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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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The key thing about red and yellow and CF has taught this to many, Thank you DANI Swords former PR of KD and current PR of Carowinds.. and I quote "Red looks awesome..it makes a ride look BOLD in the sky line" Its called make it look daring and bold so it stands out.


Unless your in the mood for a marketing spiel of "hey look its TTD...lets get Mcdonalds"

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I want to bring up something thats been bugging me for some time.


Why is the Hurler at Kings Dominion so hated? I know the ride can be rough at certain points, but it provides good air time.

I think if it gets touched on here and there, it would be a bit better.


If this ride is in one enthusiasts 10, it should be in someone else's top 30(AT LEAST)



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^I have a pretty big love/hate relationship with both Hurlers. They're both incredibly rough and uncomfortable if you catch them on the wrong day in the wrong seat, but can also give insane airtime on other days. The one year I worked at Carowinds I found that the front left seat was the best way to go on their Hurler. A little track work wouldn't kill them.....

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Hurler is just too damn rough and not in a fun way.


The train shuffles from side to side all the way through the course after the first drop.


I don't understand why a park that has two decent adult woodies in Rebel Yell and Grizzly doesn't give Hurler the same TLC.


Neither RY or Grizzly have this issue and both of those coasters have more than a decade of service than Hurler.


A lot of people have seen a difference with Wildcat since HersheyPark switched from the PTCs to the Millennium Flyers. Granted Hurler isn't a GCII product, I have to wonder if new non-PTC trains would make a significant differnce for Hurler?

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I never disliked Hurler as much as a lot of people. I'll always go for a ride in the front seat during my visits because the airtime over the first couple hills is fantastic and the ride isn't TOO rough up front.


The main problem is the highly banked turns, especially the first one after the first drop. They need to some serious work on that turn, it can be absolutely brutal.

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^A wise decision. Hurler was actually great the first season or two it was open, but I guess it just beats the crap out of itself.


I have a soft spot for Grizzly--mainly for the Shed of Death.

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^I love the Grizzly at KD.


It's my second favorite coaster in the park behind Volcano.


The dip down into the tunnel and the tunnel itself really make that ride a great ride.


Grizzly KD happened to be my first adult sized coaster when I was 8 and I wouldn't ride another coaster of that size until I was a teenager.


I feel it's one of those under-appreciated woodies.

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So I have been following this thread, and I was wondering what had been going on with the ride, so I headed over to the website to check it out, and turns out I have been missing a lot! From the image I got it seems that they have a lot of the track work done, if not almost all of it! The ride is really looking great.



There is a lot done!

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^Not sure.


We haven't had an update from Clint with KDFansite in about three weeks.


KD has posted a few pics on Twitter but haven't really said too much about the project itself.


Trackwork was suppose to be completed by Jan 1st 2010 but I'm guessing with all the rain and snow the area has had since the fall began that they're a bit behind.


I was hoping to see how much Stunt Tower/Drop Zone would be swaying with the high winds we had this past weekend but the webcam went down again last week.

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The thickness of the lift hill is crazy!!!


I mean, LOOK AT IT!


Taking a likeness to thickness already at such a young age?


I believe that the new double spine of the track results in fewer support columns. Just two of them.

LMAO! I tried so hard the first time I read JEAPUgrad's post not to quote it and make a comment, but now that you did its ok! Haha! Anywho.... You are correct in a way. The double spine has nothing to do with the supports on the lift. The GIANT truss like structure is what causes the need for only 2 supports.


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