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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Something tells me its gonna be alot like Goliath at SFMM. Of course with that said, Goliath has a way better layout..etc. But i think its a waste of a drop if you have OTSR and when its followed by a turn.


Sorry, but I just noticed this comment This has to be one of the most moronic comments posted on TPR. We need to start a hall of shame thread and nominate posts like this one. Does anyone think this guy has been on more than 10 coasters? Not me.


I agree that the shoulder restraints will take away some of the drop's thrill...

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Something tells me its gonna be alot like Goliath at SFMM. Of course with that said, Goliath has a way better layout..etc. But i think its a waste of a drop if you have OTSR and when its followed by a turn.


Sorry, but I just noticed this comment This has to be one of the most moronic comments posted on TPR. We need to start a hall of shame thread and nominate posts like this one. Does anyone think this guy has been on more than 10 coasters? Not me.

Thats not nice and that guy who posted that could take that as a personal attack and we all know what happens when you personally attack someone around these woods...

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Those restraints aren't as immune against neck bashing as you may think. Got some nice karate strikes on my neck while riding Tornado, but then Tornado has some very intense turns and moves. I don't know what the turns on I305 will be like so it's difficult to say if those restraints will be great or not. Let's hope for the best.

On Insane they couldn't have been any better but remember that it doesn't have any lateral forces.

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Once again, everyone needs to kick back, crack open a nice cold one, and relax. There's been far too much sniping back and forth in this thread.


Please show some courtesy when responding to someone else's post, no matter how silly you think it may be.

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^You always make sense cfc. Sorry, I didnt mean to start trouble. I just thought this persons list of posts in this thread were simply obnoxious and way off base, but its only my opinion. I will lay off.


I am so excited we are going to see another giga I think its going to be great! I can't wait for Carowinds announcement:)

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^ But Kirnu don't have any turns...


I have ridden Tornado at Bakken, and I have to say that they are worse then the standard ones on the newer Accelerators...

Since the edges on these "soft" ones are worse on your neck if you ride without a collar to protect your neck from friction burns, not to forget that they are thinner so that they are almost worse then the first gen accelerator OSTR's in the neck slashing section as well...

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Well we can't really rate a ride that hasn't been built yet now can we?The transitions on th is coaster will be more drawn out to accomodate for the forces & besides would you rather have the type of OTSR that's on volcano or drop tower? I for one would not because those things HURT worse than those on an SLC.

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You aren't going to have the sharp turns of Tornado or the inversions of Kirnu or Insane on Intimidator. Seems to me that the "straps" aren't going to be much of an issue (didn't bother me on Tornado, at least).


This will be all I'm going to say about the restraints.

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Went up to the park tonight with my Son and we had a blast. the park was empty but everybody in that place could not stop talking about I305.


We do have 3 new supports up (at least, from what I can tell) Almost all the foundations are down I would say about 80% done. They are really humming along.

Here are alot of pics from today.


Another thing I was thinking about. Night rides on this thing should be Awesome due to its secluded (and un-photogenic) positioning, as long as lights are not put way out there. although I am sure the lift will be lit up.




The soon to be entrance plaza


Station foundation already going in







I went around today taking pics of everything that was sure to change next year due to snoop dog moving in, and I noticed this sign in HB land and sadly it is the best damn sign in the park! go figure


oh yea, In case you were wondering Dominator's grass has filled in quite nicely and you would have never known that 2 years ago it was a parking lot.


a little hard to see but alot of footers are done on the first turn


Alot of work and digging needed for the 3 Big foundations



Few footers waiting to be poured (rebar in)


Nothing to see here


They put the art stuff up on the Tower...pretty cool place for it


Already have the merch. out


Aidan would have been happy to sit here for 4 hours and watch it. (but Dad said NO)


They put the model in the gift shop


This stuff is Huge


lots of track here


Intamin orgasm


mmmmmm Beefy


more twisting




The Adena guys must bow down and kiss the Intamin sexiness every hour.


Geeeez Dad, when are you going to Shut up about this ride???


First we will start with the new supports 2 in plain sight and one of the tiny supports (2nd s-curve threading needle) hidden behind the trees

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I would be kind of surprised if they didn't have lights throughout the entire ride, actually, considering its theme.


Dominator is looking mighty fine. I have to say, I preferred the lake to the parking lot, but it's still a beautiful ride.

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