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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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...and I'm still in shock that people are attempting to compare this to Kawasemi. While it may mirror Kawasemi's layout, Intimidator is set to a MUCH larger scale. The key to the megalite's "ejector" is COMPACT design. Intimidator is the antithesis of compact...it is sprawling.


Kawasemi's swift transitions and jolting airhills don't translate to a coaster this size. Hell, even S:RoS does NOT have Kawasemi's insane air.


All in all, Intimidator will be another swift and graceful Intamin, possibly eclipsing MF's popularity...no need to complain. It will be my ONLY reason to return to KD.

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^^ If sending Panet Snoopy over to KD means that the fanboys would stop complaining, I'm all for it... CW is celebrating an anniversary next year anyway and Intimidator 305 would definitely be a great addition to the park...


At least by next week everyone will be complaining about Carowinds getting a 205 foot hyper instead of a 250 foot hyper.


Who cares about what rides presently exist in Colorado? That has so little to do with the conversation and people's gripes with the ride its flabbergasting.

The person is stating that the only major rides that have come to Colorado recently were a boomerang and an SLC compared to KD's B&M Floorless and Intamn Giga coaster. In fact everyone should be lucky they're getting a giga coaster especially (1) in this terrible economy and (2) after receiving a major coaster (although used) not too long ago while parks like CGA haven't recieived anything major since 1999.

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Just a reminder to some members discussing the look of the speed into the transitions and hills.

These animations that amusement parks use are almost NEVER actually accurate as to the look of speed on the coaster. Seeing how the speed of the train entering the second hill will still be high, I assume there will in-fact be great airtime.

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...and I'm still in shock that people are attempting to compare this to Kawasemi. While it may mirror Kawasemi's layout, Intimidator is set to a MUCH larger scale. The key to the megalite's "ejector" is COMPACT design. Intimidator is the antithesis of compact...it is sprawling.


Kawasemi's swift transitions and jolting airhills don't translate to a coaster this size. Hell, even S:RoS does NOT have Kawasemi's insane air.


All in all, Intimidator will be another swift and graceful Intamin, possibly eclipsing MF's popularity...no need to complain. It will be my ONLY reason to return to KD.


Well said

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^^Agreed--very well put.


I've been a bit puzzled by complaints about Initimidator's size, too. Seems pretty big and sprawling to me. Well, perceptions will probably change as construction progresses.

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I often wonder about what, exactly, the anti-complainer complainers would like to discuss. Whether it's going to be super-awesome or super-duper-awesome?


There's no reason anyone should hold their tongue and be "grateful" for this ride. Cedar Fair is not a charity. They're building a new coaster at King's Dominion because they think it will bring them a greater return on investment to do so. And it's an Intamin giga because the park down the street already has a B&M hyper, not because they love the KD fanboys more than they love you and your local park.


I think it looks pretty good--except for one flaw. Unfortunately, for me, it's a really big flaw. Sure, I could be proven wrong and end up loving the ride anyway. But if I can't hold a negative opinion until after I ride it, then y'all cant have a positive one until you ride it. Which means that you can't tell me the restraints are no big deal.

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I think it looks pretty good--except for one flaw. Unfortunately, for me, it's a really big flaw. Sure, I could be proven wrong and end up loving the ride anyway. But if I can't hold a negative opinion until after I ride it, then y'all cant have a positive one until you ride it. Which means that you can't tell me the restraints are no big deal.


Stated so perfectly.


It boggles the mind how someone can get on this forum and rip apart another poster for saying terrible things about the ride because "you haven't ridden it!". Then turn right around and say "this ride is fantastic! This ride will be a top 10! This has OMG ejector air!"


We've seen a few renderings, just a couple pics and a POV. From this, no one has the ability to decipher whether the ride will be great/good/ok/lousy. Nor can anyone look at a POV and feel any possible air-time and know how intense it is.


All the irrational claims being made on the positive end of the spectrum are no more acceptable than the negative just because they're positive and upbeat.


And just for the record... speed does not equal air-time. You can travel pretty fast over a 'hill' or 'hump' and still not get much or any air-time. Angle of ascent/descent, quickness of the transition... all those play a heavy role in providing air.


Anyways, I think this looks like it will be a fun coaster. First drop could be fantastic. I'm curious how many of those claimed 6 air-time humps will actually provide any real air.


The restraints... I haven't really had any problem with them on Maverick. But, I have a friend who was smashed against them during the transition and ended up having to make a trip to the First-Aid building with a swollen jaw. I think its a combination of body size, track layout, ability to anticipate transitions, and sheer luck when it comes to avoiding smashing your neck/head against the shoulder straps that hover around you.


Personally, I prefer these OSTR to those of Vekoma, Arrow, etc. But they certainly don't offer up the freedom and vulnerability that a simple lapbar leaves you with. I think a lot of coaster enthusiasts really enjoy that open/free/vulnerable feeling that the lap bar offers. It makes the ride more thrilling or... intimidating.


All in all, hope to get down to Virginia next summer to visit some friends and maybe check out this cool new addition to KD.

