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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^ Love it! You never disappoint. Subscribed.


Catch you guys at Millennium Force this summer?


You know I can't say no to that. Awesome meeting you this weekend at the Official Apple Zapple party.

Edited by coasterbill
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So that awesome off ride video I posted a few days ago? Made by a dude named Zach Clarke. (If you are on here biggup!) He also has a flickr featuring his photography and got a bunch of really great opening day shots of us (and others). More HERE


Bill & Britt down the first drop


Back of my head row one left w/ my bud Imri


Josh aka JRice92 + friend

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Does anybody know anything about the Days Inn right by the park? Reviews are less than stellar but all I'm really worried about is how clean the room is.


I was not a fan. It wasn't completely terrible but I would personally spend a few extra bucks and stay at the La Quinta right next door.

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Lol econo lodges aren't even considered by us when trip planning. Yuck.


But a Days Inn is OK?


I'm not a hotel snob since on a park trip I'm out all day and only sleeping and showering there. We also stayed at the Econo Lodge in Williamsburg and it was quite nice for the price - aesthetically exactly the same but Ruther Glen was an absolutely dumpster fire in every possible way.

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^True. Didn't think about that, since I'm working all weekend. (Don't say it, damn you...)


On a side note, the Kings parks are freaking awesome. Someone said before 'Cedar who?' and I tend to agree with them TO AN EXTENT. Being able to take full advantage of FL+ with well rounded collections of rides makes these larger, but non-giant, parks more enjoyable. Cedar Point is a phenomenal park, but it's almost a bit overwhelming for my wife and I. We end up bouncing back and forth from the really good rides, and we ignore the good rides... Toss in Carowinds and CF has a fantastic set of parks. I have yet to go to Canada's Wonderland to comment on that park, but I think we're going to head there next summer.

Edited by prozach626
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I'm gonna swing by tomorrow night to take another crack at TT while wearing gym clothes. Gonna try to suck in my waist as much as I can when they bring that god forsaken lap bar down hoping it can hit my thighs.

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So no go for TT however I enjoyed myself plenty. Rode Racer 75, Grizzly, Backlot, Avalanche, Anaconda, Flight of Fear, and then I capped off the night with a 10 ride Intimidator 305 marathon all night rides. It was glorious. Then some Panda Express on the way out. Dominator unfortunately was closed but I checked the test seat and I think I’d be fine in the larger seats and regular seats maybe if somebody pushed down on it. Really wish I rode Apple Zapple. I think I may head to Busch Gardens Sunday since I haven’t been in 6 years and I just set up a membership. Based off how the above coasters went I like my chances for most of their coasters.

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Great commercial.



Can I just say something....? I cannot stand when people use the phrase "gravity defying" to describe coasters. Gravity is literally the reason roller coasters work. They don't defy gravity, they are powered by it.


Okay, nerding complete.

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^Hah. I suppose everyone has their triggers.


Great commercial.


That commercial did a good job emphasizing an all new experience for those who might think the conversion was some sort of gimmick.

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