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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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They gave us El Toro, The Voyage, and SROS/Bizarro...


Compare the savage stapling you get on El Toro to the generous amount of room Liseberg gives you on Balder ON EVERY CYCLE and I think it's safe to say that America hates airtime.

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They gave us El Toro, The Voyage, and SROS/Bizarro...


Compare the savage stapling you get on El Toro to the generous amount of room Liseberg gives you on Balder ON EVERY CYCLE and I think it's safe to say that America hates airtime.


It's not all bad, Phoenix still has a buzz bars, I like my coaster rides to be near death experiences.


Balder that was like El Toro times three without stapling.

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OK... So the ride has OTSRs AND trims over what looked to be one of the few highlights of the ride as it might give some airtime?


Holy crap I am so unexcited for April now it isn't even funny... Oh well, hopefully it won't be too drastic, such as the trims over the last couple hills on SROS and ROS...

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^ Indeed. Follow the link below to see a pic of GeForce's trims. On that ride, they exist in 2 places.




Full POV of GeForce.


Obviously the trims occur in different spots than on I305. This is the only possible negative I see. Then again.. Apollo's Chariot has trims on it's 3rd hill and that never really affects the ride.

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Well they start by adding all trims (just so that they can check the clearances during the pull-through), and when the testing begins they see if they need to remove any due to the section afterwards is to slow.


So in the end they might be forced to remove all of them, only time will tell...


(Here is hoping )

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