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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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It looks like they are using temporary supports to hold up the lift while they work their way up. Still waiting to see what they do for the apex.


Is there any significance to the height of the two main supports? I guess I am pretty sure there isn't, but with them being the same height there might be some relation to Earnhardt.


I can't wait for that first turn too, you are going to be heatin' through it. One problem though, it turns RIGHT! hahaha

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So uh, I thought the point of having that beefy track was so that it can utilize the two support system, but it looks like that support right out of the station is pretty permanent. I mean, why would they paint a temporary support and have to deal with a footer and everything?


OK, so I watched the video and he said that it was a temporary support, but why would they bother painting it?

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but why would they bother painting it?
My guess is that they have used pieces from another non erected support (probably from one that will later support one of the large hills) so that they don't have to make a complete temporary support, just the top bit.


And why paint that one then I hear you ask??, well to give it some protection from the environment, since it might be needed in the future...

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Some of the names have already been changed to generic names to remove Hannah Barbara/Nick theming on KD's site. Also, they have removed the Nick Central page from the site. I bolded the one's that have been changed since last year, most of them just took off the name of the character, but kept the general name (ie. Scooby Doo's Ghoster Coaster is now Ghoster Coaster).


Discover a whole town bursting with fun! With rides and attractions parents and kids can enjoy together, KidZville® was designed with our younger guests in mind.


A few child favorites include:


The Treasure Cave

The Alley Cat 500

Boulder Bumpers



Jeep Tours


Haunted Mansion

Ghoster Coaster

Kidz Contruction Company

Tree Swings

Taxi Jam


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I don't see those names staying like that. It's probably a temporary thing until they get the official "Peanuts" names released. I'd bet that Scooby's Ghoster Coaster will be Woodstock's Express next season. That's what Carowinds is renaming their Fairly Odd Coaster (Scooby Doo Coaster).

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I don't see those names staying like that. It's probably a temporary thing until they get the official "Peanuts" names released. I'd bet that Scooby's Ghoster Coaster will be Woodstock's Express next season.


Your probably right, and I hope you are. As for Scooby Doo's new name, I am putting my money on "Its a Coaster Charlie Brown".

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^So far the only park that has been confirmed getting new rides out of the Planet Snoopy re-theme is Canada's Wonderland. Other than that I think the other parks Planet Snoopy's will just be a much needed refurb and redo of theming. Finally, no more cancelled Nick shows all around Kings Dominion (i.e. Hey Arnold and Wild Thornberries). The Snoopy brand is a timeless thing that everyone can identify with and will never be cancelled or forgotten. Even possibly without new rides the 4 other former Paramount Parks will definitely benefit from this much needed re-theme. Kings Dominion especially with the addition of I305 is hopefully set to have a great year next year.

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I think Intimidator will be a very cool rollercoaster. The drop is awesome but it looks like the coaster has many Positive G's (and i dont like pG's)


The seatbelts are awesome! i hope that you have no more airtime because those seatbelts will be not so tight.


Cant wait to ride it!

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According to KD's Facebook page, both yellow lift hill structures are now complete.


They still need to complete the track work for the lift, of course.


From the view of the webcame, something looks a bit off. It looks like if you draw a line at the same diagonal angle as the existing lift track from the station that there will be several feet between the first trussel (from the station) and the track.

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According to KD's Facebook page, both yellow lift hill structures are now complete.


They still need to complete the track work for the lift, of course.


From the view of the webcame, something looks a bit off. It looks like if you draw a line at the same diagonal angle as the existing lift track from the station that there will be several feet between the first trussel (from the station) and the track.


Keep in mind that the webcam is distorting the image a bit due to the lens


For instance, it looks as though the lift piece up to the temp support has a bend in it, when it doesnt in reality as we saw in the video


And of course, outside the station where the cable lift engage system is there will be a couple feet of flat track before the actual curve up to the hill with an extension of the truss for the lift on it, look at a couple early construction shots for a good idea, or the bottom of millennium forces lift

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This is known, it has 2 supports on the lift and a truss support before the actual lift track (where it angles up for it


People are confused by the temp support, but the track looks bent on the webcam a bit, which is where i think his "Gap" is coming from, there's going to be a MUCH bigger gap between the station and that first tower when the lift is done


it's going to be a thing of beauty looking over the side and seeing over 300 feet of empty air under you at the top of that lift

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