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I often wonder about what, exactly, the anti-complainer complainers would like to discuss. Whether it's going to be super-awesome or super-duper-awesome?


There's no reason anyone should hold their tongue and be "grateful" for this ride. Cedar Fair is not a charity. They're building a new coaster at King's Dominion because they think it will bring them a greater return on investment to do so. And it's an Intamin giga because the park down the street already has a B&M hyper, not because they love the KD fanboys more than they love you and your local park.


I think it looks pretty good--except for one flaw. Unfortunately, for me, it's a really big flaw. Sure, I could be proven wrong and end up loving the ride anyway. But if I can't hold a negative opinion until after I ride it, then y'all cant have a positive one until you ride it. Which means that you can't tell me the restraints are no big deal.


This pretty much sums it up for me as well...


People who say "wait until you ride it" need to think about why it is they're excited for this ride? One reason is because of their knowledge of past Intamin coasters. You're basing it on what you already know. Well, I'm doing the same thing, I know that I've been on other Intamin's with this type of restraint and I've always had my head bashed side to side into them. I will still go and ride it next summer, it's just a shame that KD wouldn't have went with lap bars.

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I often wonder about what, exactly, the anti-complainer complainers would like to discuss. Whether it's going to be super-awesome or super-duper-awesome?


I think you're mistaken on this point.


This thread consists of pools of reasonableness that are often disrupted with competing waves from either side, crashing against one another.


Differing opinions, OK. Pointless bickering, not OK. It's all in the tone; for example, the rest of your post Erik is quite good.


Yes, I'm looking forward to checking this bad boy out based on past experience with Intamin rides--but I'm not passing any judgment until then.

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After a few days of studying this thing and the Forums I just do not get the massive amount of negativity towards a new Intamin Giga.

Personally I think it is just people trying to get a rise out of other people cause it is so cool to be negative apparently.


It seems like CF wanted it to be different than MF (no overbanks, more ground hugging raw speed moments, more airtime).


Regardless of what ANYONE thinks on this or any other site. the ride will be a HUGE hit at the park and surely bring in the crowds.


Only 8 months to go



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It seems like CF wanted it to be different than MF (no overbanks, more ground hugging raw speed moments, more airtime).


It struck me that it's sort of an amalgam of Cedar Point's big, popular Intamins: Millennium's basic size and feel during the first half, Maverick's high-speed transitions and tone during the second half, and Dragster's race theming.


And with that, a new thought has occurred to me in regards to the restraints: Maybe they went this way because of the transitions. Yes, it can create some uncomfortable neck-chops, but maybe it avoids potential back injuries as peoples' upper bodies are slung back and forth (especially if they lean out the wrong way).


I might be totally smoking dope on that one, mind you. But based on what I think I know about Cedar Fair, that sounds a lot more plausible to me than that they suddenly care about fat people.

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And with that, a new thought has occurred to me in regards to the restraints: Maybe they went this way because of the transitions. Yes, it can create some uncomfortable neck-chops, but maybe it avoids potential back injuries as peoples' upper bodies are slung back and forth (especially if they lean out the wrong way).


I'm glad you said this. I thought of this also, but didn't feel like posting it because I didn't want to get into a big debate about it with someone. I feel the same way, I believe that they are required for such quick transitions. Like you said, if there was just a lap bar only, it might be possible that riders would suffer injuries from whipping around and having nothing to stop/cushion them.

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^Wow, you must be an engineer. Maybe you should call Intamin and give them your input.


I SO want to say something sarcastic here. Intamin did have to rework a section of Maverick track, apparently because of excessive g-forces. Just my eyeballing is telling me that transition could be trouble. Just sayin', is all.


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^Wow, you must be an engineer. Maybe you should call Intamin and give them your input.


I SO want to say something sarcastic here. Intamin did have to rework a section of Maverick track, apparently because of excessive g-forces. Just my eyeballing is telling me that transition could be trouble. Just sayin', is all.


But a transition wasn't changed on Maverick. It was the heartline roll. This coaster should be fine. Besides, if Intamin saw a problem with Maverick's transitions, the transitions on Intimidator 305 likely would be modified versions of Maverick's. Because of the speed and the trains, I'm sure they'll be a bit more spread out than Maverick's quick transitions.

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I really enjoyed riding Maverick at Cedar Point, and Stealth at Thorpe Park. The sensation of airtime, even with the OTSR, was especially prominent on Maverick. Some people have noted a "Karate-Chopping" effect with these devices. I never hurt my neck, like people have said, but received a few bruises when not holding onto the restraint's hand-holds. Maverick's twisted horseshoe roll (one of the more extreme transitions) could have caused most of it.


Despite all that, I felt safe, relatively free, and open during the ride. I think the restraints will work fine for the new coaster, which I think looks awesome. The pacing is relentlessly fast, and barely slows down, especially in comparison to MF's huge overbanked turns. Although there's only 5 or 6 ( I can't remember) moments of airtime, the rides speed and abundance of positive g forces should make up and provide for an exciting ride. I guess I'll have to make a Virginia trip next year.

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