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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I have yet to ride TT but best ride in the park will always be subjective opinion. I think once I have ridden I’ll probably still prefer I305 just due to the raw intensity. It’s my favorite steel coaster overall I don’t know what will surpass it for me. El Toro is the only roller coaster I’d rather ride than Intimidator 305.

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I don't care to compare them. I just think it's awesome that you now have to stop and think about what your favorite ride at KD is. That alone is a testament to how good this ride is.



I've been asked both on and off the job which ride is better. I personally say I305 in response, but I honestly don't know which ride is better. They're both awesome.

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I don't care to compare them. I just think it's awesome that you now have to stop and think about what your favorite ride at KD is. That alone is a testament to how good this ride is.




This. Then the supporting cast is so good too, it's not like Carowinds or CW, where everything else kinda falls off after the top 2-3. It's just a really excellent park, and I'm glad I live so close.

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I don't care to compare them. I just think it's awesome that you now have to stop and think about what your favorite ride at KD is. That alone is a testament to how good this ride is.




This. Then the supporting cast is so good too, it's not like Carowinds or CW, where everything else kinda falls off after the top 2-3. It's just a really excellent park, and I'm glad I live so close.


Yeah, its come a long way in the world. I think that the park had some duds earlier on and were a little stunted by them, kind of like Hypersonic. I think in the 80's and 90's it was a top tier park as well for its time. Conceivably, if Hypersonic was a hit, and they had kept building, it could have been a great park. Now that you have the additions of Twisted Timbers, i305, and Dominator its certainly coming up in the world.

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It's kinda wild to me that about 12 years ago I was at KD thinking "man this park could use a few star coasters other than Volcano" then they proceeded to add Dominator, Intimidator 305, and now Twisted Timbers.

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So after riding TT we hit Grizzly and that thing is just garbage. Easily the roughest roller coaster I've ever been on. Throughout the whole ride I was thinking that they RMC'd the wrong coaster...




Lol, nah they got it right, but Grizzly would be a solid #2 to get a RMC treatment. Looking forward to getting to the park very soon to ride TT.


Oh, the loudest lift hill goes to Batwing at SFA. Maybe, just because your head is right next to three chain.


Thanks for the info!!

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Are you people serious? Grizzly is running great! That ride is criminally underrated.


Wooden coasters aren't supposed to be glass smooth. Not everything will be like an RMC or a brand new GCI. Grizzly is fantastic!


Yeah I honestly liked grizzly. Maybe not the smoothest but the second half of the ride was pretty fast and crazy. Not the best but definitely not the worst, at least in my opinion. To each his own

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I went with a group of 4 opening day. At the end of the day 2 of us thought I305 was the best in the park and 2 of us picked Twisted Timbers.


On a side note of multiple I305 rides. Not all of these were straight in a row but opening weekend 2017 I rode I305 47 times in a single day.

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Wait a minute. Did you really mean 47 times?


Yup, 47! I guess you could say I quite enjoy I305. The Day of that visit in 2017 I only rode Volcano a few times, Dominator a few times, Flight of Fear, Grizzly, and the rest of the day was spent riding I305. I told myself that was going to be my only KD visit for 2017 so I better get these laps in!

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This makes me so sad to hear!!! When I rode Dominator it BLEW me away!! It was such an amazing ride!!

Hey, good to know there are other Dominator fans out there! I think it might actually be my favorite ride there, and that's especially impressive in a park that contains I305 and Volcano. Hard for me to believe some folks have been saying it's rough. When I last rode it a couple years back, I couldn't say enough good things about it; velvet smooth, the huge loop, the overbanked turns, the pops of airtime on the second half of the ride, the fact that the corkscrews and cobra roll don't send my head banging like a superball between the OTSR's, and I also really dug the low, high-speed banked turn after the loop. Made me wish more B&M loopers had them.


Yup, 47! I guess you could say I quite enjoy I305. The Day of that visit in 2017 I only rode Volcano a few times, Dominator a few times, Flight of Fear, Grizzly, and the rest of the day was spent riding I305. I told myself that was going to be my only KD visit for 2017 so I better get these laps in!

Holy hell, dude. Are you... human!? That's legit impressive and has gotta be some kind of record. I've only managed 9 spins on I305 in one day (might have to try and break that if/when I make it down there this coming Saturday), and my record for any coaster is 14 on Fury 325. I sincerely hope your planning to donate your body to science after you die... assuming you actually CAN die at all. Wow...


