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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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I couldn't ride The Crypt on my recent visit to KD, as I was already feeling sick all day. I love Top Spins though, and hate that they're all getting removed. I do hope The Crypt can avoid the ax for a little while longer at least, until I can make it back!

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It should be noted that Huss continues to sell both the classic / fair style model and the suspended model brand new, so it's not like a lack of parts availability would cause a Top Spin to be removed.

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I keep half-forgetting that The Crypt is still operating. I can't remember what kind of downtime it had when I visited in 2012 (unless I actually overlooked it or wrongly assumed it was closed--I'm pretty sure it really was, though).


I always used to really enjoy Top Spins and not understand the hate. I wouldn't be surprised if I found them a bit more annoyingly uncomfortable now, though--I haven't hit one up in a while.

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The only time I have an issue with top spins is when the water effects intentionally soak everyone on board. I almost rode one at Oktoberfest until I saw the German carnies taking pleasure dousing guests.

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It should be noted that Huss continues to sell both the classic / fair style model and the suspended model brand new, so it's not like a lack of parts availability would cause a Top Spin to be removed.

While that is true, HUSS is notorious for taking a long time to actually get parts to a park. One of the maintenance managers at the park I use to work at complained about it all the time. There were multiple times when it took weeks/months for a part to arrive.

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I just heard a rumor that Kings Dominion/Cedar Fair has started a new policy that no loose articles including hats and glasses/sun glasses are allowed even in the queue lines. People are being required to put them in a locker before entering the line. I do not like this, I wear a hat so my head does not get sun burned and wear sun glasses because well the sun can really damage your eyes. I was told that KD has eliminated the baskets they had at some of the coasters and are now requiring locker usage like Six Flags once did. I know this did not work out for Six Flags in the past and some of their parks have now allowed you to bring personal belongings up into some of the stations - especially at their more lower end parks like Six Flags America.

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I'd like visitors to keep us posted on whether the new rules apply to phones and other items that are/will be kept in secure clothing pockets. No indication of this so far, but I want to be informed if anyone runs into issues like that.

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The policy applies to I305, FoF and TT only. If you can put it in a pocket that's fine. So phone and keys, etc in your pocket is fine. The main things they are enforcing are bags, hats and glasses without straps as you enter the line. I've seen people put hats in their shirts and they're fine with that. It's nothing like Gadv's policy, where even if you have a phone in a zipper pocket, they'll make you put it in a fb.

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The policy applies to I305, FoF and TT only. If you can put it in a pocket that's fine. So phone and keys, etc in your pocket is fine. The main things they are enforcing are bags, hats and glasses without straps as you enter the line. I've seen people put hats in their shirts and they're fine with that. It's nothing like Gadv's policy, where even if you have a phone in a zipper pocket, they'll make you put it in a fb.


that seemed to be Cedar Point's policy when I was there last year too. . . hats had to go down shirts, or be put in a bunny.


(tho not sure if that's the case now with SV, or if everything needs to go in a FFBFWMAG)

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The policy applies to I305, FoF and TT only. If you can put it in a pocket that's fine. So phone and keys, etc in your pocket is fine. The main things they are enforcing are bags, hats and glasses without straps as you enter the line. I've seen people put hats in their shirts and they're fine with that. It's nothing like Gadv's policy, where even if you have a phone in a zipper pocket, they'll make you put it in a fb.


that seemed to be Cedar Point's policy when I was there last year too. . . hats had to go down shirts, or be put in a bunny.


(tho not sure if that's the case now with SV, or if everything needs to go in a FFBFWMAG)

That's Knott's Berry Farm's policy, too. The one exception is Hangtime, where you can't wear glasses even with a lanyard. However, they still allowed me to keep my phone, wallet, keys, etc. in my pocket.

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Can confirm I305/FoF is like how the others mentioned. If you can secure your loose articles (hats/glasses/cellphones)in a safe pocket, you can ride with it. Glasses need a strap...but you guys seem to know the rest.


I'm just gonna thank you all for being so cooperative, whether you've visited the park yet or not. It's kinda nice to know not everybody is ready to tear our throats out when we say that the bins have been removed from the ride.

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I know Flight of Fear has had long waits this year despite removing the bins. I think it would do more good to move the guy standing by the entrance to inside to check seats.

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Please help! I have an upcoming trip to VA beach the first week of June. I would really like to visit one of the Virginia parks while I'm there but I'm stuck when it comes to choosing. On one hand I'd really like to do KD because I've been dying to try I-305 and Twisted Timbers. I've never ridden an RMC, and Millenium is the only giga I've experienced. However, after those 2 coasters nothing else really stands out to me. When it comes to Busch, there's nothing I'm particularly dying to ride but their coaster collection as a whole seems to catch my eye a little more than the remaining rides I'd have to choose from at KD. Which park would you suggest?

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Well, you're wrong and you're right. KD has a great collection past I305 and TT. Many people would argue it has one of the best collections of coasters in the US. Dominator, Volcano, FoF, and R75 are all awesome too. And personally, I like Anaconda and Grizzly, but that's neither here nor there. BGW is just different. It's fantastic too. I don't think their coaster collection is nearly as good, but their coasters are great. Like I said, it's just different. It's beautiful, it's got some great rides and great beer. Nobody can choose for you. If you can, do both.

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Please help! I have an upcoming trip to VA beach the first week of June. I would really like to visit one of the Virginia parks while I'm there but I'm stuck when it comes to choosing. On one hand I'd really like to do KD because I've been dying to try I-305 and Twisted Timbers. I've never ridden an RMC, and Millenium is the only giga I've experienced. However, after those 2 coasters nothing else really stands out to me. When it comes to Busch, there's nothing I'm particularly dying to ride but their coaster collection as a whole seems to catch my eye a little more than the remaining rides I'd have to choose from at KD. Which park would you suggest?


One point to bear in mind is that Va. Beach is a lot closer to BGW, and summer traffic on the I-64 corridor can be a pain (especially the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, Monitor-Merrimac Bridge Tunnel, and the construction zone between Newport News and Williamsburg). The drive from Va. Beach to KD is about two hours on a good day; it's about one hour to BGW.

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Timbers running at an unbelievable pace today.


I thought it was already running pretty fast in the afternoon on my visit last month. Really intrigued to see just how fast this thing could get going into the summer.

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^ I'm heading down there this Friday with the family, and can't wait to compare it to how it was on media day (for the record, I friggin' loved it in that cold weather, but if it's going even faster all the better).


Also super excited for my daughter as she just broke the 40" height mark, and she'll be getting her first rides on Avalanche and Woodstock Express if all goes well! (The wife, too, if we can talk her into it. )

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