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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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It'll be interesting to see them erect the lift hill with the lack of supports to hold it up. I feel like on most coasters they can usually have one piece left unsupported but never more than that, and I have never seen a crane lift more than two pieces together. But with the lack of supports, and the ridiculously heavy lift pieces, I am not really sure how they will do it.

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It'll be interesting to see them erect the lift hill with the lack of supports to hold it up. I feel like on most coasters they can usually have one piece left unsupported but never more than that, and I have never seen a crane lift more than two pieces together. But with the lack of supports, and the ridiculously heavy lift pieces, I am not really sure how they will do it.


Take a look at the webcam the lower section of the lift is now in place!!!


KD's twitter has a really good closeup of the first section being installed too,not sure about their facebook page yet though.

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^Ya, but think about the big gap between the first and second yellow support structure. Lifting all those massive pieces 305 feet in the air cannot be easy. The only way I can think that they will do it is like for the St Louis Arch, where they build equally from both sides and then fit the top piece in to complete the arch and properly support the structure.

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My guess is that the entire track section that spans the two supports will be connected on the ground, then lifted up with multiple cranes then put into place.


But I know nothing about construction/engineering so I could be completely wrong.

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I guess the two of you are right, I really don't see any other options out there besides simultaneous lifting. Still though, that will be no easy feat, that is definitely a heavy piece of metal and to get multiple cranes to lift with the precision to have it sit exactly where needed will be difficult. Oh well, its still an intamin giga coaster and it is going to be awesome.

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I like the theory that they will construct the pcs on the ground before installing them. I guess we will all have to wait and see how they construct it. I'm excited about the progress so far!


The combined weight of the two pieces can't be no more than that of let's say DM track given the size & if you've seen that build it bigger episode showing Griffon's construction you'll recall that they were easily able to lift two rather large sections that were bolted together on the ground with a couple of cranes.

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The webcam has 2 cranes on site now and it looks like they are moving large supports around. Its a very blurry webcam but at least we have something to look at.


While I don't see any of the yellow supports, I do see three cranes on site. There is one to the right of the picture and two others.


It looks like they're putting together the crane that will eventually complete the top of the lift hill. The crane pieces sitting in the parking lot are close to the same shade of red as the track only a bit darker in color.

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The webcam has 2 cranes on site now and it looks like they are moving large supports around. Its a very blurry webcam but at least we have something to look at.


While I don't see any of the yellow supports, I do see three cranes on site. There is one to the right of the picture and two others.


It looks like they're putting together the crane that will eventually complete the top of the lift hill. The crane pieces sitting in the parking lot are close to the same shade of red as the track only a bit darker in color.


Once again KD's webcam is blank!!!! ughhh I really hate the lack of investment in being able to provide quality updates on construction of this coaster.

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Webcams--sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Relax.


In the meantime, you could do something useful in your community, such as set up a window display on public safety, or visit a dairy and learn how milk is prepared and handled for market.


Just a suggestion.

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Do you REALLY need an update every 2-5 seconds anyway?


No, but since the official I305 blog hasn't been updated since the announcement it would be nice to read about what is really going on with the project.


Personally, if I hear that "It's All Been Done" song one more time I'm going to freak. Nothing against Mr. Novak as I'm grateful for the work he does, I just really hate that song!


I love how parks in general jump on the blogging bandwagon a couple of years ago yet so many parks neglect their own blogs.


Paula at Holiday World does an awesome job keeping their blog fresh with content.


Other than HW most of the Cedar Fair parks are hit and miss when it comes to new content.


If I remember correctly, the Diamondback blog was updated once every 7-14 days and kept people interested in the construction.


I don't see how updating a blog once a month, if that, will keep people's interest through out the winter.


Just my two cents.

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