Oh, one other question for you KD frequenters, whenever I visit, I seem to have a knack for picking the worst places to eat, apparently, as I don't recall ever having a good dining experience there. What are the best places to grab grub at the park?

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Yup, 47! I guess you could say I quite enjoy I305. The Day of that visit in 2017 I only rode Volcano a few times, Dominator a few times, Flight of Fear, Grizzly, and the rest of the day was spent riding I305. I told myself that was going to be my only KD visit for 2017 so I better get these laps in!

Holy hell, dude. Are you... human!? That's legit impressive and has gotta be some kind of record. I've only managed 9 spins on I305 in one day (might have to try and break that if/when I make it down there this coming Saturday), and my record for any coaster is 14 on Fury 325. I sincerely hope your planning to donate your body to science after you die... assuming you actually CAN die at all. Wow...


Thanks! as far as rides straight in a row. I've pulled 28 in a row on Ravine Flyer II and 34 in a row on Raptor in 2014 (very slow day for both parks) When I visit parks farther away like KD that's a 7.5 hour drive for me, I always try to get the most out of my trip, for me that's getting in as many rides as I can. I have a handful of friends who don't like going on coaster trips with me because I prefer to basically non-stop ride all day with a quick break for food midday.

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^Yeah one time I went to Dollywood with some friends and they couldn't believe how much I wanted to keep riding Thunderhead. I wanted to ride Wild Eagle a few more times but my friend did not want to ride it more than the 3 times we got on it because it was "giving him a headache" it was Wild Eagle!

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Yup, 47! I guess you could say I quite enjoy I305. The Day of that visit in 2017 I only rode Volcano a few times, Dominator a few times, Flight of Fear, Grizzly, and the rest of the day was spent riding I305. I told myself that was going to be my only KD visit for 2017 so I better get these laps in!

Holy hell, dude. Are you... human!? That's legit impressive and has gotta be some kind of record. I've only managed 9 spins on I305 in one day (might have to try and break that if/when I make it down there this coming Saturday), and my record for any coaster is 14 on Fury 325. I sincerely hope your planning to donate your body to science after you die... assuming you actually CAN die at all. Wow...


Thanks! as far as rides straight in a row. I've pulled 28 in a row on Ravine Flyer II and 34 in a row on Raptor in 2014 (very slow day for both parks) When I visit parks farther away like KD that's a 7.5 hour drive for me, I always try to get the most out of my trip, for me that's getting in as many rides as I can. I have a handful of friends who don't like going on coaster trips with me because I prefer to basically non-stop ride all day with a quick break for food midday.


You're doing it right lol.

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Oh, one other question for you KD frequenters, whenever I visit, I seem to have a knack for picking the worst places to eat, apparently, as I don't recall ever having a good dining experience there. What are the best places to grab grub at the park?


Unfortunately, this is one of the few areas where KD could probably step up its game a bit.


Ask anyone if they have tried the new gourmet mac and cheese place as that sounded interesting. If no one has, why not try it out and give us a report?


We have had the pizza at Victoria Gardens and the one on International Street - if you get it fresh, it's not that bad. Plus they both have beer, which is always a bonus.

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Oh, one other question for you KD frequenters, whenever I visit, I seem to have a knack for picking the worst places to eat, apparently, as I don't recall ever having a good dining experience there. What are the best places to grab grub at the park?


The Mac Bowl and Chic-Fil-a restaurants are good. But yeah I agree they could step it up. I always wanted to see them add a NASCAR cafe in between anaconda and I305.

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The Mac Bowl was pretty good. I've had it once so far. You get to choose between white and orange (cheddar?) cheese, and then you can add unlimited toppings - there's at least 15 toppings or so. I think I got white cheese mac and cheese, bacon, spinach and buffalo sauce.


The meals at Outer Hanks are new this year. So far I've had the crab cake sliders, which I enjoyed. There wasn't too much crab meat, but I wasn't expecting a lot either.


At the two burger places, Hungry Hippo and Jukebox Diner, I was super impressed at how fresh all the burger toppings were. The burgers were meh though; they reminded me of something a high school cafeteria would serve.


At the very front of the park, Border Burrito is good for a decent burrito or burrito bowl.


Finally, yes, I intend to get my money's worth out of my dining plan this season.

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