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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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For the flagship parks of Paramount being KI, CW, and KD, they sure screwed CW and KD in quality and longevity of a ride experience.


CF seems to be continuing this with KD with I:305. Behemoth, Intimidator (Carowinds), and Diamondback all have much shorter heights, yet longer track...following me yet, why does this make sense to them? Less than 100 miles away there sits S:ROS with 5350 ft...197ft high...


That said, looking at I:305 really makes me think it could be quite an experience. I'm not knocking I:305 as much as I am knocking the park.


I already said this once about track length, but the reason I305 is shorter than the B&M hypers is because it doesn't have the amount of airtime hills that they have. Airtime hills have way more track length than low to the ground turns. And I don't think I could say this enough, but NOBODY in Virginia cares about Six Flags America.........NOBODY. I used to live in northern VA and I could tell you without any shadow of a doubt that if you asked them where they would want to go for a theme/amusement park, they would say KD or BGE 100 times out of 100. I guarantee you KD doesn't see SFA as any kind of competition at all.


Thats a bold outragous statement. There are several people on here even that prefer SFA to KD...I feel SFA is not even known in the DC-Richmond area. I'm from VA and nobody knows SFA is right there. Everyone remembers Adventure World. Somehow nobody knows about SFA.


Never say NOBODY, because thats asking for trouble on these boards


Chuck, I've seen Volcano with a 3 hour line on weekdays in the summer for no explainable reason, although of course they should be better than Saturdays. I left the park and returned to Yorktown with a wasted trip that day because the park was so bad.


Lines. Reason 2 I prefer SFA to KD.

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So S:ROS is longer......that is because of the 2 half mile(sarcasm intended) long helices connected by straightaways with a hump???? I305 at least changes direction at what seems to me will be a hellacious speed so that is definitely a plus. Length as said before doesn't necessarily matter to the ride experience. The shorter rides of today can be attributed to the launch which probably reduces track length by almost 1000' when you factor in the lift and first drop. I for 1 still prefer the old fashioned drop opposed to the launch which I305 looks like it is going to deliver in that department!


As far as KD's lines, as long as I can remember back they were always long. When Shockwave opened we were there and waited over 4 hours to ride it! I have found that early spring and late fall Sundays are the best time to go as people seem to have other stuff to do.

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Thats a bold outragous statement. There are several people on here even that prefer SFA to KD...I feel SFA is not even known in the DC-Richmond area. I'm from VA and nobody knows SFA is right there. Everyone remembers Adventure World. Somehow nobody knows about SFA.


Never say NOBODY, because thats asking for trouble on these boards


Chuck, I've seen Volcano with a 3 hour line on weekdays in the summer for no explainable reason, although of course they should be better than Saturdays. I left the park and returned to Yorktown with a wasted trip that day because the park was so bad.


Lines. Reason 2 I prefer SFA to KD.


I think the GP vastly outweighs the opinion of a few posters on here.

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For the flagship parks of Paramount being KI, CW, and KD, they sure screwed CW and KD in quality and longevity of a ride experience.


CF seems to be continuing this with KD with I:305. Behemoth, Intimidator (Carowinds), and Diamondback all have much shorter heights, yet longer track...following me yet, why does this make sense to them? Less than 100 miles away there sits S:ROS with 5350 ft...197ft high...


That said, looking at I:305 really makes me think it could be quite an experience. I'm not knocking I:305 as much as I am knocking the park.


I already said this once about track length, but the reason I305 is shorter than the B&M hypers is because it doesn't have the amount of airtime hills that they have. Airtime hills have way more track length than low to the ground turns. And I don't think I could say this enough, but NOBODY in Virginia cares about Six Flags America.........NOBODY. I used to live in northern VA and I could tell you without any shadow of a doubt that if you asked them where they would want to go for a theme/amusement park, they would say KD or BGE 100 times out of 100. I guarantee you KD doesn't see SFA as any kind of competition at all.


Thats a bold outragous statement. There are several people on here even that prefer SFA to KD...I feel SFA is not even known in the DC-Richmond area. I'm from VA and nobody knows SFA is right there. Everyone remembers Adventure World. Somehow nobody knows about SFA.


Never say NOBODY, because thats asking for trouble on these boards


Chuck, I've seen Volcano with a 3 hour line on weekdays in the summer for no explainable reason, although of course they should be better than Saturdays. I left the park and returned to Yorktown with a wasted trip that day because the park was so bad.


Lines. Reason 2 I prefer SFA to KD.


Your mileage may vary. Volcano, in general, will have the longest line of any ride at the park on any day, thanks to slow operations. (Not a knock here--I think KD runs this ride about as well as they can.) So, rule of thumb--Volcano first, Dominator later. Intimidator will probably change this equation, though.


As for the SFA vs. KD debate, I think these are parks that are best visited in the spring, before the hordes of summer show up. I've had good times and not-so-good times at both parks.

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^ I'm from DC and SFA is infamous for being the crappiest park in existence.


Yep, everyone I know in this area chooses Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, or even Hershey Park when they go to parks. Its safe to say the majority of people in Northern Virginia see SFA as being a far less worthwhile park than the others in the area; and they will go out of their way to drive further and stay overnight if necessary to avoid SFA.

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^It's a shame too cause Six Flags America has okay coasters. Just needs more! I do love going to that park because the attractions after you pass under the Wild One are so spread out!


I did hear from John Winkler that a MAJOR attraction will be coming to Six Flags America for 2011!

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John Winkler has also gone on record adding that the new coaster will be steel and not wood.


I'm praying to God that it's not more Vekoma.


I still think Chang winds up at SFA. SFA already has two defunct coasters sitting on it's property, why add a third?

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Call me a skeptic tank (clever right?) but it seems like with that speed and the weight of the trains, that it could be a close call with slowing the train down on the brake run. That said, I'm certain that it will come to a proper stop as Intamin engineers are smart enough to NOT make that happen.


It does look pretty awesome, too short, but pretty awesome.

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