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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I think they would do a complete overhaul on the coaster, adding loops and giant corkscrews and water splashdowns and fire in tunnel and fog effects and seat belt restraints and 130 degree drops with near clossisions of the trees. Yep, only cause about 30 people on this thread don't like the coaster.

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Virginia IS a Southern State. It was part of the originally 13 states of the Confederacy and is considered by most to be the South. Unless someone can post an extremely convincing reason why it shouldn't be considered part of the South, I think we can move on.

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Just to let everyone know. I was joking.

I really do think this ride looks awesome. I was just pointing out to all those people who think the ride looks crap, that there are much worse things that could happen.


Hope I didn't cause any stress.



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I hope these shoulder straps are like the ones on Bakken's new Intamin "spinner" Tornado and the Zac Spins. They are actually quite comfortable. The fact that Tornado had these over the shoulder restraints also caused quite a bit of complaining, but having ridden it, I was quite thankfull that it did.

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Just to let everyone know. I was joking.

I really do think this ride looks awesome. I was just pointing out to all those people who think the ride looks crap, that there are much worse things that could happen.


Hope I didn't cause any stress.




I kind of figured that. I did like Jeff's post and quote from Tropic Thunder, though.

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On CoasterCrew's "In The Loop" podcast tonight, John Pagel (KD's PR guy) clarified the OTSR issue.


As posted on KDFansite:


Stated by John, they are not over the shoulder harness at all like Maverick or farenheit. What you see in the animation is nothing like it. He has not seen them yet, but from the description of what he has is over shoulder lap bars with shoulder straps... so basically, THERE'S NOTHING TO "BANG" YOUR HEAD ON!!! I guessing it's something like a seat belt vs harness... apparently they are brand new.


Sounds like good news!

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On CoasterCrew's "In The Loop" podcast tonight, John Pagel (KD's PR guy) clarified the OTSR issue.


As posted on KDFansite:


Stated by John, they are not over the shoulder harness at all like Maverick or farenheit. What you see in the animation is nothing like it. He has not seen them yet, but from the description of what he has is over shoulder lap bars with shoulder straps... so basically, THERE'S NOTHING TO "BANG" YOUR HEAD ON!!! I guessing it's something like a seat belt vs harness... apparently they are brand new.


Sounds like good news!



I'm guess it will something like Tornado at Bakken, but could they be more of a "nascar style"



MOD EDIT by larrygator: I deleted the YouTube clip of Tornado you embedded, it didn't really show the restraints as well as the clip made by someone else a few posts back.

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I like the seat-belt idea. Even fits the theme very well.


I agree, it gives the ride that Nascar feel like your strapped into a race car. This will also allow them to really play the theme of the ride to the GP. Hopefully this will only heighten the experience that this ride is going to offer. I reserve all real criticism of this ride though until I can ride it, but I have a feeling this is going to be a great ride.

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I like the seat-belt idea. Even fits the theme very well.


I agree, it gives the ride that Nascar feel like your strapped into a race car. This will also allow them to really play the theme of the ride to the GP. Hopefully this will only heighten the experience that this ride is going to offer. I reserve all real criticism of this ride though until I can ride it, but I have a feeling this is going to be a great ride.

They know their audience with this one. It really does look like a 6 point harness system found in racing. Add to that using Dale Earnhardt, who is God to NASCAR people who watched before 2000 to this day, this ride will draw. It would draw even it wasn't a Giga, that is just a bonus.


And I finally saw the POV and I am now excited to see this ride built. I really did not like M Force at all and was expecting more of the same here. I like the fact they went to near the ground turns that have a NASCAR feel to them. It fits the ride and the theme very well.

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They seem to be a big improvement over the ones on Maverick. When I heard about the new coaster the only thing that concerned me was the OTSR. I just remember riding Maverick back in June and thinking this would easily be my #1 or #2 if it wasn't for these restraints. Now that we know exactly the kind we're getting, I'm more excited than ever about this new Intamin coaster.

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I'm relieved that the restraints will be different. Looks far more comfortable. Although I'd prefer nothing over the shoulders as far as restraints go, these sound far better then the restraints in the animation and look like it won't negatively affect the ride too much. All in all good news.


Now I will commence complaining that the planet snoopy theme change will further ruin the Treasure Cave.

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Something tells me its gonna be alot like Goliath at SFMM. Of course with that said, Goliath has a way better layout..etc. But i think its a waste of a drop if you have OTSR and when its followed by a turn.


Sorry, but I just noticed this comment This has to be one of the most moronic comments posted on TPR. We need to start a hall of shame thread and nominate posts like this one. Does anyone think this guy has been on more than 10 coasters? Not me.

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