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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Do you have a link to some info on that Heide Park project, DS?


By all means I have pics of the design Stengel worked on.


I found this by searching google. It was suppose to be between 300-412ft. The neighbors took against it. They scaled it down and many projects were scheduled like a 215ft version. All that it came down to was Desert race was agreed on.


It was intended to go on the side of Collossos.

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It really is a crime that giga for Heide Park never came to be. Based on that image it looks like it could have been an amazing ride, combination of all the best elements of the Intamin hypers/giga. The first drop and smooth high speed over-banks of MF, the airtime hills of the SROS clones... Sigh.

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The Intimidator 305 site is currently down.


The webcam has been having issues so maybe this is why it's down.


Or maybe we'll get our first blog entry in nearly a month?


I don't understand how filing one blog entry a month keeps people excited about a new ride...

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I don't understand how a blog can much of an impact on excitement at all.


The photos and animations are all I need.


I'd rather have the park tell me whats going on than have some fourteen year old kid guess what's going on from something he think he sees on the webcam.


Saves all the headache from all the uneducated "engineers" on any particular online forum.

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I'm surprised that there wasn't a blog up straight away crowing about the topping off when it happened, and they didn't even put up a photo update straight away either. The i305 website seems rather benign and unattended to.


If KD PR don't act like they're excited about i305 then how are they going to convince anyone else, luckily they're not trying to generate buzz about a second hand roller skater like SFMM.

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To agree with everyone; the entire website seems to be neglected and never really streaming well. Whether it is very few blog's, not posting pictures of ceremonial events in the construction process, or the fact the webcam only sometimes works, the site just seems to be there for the sake of being there.


Oh well, the webcam works today and it looks like the temporary support on the lift hill was removed and the second hill has reached its max. I don't know about you, but I think you are seriously going to get thrown from your seat on the hill, it looks fantastic. OTSR's or not, I am very excited about this coaster, and deep down inside you know you are too.

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^I was thinking I305 dipped in chocolate then rolled in toffee pieces would be pretty awesome. But different strokes for different folks.


EDIT: Just heard on the news that Kings Dominion reported 18 inches of snow.

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The snow stopped falling overnight and I'll be damned if they didn't get a few more pieces of track layed today. The next ten days are currently all forecast to be clear except for Xmas day, so they have an opportunity to make up for some lost time.

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