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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Kings Dominion seems to have a site up for Planet Snoopy, unfortunately, it really does not have anything on the names of the rides. Also, they now do have a section of the attractions page for Planet Snoopy, but it does not have the re-theme names either. Here is the website, if you are interested, like I said though it does not really have anything on their about the ride names.



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Just to take the other road here, any chance that could actually be a dummy car to use for the pull through??? I believe it was reported recently the Pull Through is going to be happening soon, and I am fairly certain that normally, coaster cars aren't delivered seperatly, they are delivered in a whole train (not necessarily on the same pallet mind you)


Just my 2p's worth

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If it were a Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit pull through/reach envelope test, it would like something like this.


Wait, that is not right. THIS is what the Rockit test looked like.



AND if you would like to reach test the love of my life, it would look like this...


So, I don't think you necessarily have to have a train to do a pull through to do a pull through. I also think think that pull throughs are more common when the coaster interacts with other objects such as supports, track and buildings. I mean, I wouldn't really see it to be necessary to do a pull through on, say, Intimidator at Carowinds since there is absolutely nothing the rider could possibly hit. Albeit the test is used for a lot more than just the reach envelope. With that in mind though, wouldn't they have kept a crane on site to pull the train up the lift hill if it was in fact going to happen on this coaster?


Photos owned by their respective owners.

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^^My thoughts exactly. Like I said in my previous post, I really don't see a reason to have a reach envelope test on Intimidator (carowinds) because there really is nothing the rider could hit themselves on.


However, when you guys say that Manta got a pull through test, it really didn't. It just had that pvc reach envelope on the wing dip, and was not seen anywhere else.


With that in mind, I think it is safe to say the envelope test/pull through is only executed on places where I rider could hit themselves. To my knowledge, TTD, an Intamin lol, did not receive a pull through. Nor did MF. It is rides with low(er) clearances such as Maverick or iSpeed that receive it due to their very nature. However, I think there are a couple places on i305 that will give some head choppers but again, the cranes are gone. So maybe they do a reverse pull through using the small cranes and negate the first drop. Just my two cents. Maybe they "tunnel test" it, NL style.

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To my knowledge, TTD, an Intamin lol, did not receive a pull through. Nor did MF.

Yes they did...


While doing a Pull-through the do much more than just check the reach envelope.


They check all the track connections, brake fins, lift hill, overall clearances between the car/wheels and the track itself, etc.


It's just something Intamin wants to do just to make sure that it will work the first time, instead of just hoping for the best...

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^^But why would you need a train to check that kind of stuff? I'm not trying to say you are wrong, because I don't know the exact purpose of a pull through either, but to me, it seems like all that can be done in the absence of a train. And I would certainly hope that they have all the bolts tight for track connections before they even consider putting a wheel on the track.


Intamin still seems to be good at doing pull throughs, turning the ride on, hoping for the best and still getting the ride valleyed.


^I probably sound really snooty between these two comments, but I respectfully have to disagree. The ride, at this moment, is not in the hands of the park. Intamin, in this case, won't hand the keys over to KD to run her until they believe the ride is in proper, operating condition. I do not think the park has much say in whether they want to do a pull through or not.

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They had to have done a pull through on MF. There's a support that they actually had to modify at the end of the 2nd hill that was too close to the track (in fact, one rider was famous for smacking it with his hand until they modified it), the track comes kinda close to some supports during the middle portions of the island, and there are the two tunnels to worry about clearance. TTD also twists through its own structure on the way down, so there had to be some sort of clearance test there, as well.

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