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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Now with Carowinds formally announcing their Intimidator it will be fun to see which is the better ride next season. I'll be getting a Maxx Pass to find out.


Both rides have their strengths & weaknesses but after watching the animations for the zillionth time I think that KD's will be pretty good.

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Now with Carowinds formally announcing their Intimidator it will be fun to see which is the better ride next season. I'll be getting a Maxx Pass to find out.


Both rides have their strengths & weaknesses but after watching the animations for the zillionth time I think that KD's will be pretty good.


I'll be checking out all 3 CF coasters next year, so it won't bother me.


I'm sure I305 will be good, but it's color combo doesn't look good at all. What's up with so many McD's colors coasters these days?

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Now with Carowinds formally announcing their Intimidator it will be fun to see which is the better ride next season. I'll be getting a Maxx Pass to find out.


Both rides have their strengths & weaknesses but after watching the animations for the zillionth time I think that KD's will be pretty good.


I'll be checking out all 3 CF coasters next year, so it won't bother me.


I'm sure I305 will be good, but it's color combo doesn't look good at all. What's up with so many McD's colors coasters these days?


how can you say that the color on the ride is one of the best ive seen

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I suppose this coaster is about the status we could have expected. Here's why: This is not Cedar Point. The quality of the ride is likely to correlate with the quality of the park. I mean, what 's at Kings Dominion? You have three or four woodies of average proportions, a very uncomfortable stand up coaster, an outdated Arrow looper, a good, but not great launch coaster ( Volcano) and a subpar floorless coaster. So I guess a mediocre giga makes sense.

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I'm pretty sure when management is looking to put in a new coaster they aren't thinking "Well, we are pretty middle tier. Let's build a ride that will keep us status quo!" I'm positive they are looking to put in the best ride they can get for their money. I'm sure they looked at a lot of different options, and this is the one they came up with and decided on.

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I'm pretty sure when management is looking to put in a new coaster they aren't thinking "Well, we are pretty middle tier. Let's build a ride that will keep us status quo!"


True. Although...what management are you talking about?


Do you really think it's just coincidence or random chance that this ride is going to be 5-feet shorter than its cousin up north?


Cedar Point is Cedar Fair, and no other Cedar Fair park would ever purposely be given something better than what Cedar Point has. I don't even mean that as a complaint. It's just the way it is.


So, yeah...everyone wants Intimidator305 to be the best it can be--as long as Millennium Force is still measurably "better."


/Adjusts tinfoil hat.

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and a subpar floorless coaster.
In my opinion, Dominator is one of the best (if not THE best) floorless coasters out there...


Ever heard of Kraken? 20 billion times better than Dominator.


I've yet to ride Kraken, but I still have ridden enough floorless coasters (4...5 counting SheiKra) for my opinion to hold some weight.


And say it is number 2 to Kraken, is that not still "one of the best out there?"

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and a subpar floorless coaster.
In my opinion, Dominator is one of the best (if not THE best) floorless coasters out there...


Ever heard of Kraken? 20 billion times better than Dominator.


Just because one coaster is better than another doesn't mean that the other one sucks...I like Montu more than Raptor, but that doesn't mean I think Raptor is a bunch of green fail.

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