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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^ Cedar Fair seems to think red track+yellow supports=race theming.


The color of Dale's Bud car was Red.

The predominant color of Dale's Wrangler car was Yellow.


And don't fool yourselves for a minute thinking CF even thought of this.


They just happened to buy a lot of Red and Yellow paint when it was on sale.

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^ Cedar Fair seems to think red track+yellow supports=race theming.


The color of Dale's Bud car was Red.

The predominant color of Dale's Wrangler car was Yellow.


And don't fool yourselves for a minute thinking CF even thought of this.


They just happened to buy a lot of Red and Yellow paint when it was on sale.


That's Dale Jr, his son, who raced in the red Bud car.


Red and yellow are physiologically stimulating colors. Causing excitement and hunger in people. I think that's the main reason Cedar Fair has been going crazy with those colors lately, getting people worked up physiologically.

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^ Cedar Fair seems to think red track+yellow supports=race theming.


The color of Dale's Bud car was Red.

The predominant color of Dale's Wrangler car was Yellow.


And don't fool yourselves for a minute thinking CF even thought of this.


They just happened to buy a lot of Red and Yellow paint when it was on sale.


Dale Jr drove the red Bud Car not Dale Sr. Any other color relations to his cars were probably coincidental. They used Red and Yellow on Top Thrill Dragster, maybe they just think those colors represent a racing theme well. Heck, maybe they had some paint left over from the TTD project.

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