very active experience, more a rythm than a smooth progression. And KD's RMC is one with grab post handles, it's relentless, even SV doesn't have them; I use them on that trick track at least. Right now the crowds are affecting when I try to ride it, but I'm looking forward to when I can enjoy it closer to the middle of my park visits. Ride the basics, ride Timbers a couple times (it's enough), then marathon the speed kings.

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So has Twisted Timbers continued to run two trains since the Steel Vengeance incident? And it's still on Fast Lane Plus? Made a last minute decision to go on Saturday, the website has it listed on the table but not in the description which I found odd. Just wanted to double check with the experts. Looking forward to my visit (and fast lane plus! 8))




Edit: also are the seatbelts retractable like Steel Vengeance, or are they a fixed length? Don't want to have any trouble like we had in Chicago with seat belt length. No issue with getting the green light from the actual restraints on any RMC, though.

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^ Twisted Timbers was on FastLane Plus during my visit last month. Since it's on the FastLane table and marked on the "Rides" page, I think it's still offered. Maybe they forgot to update the description from last year?


As for the seat belts, they are retractable.

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I'm planning to make a trip down to KD sometime next week to check out TT and get my yearly I305 laps in. Do you think it would be better to go on Monday (Memorial Day) when the park is open until 11:00pm or during the week when the park is only open until 6:00pm? I'm leaning towards during the week but that's a long drive for a short day. And when do area schools get out for summer break? Thanks, can't wait to ride my first RMC!!

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I'm planning to make a trip down to KD sometime next week to check out TT and get my yearly I305 laps in. Do you think it would be better to go on Monday (Memorial Day) when the park is open until 11:00pm or during the week when the park is only open until 6:00pm? I'm leaning towards during the week but that's a long drive for a short day. And when do area schools get out for summer break? Thanks, can't wait to ride my first RMC!!


While I would personally wait until Tuesday to avoid crowds, there is rain in the forecast on Monday, which could scare off some guests. However, it's still Memorial Day weekend, one of the craziest weekends of the year. As for schools, the counties closer to the park (Caroline, Hanover) should be out of school.

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While I would personally wait until Tuesday to avoid crowds, there is rain in the forecast on Monday, which could scare off some guests. However, it's still Memorial Day weekend, one of the craziest weekends of the year. As for schools, the counties closer to the park (Caroline, Hanover) should be out of school.


Thanks for the input. I didn't realize schools got out so early down there. I think we'll pick one of he weekdays and avoid the holiday weekend crowds.

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Just did a quick Google search for school calendars and found Hanover county public schools last day is June 14th. I can't find anything on Caroline county.



**Edit** Here it is. May 23rd. Dang. Am planning a trip the 2nd week of June hoping the kiddos would still be in school.

2017-2018 Calendar ADOPTED 1-17-17 front and back.pdf

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Stopped in for 2 rides on twisted timbers on my way to Busch gardens, absolutely incredible ride. It's so much damn fun.


I know some people goof on the mystic timbers shed but I enjoyed it and after walking through the gift shop here it made me think of so many different things they could have done with a similar shed for this ride, between the twisted tree throwing apples and I'm not sure where they got this bear from but there's an evil stuffed teddy bear they are selling that's inside the hood of the truck in the gift shop, could have added him into one of the versions of the video too lol

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Appears Tornado has been removed from the parks website. I heard about this a few weeks back was hoping it wasn't true. Luckily proslide tornados are basically everywhere but in my opinion huge loss for Soak City. Those rides are so fun.

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I can confirm no discount. Yesterday I bought it at one of the gift shops and he asked me for my pass and scanned it in and it literally said "no discount available" on the screen, lol


I can also confirm the standby line for Twisted Timbers yesterday must have been insane. Only one train running and moved agonizingly slow (unlike Steel Vengeance they still had Fast Lane going).


Twisted Timbers was a fantastic ride that only got better as the day went on. Also in the morning I got 3 rides in the back row of i305 without getting up and had an out of body experience lol.


Even though it was the holiday even if we didn't have fast lane we got a lot covered in the back of the park as everything was walk-on or past merge point in the early morning. As the day went on crowds got really heavy. The Dominator queue when we got there every single switchback was full and it was spilling out onto the Midway. FL+ got us right on and was sorely needed.


Unfortunately Volcano was closed for the entire day


Had an awesome day except it was hot as hell. Lots of breaks. Anyway, off to Busch today for food and wine festival!

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I wonder if they will get it back up for CoasterCon. It is featured heavily in the preliminary ert schedule on the 19th and 20th, two full days at KD. I've been following the thread a bit to catch up on news since I will be bringing my son.

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Has Volcano been down this whole time? It was down all day yesterday too.


It's been down for about 3 weeks now, but it was operating before that.


Does Volcano have more downtime than usual for an Intamin?

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In my experience, Volcano operates pretty reliably on days it's open. But when it goes down, it goes down for multiple days/weeks at a time.


Perfectly said. Volcano was down for weeks (maybe even a month or two) before my visit last summer, but for the two days I was there, it operated perfectly and was pumping out trains with no issue as far as I could tell.

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Volcano was still down today.

It was working fine on my previous visit May 6.


Great visit today. The weather was pretty nice and the crowds were light. I was surprised that I305 was running two trains.

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Hey guys, first time going to Kings Dominion in a while! I was hoping someone could help me answer a few questions about the park. Thanks in advance!!!


1. What's the best strategy to minimize wait times? Should I go to twisted timbers first, then try to knock out Dominator/Flight of Fear/Volcano?

2. Between Saturday June 23rd and Sunday June 24th, will there be a noticeable difference in crowds? I was thinking of going on Saturday so I wouldn't be tired at work on Monday

3. Are lockers free? I understand you have to remove loose articles for FoF/I305 and TT

4. Is Dinosaurs Alive! Free?

5. What are some roller coasters/rides that usually have a very short wait that we can do anytime?

6. Any recommendations for dining options?

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1. What's the best strategy to minimize wait times? Should I go to twisted timbers first, then try to knock out Dominator/Flight of Fear/Volcano?


I would go to Twisted Timbers first, and get on one of the first trains of the day. If they're running two trains, you can probably reride a few times. Then I usually walk across the back midway and hit I305 5-8 times. For you, I'd recommend doing Volcano (if it's running) and FoF before I305, as it never really generates a line, even on busy days. While you're in the area, you can hit Backlot as well. Again, if Volcano is running, it's also not a bad idea to go there first, as it's definitely the worst line in the park.


2. Between Saturday June 23rd and Sunday June 24th, will there be a noticeable difference in crowds? I was thinking of going on Saturday so I wouldn't be tired at work on Monday


Depends if you're getting FL+ or not. I never go on Saturdays, so I'm not sure how busy it gets. But Sundays are without question less crowded.


3. Are fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo free? I understand you have to remove loose articles for FoF/I305 and TT


Not free. The loose article policy is this: you can't bring any truly loose items into the line like bags. Glasses with straps are fine. And they will let you put glasses / hats down your shirt, or in your pockets. My suggestion is to wear pants with zipper pockets and don't bring a bag into the park.


4. Is Dinosaurs Alive! Free?


It's an up charge with regular admission. But it's included with gold and platinum passes.


5. What are some roller coasters/rides that usually have a very short wait that we can do anytime?


Grizzly! And as long as you're not a snob, it's a great ride.


6. Any recommendations for dining options?


They've got a make your own mac and cheese place this year. I like the crab cake sliders at Outer Hanks too. The burgers at Hippo's and Jukebox aren't bad, and all the sides and toppings are super fresh.

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