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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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While the OTSR still make me nervous (especially as years go by and the ride inevitably becomes less smooth) I'm definitely willing to give the ride a chance.


But don't the new Intamins have a slightly different OTSR? I could have sworn seeing something with a different padding or material. Maybe that crazy Japaneese version of Stealth or the ZacSpins.

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While the OTSR still make me nervous (especially as years go by and the ride inevitably becomes less smooth) I'm definitely willing to give the ride a chance.


But don't the new Intamins have a slightly different OTSR? I could have sworn seeing something with a different padding or material. Maybe that crazy Japaneese version of Stealth or the ZacSpins.


Tornado, Bakken


The OTSR Part is made like a heavy padded seatbelt (Like a lighter, less restrictive version of Vekomas flyer restraint merged with an intamin lap-bar)


They're surprisingly comfy, and thats probably what this ride will use

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I disagree, The feeling of speed is going to be Awesome at the bottom. I am glad it does what it does. There will be air on the 2nd hill anyway.




Seconded. Maverick's pull out was really cool, and it usually makes me black out! I'm sure this will be very similar.


My brother uses this term too on some coasters. When you say "Blackout" what do you mean? To me "Blackout" always connotated going unconscious. Same as passing out or fainting. But I get the feeing here lately that I am thinking incorrectly on this. I have never seen anyone unconscious as a train pulled back into the station.

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It's funny, from certain angles at first glance it actually doesn't look that big because of the way the lift is constructed. The truss system looks like normal Intamin track and the lack of supports adds to the effect of it not looking that tall until you look at the surroundings to give it a sense of scale and you realize just how massive it is. That lift is going to be by far the most impressive part of this coaster once the temporary support is removed. It just looks like it's ready to fall over in the slightest breeze lol.


Yeah, if I'd never seen how ridiculously massive those lift hill track pieces are up close, I might think it would be shaking in the breeze, but short of a tornado or gale, I don't think this thing will budge in normal or even heavy winds. We will see soon enough, that's for sure.

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^^Oh I know it's not going anywhere, I've seen more impossible looking structures studying architecture, but even though I know how structures like this work, it still doesn't stop my brain from thinking it looks severely undersupported. I'm looking forward to hearing the reviews for this ride when it opens. Hopefully I'll be able to get out to Virginia and ride it in the near future.

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Yup "I KNOW, lets have the tallest drop in the world and then do..... A TURN OMFG" they should have done a airtime hill of epic proportions, with OTSR they it could have massive airtime!


Ya know, there's a lot more to a coaster than just airtime.

If I recall correctly Millennium Force doesn't go into an airtime hill right after the drop either and yet people love that ride. Can't we just wait until it's open and people have ridden it before we complain?

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Personally I think the large low-to-the-ground turn was one of the best options, if not the best, for an element after such a large hill. The sensation of speed going around that turn that low to the ground then up into an airtime hill that's under the hill you just came from is most likely going to be a great start to what looks like an awesome layout. I'm glad they didn't just go into another hill right after the first drop. This is far more interesting in my opinion.

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^Too bad that it is a right turn. You won't find many of those in Nascar.


Since when has Cedar Fair, or even Kings Dominion for that matter been masters at theming? Honestly, I am more interested in riding the coaster than worrying about the accuracy or theming. I really don't think that will make a whole lot of people not want to ride it, the height and lift hill supports have got that job covered quite well.

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Well Piritan and Kawisami aka Heartbeat. I'm not judging the ride just yet. I reserve my full opinion of it till it opens. We've all been waiting years for another 300ft coaster. Though Heide park had its promising Werner Stengel design that was suppose to be 412ft. It was ALL over the net even the layout. The ride was sadly not to be though, blame the outter park neighbors.

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This has many elements similiar to a megalite except a lot bigger, that turn and then the hill after the first drop worked well on Piraten even at a third of the size of i305.


That's precisely the analogy that popped in my head the first time I watched the POV. The first drop and turn are Piraten on steroids.


It looks like an awesome ride. The first turn is going to be intense at 90 mph!


I have some friends in Virginia, hopefully I can visit them next year and go to King's Dominion. Sounds like a fun vacation to me!

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This has many elements similiar to a megalite except a lot bigger, that turn and then the hill after the first drop worked well on Piraten even at a third of the size of i305.


That's precisely the analogy that popped in my head the first time I watched the POV. The first drop and turn are Piraten on steroids.


It looks like an awesome ride. The first turn is going to be intense at 90 mph!


I have some friends in Virginia, hopefully I can visit them next year and go to King's Dominion. Sounds like a fun vacation to me!


Home for me is half an hour from there. I'll be at KD on Media Day for sure.

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They're surprisingly comfy, and thats probably what this ride will use


Tell that to Divv! He took a wicked chop to the neck on Tornado was holding his neck afterward.


The only time i had that happen was getting snapped to the high side on that last low turn, yeah, it stung a little, but this coaster doesnt spin, and is also heartlined (Like any intamin) so those restraints (if it does actually have that style of restraint) will be far more comfortable, you just might have slightly sore shoulders after 10 or 20 rides

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